View Full Version : 250SX Kick Starter Question

05-21-2006, 08:30 PM
What does it mean when the kickstart only catches once in a while? it just seems to kick thru freely once in a while?

Anyone experience this before?

05-21-2006, 08:36 PM
ya my friends 250es does the same thing i bout killed myself

Bryan Raffa
05-21-2006, 10:46 PM
theres two gears in there with teeth on them that ingage on each other locking together after a long time the the teeth will get rounded and will cause it to do that or its simply not engageing. #3 is what im talking about check thoes theres 2 of them.

http://houseofmotorcycles.bikebandit.com/partsbandit/oem_schematic_view~schem_dept_id~175756~section_de pt_id~1~section_dept_name~OEM+%28Stock%29+Parts~de pt_type_id~2~model_dept_year~1985~model_dept_mfr~H onda~model_dept_id~174379~model_dept_name~ATC250SX .asp

05-22-2006, 07:19 AM
Does just the side case needs removed for these to be replaced?

What all is involved with replacing these ratcheting gears?

05-22-2006, 07:50 AM
This is a very common 250 BR and SX problem. The one way bearing has gone.

Does your SX make a wirring noise when you shut it off? like something spinning down?


Hmm Tim, seems you have come across this before heh

05-22-2006, 08:13 AM
This is a very common 250 BR and SX problem. The one way bearing has gone.

Does your SX make a wirring noise when you shut it off? like something spinning down?


Hmm Tim, seems you have come across this before heh

OK - so after reading ALL of the posts about BR's and SX's and one-way bearings - sounds like that is definatly what is wrong - so now comes the question -

Who has purchased one recently? I want to know who has the best price on them. I might as well replace the one on my Big Red as well - it's been doing it for a while now - It is just weird that my BR kick starter is not affected the same way - I just hear the whirring sound at shut down - never ever a problem with the kick start.

05-22-2006, 10:09 AM
yea i hear that whirring but the bigred is not that used it sat for like 18 years we just fixed the thing

05-22-2006, 06:06 PM
I have the same problem with my SX and Brapp does too. Seems to catch everytime once its warm, but when its cold it doesnt like to catch.

05-22-2006, 09:08 PM
Do you know for sure if it's the one way bearing??? I am ready to order one if that's a good diagnosis! Let me know.

05-22-2006, 09:15 PM
Electric start work ;). I wouldnt worry about it. Mine has done it for a year and hasnt shown any adverse symptoms.

05-22-2006, 11:02 PM
Do you know for sure if it's the one way bearing??? I am ready to order one if that's a good diagnosis! Let me know.
My SX does the same thing. Another symptom of a bad one way bearing is that it will disengage at low RPMs while coasting downhill and you have to rev it up a bit to get it to re-engage so that you have some engine braking to help slow you down.

05-23-2006, 08:28 AM
Do you know for sure if it's the one way bearing??? I am ready to order one if that's a good diagnosis! Let me know.

Here is some ways to tell if it is your one-way bearing gone bad:
Kick starter slips when you try to kick start it. 95% chance of a bad one-way bearing.

If you try to pull start it with another machine but the motor won't spin while in gear, or it starts to spin and then stops while still being pulled. 95% chance of a bad one-way bearing.

You get the motor running and you turn it off, you hear a whirling sound coming from the right side of the motor. This some times will be followed by a "CLUNK" and the whirling sound stops. 99.9% chance of a bad one-way bearing.

If all 3 of these above describe what your motor is doing, then you have a 100% chance of it being a bad one-way bearing.

To anyone & everyone that has a 250sx / 250es with this problem:
Failing to fix this can result in a trashed starter splines and a stripped starter gear. The one-way bearing when working properly keeps the motor from spinning backwards when shut off. It also engage the kick starter for starting, and it works to keep your tanny engaged with the motor while going down hill or slowing down ( basically helps use the motor to slow the machine down ). I have been repairing these machines for over 18 years and I have seen a lot of one-way bearing go bad. And I have seen at least 15 starters and gears trashed because the owners were too cheap to replace the one-way bearing.

Something to think about: If you ignore a bad one-way bearing and save the $80-$100 for something else. Then sooner or later you will most likely trash your starter splines, and starter reduction gear. At this point you won't be able to start your machine ( kicker won't work, won't be able to pull start it, and you have a bad starter ). You could also trash your flywheel & stator / generator. This can happen from the pieces of starter splines and or starter reduction gear working it's way into the flywheel. At this point you will need to buy a starter, a starter reduction gear ( some are discontinued now ), Plus you will need to replace the one-way bearing ( so you don't trash another starter again ).
one-way bearing and right side case gasket: aprox $80-100
Starter: Used $25 - $80 / Rebuilt aprox $100 / New $200+
Starter gears: Used $25+ / New Unknown
Generator: Used $25+ / New $250+
Flywheel: used $10-$75 / New $250+
And you will need a left side case gasket: $6-$10

Bottom line is you can save the $80-$100 now. But at some point down the road you will most likely spend 3 to 10 times that amount to fix all the problems ( that were caused by a bad one-way bearing ). It's your machine and it's your money, so do as you wish.

For me I will spend $80-$100 now to avoid having to spend MEGA bucks later. In fact I replace these as soon as I find one bad. If I am working on a machine for someone else I always mention the one-way bearing and explain to them what can happen if it goes bad. At the shop we have effectively saved quite a few machines by pointing out this information.

12-04-2006, 09:08 AM
Just bringing this back to the top to help out a few users that are currently having starter / one-way clutch issues.

12-04-2006, 10:06 AM
Thanks for bringing this back up, I missed this thread the first time. Something I need to watch out for! Where do you usually get the bearings from?


12-04-2006, 09:21 PM
Thanks for bringing this back up, I missed this thread the first time. Something I need to watch out for! Where do you usually get the bearings from?


You don't have a option ( that I have ever found ), you must get these from the dealer. www.servicehonda.com

12-04-2006, 11:28 PM
So, at the dealer just ask for 'one-way starter bearings'. I would rather ask here than look stupid at the dealership, hehe.

12-05-2006, 03:32 AM
mines bad on my sx,now i know.this prob has something to do with the starter gears being messed up(missing teeth sounds like)

thanks,the money pit just got bigger

not as big as the yamaha thou...tee hee

12-05-2006, 09:17 AM
Thanks for bringing this back up, I missed this thread the first time. Something I need to watch out for! Where do you usually get the bearings from?


I am asuming you need one for your 85 Big Red in your signature.
85 250es Big Red, Search for clutch, on the clutch screen you need Item #25

Part Number 91101-HA0-003
Description: CLUTCH, ONE-WAY
List Price $101.25

ServiceHonda.com: $74.07 Cheapest!!!
Partsfish.com: $97.91
Bikebandit.com: $101.25

Hope that helps.

12-05-2006, 09:20 AM
Thanks alot. I'll keep that for future reference.