View Full Version : Is any one here up for some side work on my trikes while I am away?

05-19-2006, 09:49 AM
For those of you who are unaware, I will be leaving for OCS on 28 June so I may return to active duty and serve my country. Being since all my time has been consumed with preparing for this major life changing decision. Several of my trike projects have fallen to the way side. I am looking for some one who will complete them for me. I would like to find a fellow trike enthusiast and some one of strong mechanical and technological knowledge of these old beasts. The local shop that I trust as no interest in taking on such projects for a variety of reasons. So, I must turn to my fellow trikers. I am not looking for any favors here. I will pay for this service. I wish I could complete them myself, but the time and money is just not there right now. I would not normally sub out this sort of work, so I would want them done as though I completed them my self. That means attention to detail and repairing old parts, not replacing them. I am very hell bent on salvaging old parts. I have an 83 YTM 225DX and a chain driven YTM200 of unknown year that are in immediate need of attention. I also have a Tri-Z that only needs finishing touches to be completed. Depending on what I work out and with who will determine the fate of my other projects. If you are interested I will give you further details on all that needs to be done.

I am very apprehensive about contracting out what I love to do. But moving completed running machines is far easier than moving uncompleted projects. Let me know what you all have to say about this request.

05-19-2006, 10:06 AM
I could help you out. Let me know what you need done . Im in n.w. florida.

05-19-2006, 10:24 AM
Here is a brief list to give you an idea.


Complete the engine build. The bottom end is in the frame the top end is in need of installation.

Run all the wiring, hook up the electronics and make sure it all works.

Bolt on all the plastics and accessories.

Give it a good going over and make sure it is perfectly serviceable.


Rebuild top end. It runs, but smokes very badly.

Finish installing all the little details such as mud flaps, racks, and etc.

Make sure the trike is servicable and ready for the trails again.


It has already been completely restored. It any need fluids, a chain, and a final going over to get the bugs worked out.

Those are the most pressing as of right now. I have a couple more that are in need of attention, but these are my first concerns.

05-19-2006, 10:36 AM
i could do it but im in sw florida....

05-19-2006, 10:49 AM
well all i can help with is saying that if you had a four-wheeler you wouldn't have to do that.:postwhore

05-19-2006, 10:52 AM
I mite be able to help you with some things.

05-19-2006, 10:57 AM
well all i can help with is saying that if you had a four-wheeler you wouldn't have to do that.:postwhore

Yeah like this idiot said - cause we all know that 20 year old golf carts never need rebuilt - oh wait, I never see any cause they have all feel apart and are scrapped by now. This tard needs to be :banned:

05-19-2006, 11:05 AM
well all i can help with is saying that if you had a four-wheeler you wouldn't have to do that.:postwhore
Well, all I can say is: Nice first post on a 3 wheeler site. But, Welcome anyways....I guess.:TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn

05-19-2006, 11:26 AM
I say:banned: that coffee table riding P.O.S. :banned: :banned: too!!

05-19-2006, 12:23 PM
Wow. I would not have expected to read something like that. I am sure you are kidding, so I will not take it seriously.

Anyhoo, I do not mean to sound picky. Oh wait, yes I do. I love my trikes and I want to make sure they are in good hands. If any of you are seriously interested in taking on the job, please give me a breif run down of your qualification. No offense, but I do not want a shade tree job. I want a professional and quality job done here. Other than that, I am easy to get along with.

Billy Golightly
05-19-2006, 01:28 PM
Louis, what kind of time frame are you looking for on these things? Are most of the parts already purchased? I might be able to help you out since one of them is already here...:lol:

05-19-2006, 02:18 PM
I will be at OCS for three months. I am not sure how long my training after that will be, but that will at least be another three months. I was hoping to have them done before I got to my first duty station. So there is no rush what so ever.

The YTM you have right now as everything. I have all the parts for it in a container awaiting its return. That is 100% complete. The other YTM is the one that blew up right before the last trikefest. Remember that ordeal? I have a new top end for it, but I would rather just replace what is bad and use the original jug. Hell you saw the yellow Tri-Z I had at the last rumble. It only needs final touches. If you wanted to take them on, that would be a damn near perfect arrangment.

05-20-2006, 12:03 AM
I can't help with your trikes, but i wanted to say thanks for serving! When we run out of people willing to spend a portion of their lives in service to our nation, we are all done. /salute

05-20-2006, 12:26 AM
Thanks Corbin. I agree with you fully. I wish every body would do at least their part to serve the greater good. I know every generation is born with fewer patriots than the one before. There is no excuse not to take responsibility for your freedom.

05-20-2006, 12:39 AM
well all i can help with is saying that if you had a four-wheeler you wouldn't have to do that.:postwhore
if jack would help you on a horse, would you help jack off his horse?:naughty:

05-20-2006, 07:38 AM
I just noticed the screen name. What kind of non riding idiot would think four wheeles would be better than three?

05-20-2006, 08:42 AM
lonesome, i am not well versed in the 200,or the 225 dx. i owned a 225 dx for about 5 years.so i have done a few repairs to them. now as far as t he tri-z goes, well i have been all through mine,front to back top to bottom. i can lend you a hand on that one. i do all my own work on my bikes. i have had all my banshees apart,motors frames evreything,my 250x has been completely done. i have done lt250rs 100% 200x and the list goes on. i have split cases rebuilt trannies,done porting work etc.etc.. i have been a A.S.E MASTERTECH for ten years and turning a wrench on cars for over 17 years. i have rebuilt every aspect of cars and trucks.400 horse motors you name it. so a little background on me. i would be willing to finish off the tri-z for you. that is if you are willing to get to the shipping on her. i usaully only charge 20 per hour for any bike work. how ever,i dont know if i can charge you anything because i enjoy working on them so much. you can ask anyone on here that has ridden with me. my bikes always are in tip top shape and ready for the trails. so if you are interested let me know. if nothing else ship us your seats for these trikes and we can get them done for you while you are away. be careful and thanks for keeping this country free:beer rob

05-20-2006, 08:54 AM
The Z I mentioned needs only a good going over anf final touches. it is a great looking trike. Alomst everything I installed was New or N.O.S. I would like an experiance set of hands on it for the break in. Getting the trike to you would not be a problem, but getting it back might be. If I were going to do that, I may just have you do all the two strokes I have in need of attention.

05-20-2006, 09:19 AM
i can do whate ever you need done. as long as it is not on rush schedule.i do not like to work under rediculous dead lines. no motor i have built has ever grenaded. my wifes banshee has 600 hours on it and still going strong but is getting a little low on compression finally. i have room for maybe 2 complete bikes in my garage. if i take my atc 90 in the basement(which i am planning on doing anyhow) i would have enough room. but if you need some engines done,i can help out there too. i always break in my engines 12-16 hours before honing on them. if you ship me the tri-z keep your nos plastic at home.i have some old stuff i can throw on there so that wont get any scratches on it. i even have some rear tires i can throw on her to save on the shipping costs.plus i have 3 acres to ride them on and a local track and 100 acres of woods all within a half mile of my house to test the bikes on.these are some pics of my rides and my tri-z how i brought it home in peices and the finished product. i did the z for 1600 bucks total.

05-20-2006, 09:30 AM
The only issue I have with you doing some of my other two strokes is the fact I already have them tucked away. The three trikes I mentioned are in the way and have to be completed. My other biulds have already been stored and are waiting for me to get a home. I really do not want to pull them out right now. I was thinking I could take them to trike fest with me then send them home with you. but again, how would I get them back. plus taking them out of storage will be a pain. I'll just keep it simple and focus on the three in question. How are you at not only two stroke engine biulds, but increasing there out put as well? I have some engines in need of assembly, but I was certain things done to them.

05-20-2006, 09:42 AM
my engine guy,jes at dirt road cycles,has 17 years porting and decking a messing with cc squish experience. he has ported 2 motors for me. both run great. i would need to know the engines in question here. i can pm you my phone number. it might be easier to talk that way.as far as for trike fest, i am bringing a 17 foot *Edited*-haul truck. i will have my z and 250 x inside that and camping stuff. on the back,i will have 3 banshees on a 12 foot trailer. i am going to reserve the *Edited*-haul this week and i think i can get the tri-z in there for the trip home. as far as getting the machine back to you,as long as it is not winter and snow all over the ground,i could prolly meet you in like virginia when you are ready for it,if you want to pay me gas money and such. as far as shipping a whole atv, i have never done that. i have shipped frames and engines but never a whole bike. i would think i would have to crate the bike,drive up to richfield ohio and drop it at yellow frieght terminal and ship it to your nearest yellow frieght terminal. that might be pricey. i would think at least 300 to 500 bucks to do that.but if ya want to talk more extensively,let me know with a p.m and we can exchange phone numbers.rob

05-20-2006, 09:49 AM
The issue with getting it back to me is, I have no idea where I will be getting stationed. For all I know, I will get sent straight to Iraq once my training is over with. I'll send you a PM with my number or vise versa, but I will not be able to talk until later on this evening. Oh yeah, and shipiing will be stupid money. The cost seems to have gone up. (go figure with gas prices)

05-20-2006, 09:55 AM
right on the shipping prices. i also know there are companies that will ship stuff like that. a buddy of mine got a olds 442 shipped from north carolina to ohio for 300 bucks. it did not run and the engine was in peices. they picked it up and drove it up here on a truck a dropped it in his driveway. that might be an option. if you will be gone for a while,once the trike is finished i can put it in the basement and it can sit there for as long as you need it to.go ahead and pm me and i will be home this evening for sure. nascar is on.lol

05-20-2006, 09:58 AM
Any other takers on the YTM's?


05-20-2006, 10:07 AM
I'd love to do it but there is quite a distance between me and you. I love rebuilding trikes and I have a few sitting out there in the garage to be "refurbished" after I finish my 350X.. rebuilding a trike for someone else would be awesome because you don't cry when you total up the receipts, and you get to see the look on their faces/reaction once it is returned to them. That is worth everything.

05-20-2006, 10:07 AM
LonesomeTRIZ, my hats off to people like you. Days after my 18th birthday I tried to get in the military and serve my country. How ever after many attemps, over a couple years time I couldn't get in ( problems with my arms ). I tried every branch without success. If there was a way I could get in now I still would. It really sucks wanting to serve your country but can't ( via the service ).
Since I can't serve, I wave my flag and try to do as much as possible back here to support the ones that can and do serve. If I can help let me know.

A shipping solution here:
LonesomeTRIZ, you bring them to TF and send them home with moshman355. moshman gets them done and sets them to the side. From here there are 2 options:
1 ) Later this year when Billy gets his track going, and I ( or someone else )visit we could possibly bring it with us. This gets the machine back to Florida.

2) moshman brings the machines to TF07 and sends them with who ever can haul them back to Florida ( Billy, or ? ). This would give moshman plenty of NO rush time on them.

These options would depend on Billy or another memeber ( You Trust ) down that way to haul & or store them for you, until you pick them up.

These options may or may not work for you, but at least it gives you more options.


05-20-2006, 10:29 AM
good thoughts howdy. i cant commit to trikefest 07 yet,but in any sense i could get the trike to you or someone like billy i could meet on the way back if i dont make trikfest 07.but i am hoping to get to 07 trike fest.

05-20-2006, 10:34 AM
Those are good ideas. The only problem is my duty station. I will be coming through Florida again, but hopefully on my way out. I hate Florida so very much. I am trying to get stationed in Oklohoma or Colerado. (spelling?)

Howdy, the fact that you tried as hard as you did say a lot about you. Many people now at days feel they are too good to take responsibility and believe it is a job for some one else. These people sicken me to no end.

05-20-2006, 10:47 AM
moshman, I am sure you and I will meat up during the year, so I don't think TF07 is a problem. I can't commit to TF07 either, but I am sure I can get it from here to there safely.

I would think we would also have members coming to TF from out West. It's very possible that we can get it / them piggy back that way as well. We will take care of you!!

05-20-2006, 10:58 AM
what ever it takes. i can drive somewhere within 300 miles of here. i cant explain what trusting person lonesome is to have people take care of his stuff for him.wheter he goes with me or whoever to do his work.lets do the trike and riding community proud and return a great service to lonesome, like he will service our country,to keep it a free nation so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have.like riding and camping.

05-20-2006, 11:06 AM
I was hoping not to trouble any one. I would not want there to be a big deal over my trikes. putting people out is not something I try to do. My biggest problem is not wanting to let them go. If I just sell them off, I would end the whole delema. but I love my trikes and I want to see them back on the trail again. I just can not help but feel giving them up IS NOT an option. It is like giving up a member of the family.

05-20-2006, 11:31 AM
well,like many of us on here,i`m not nearby either,but would like to give you my salute for serving...i served in desert storm and if the politicians had let us finish the job right,you wouldn`t be having to go now,but that`s after the fact....be safe and come back in one peice,ok?

05-20-2006, 11:34 AM
Thanks Oldman. I know nothing will happen to me because I have too much to do when I get back. :lol:

05-20-2006, 06:50 PM
I am going to be taking a big lowboy trailer to TF. I am already hauling an extra quad there for another member, along with 2-3 of my own trikes. I bet I could get another 4-6 trikes on that trailer. If you can get them to me, or maybe Lomax in Atlanta, TX I will be happy to hand them over to the Moshers next month. Honestly, if the trailer was one inch wider, it would be illegal, and it is about 26 feet long.

I am happy to do this, if you are interested.

05-20-2006, 07:31 PM
I was going to see if Lomax would want the job, but I had no way of getting them to him. I'll check and see if he wants to do it. Thanks man.

05-21-2006, 01:07 AM
In that case, if you can get someone to take them to TF, I can drop them off with Lomax. Whatever you decide, if I am able to carry them on a leg of the journey, it is no problem to strap them down on that big trailer. Let me know.

05-21-2006, 08:03 AM
I sent a message to Will. I'll let you know what he says after I get response. I worked a deal with Billy, but I have a feeling he will be way too busy, and is just too nice ti tell me know. :lol: