View Full Version : grinning!

05-17-2006, 10:10 PM
Well today my dad came home from work today grinning from ear to ear. :w00t: i asked for a the carb diagram a yesturday and my dad brought it to his buddy on the train and he looked it over for like 40 minutes what does he ask next? how did *Edited* put your floats in, possibly upside down? omg and we are 99.9% percent that there upside down! It is true it starts with the float upside down ay! well holy crap this makes so much sense why it bogs! saturday we will know for sure. we also got the specs on the carb :w00t: !!!!!! Know what i mean? on the ytm200ek carb it looks from the outside that the floats look like they would be the "half moon" facing up when actually there facing down!! get what im saying i dont really no how to discribe it! sorry anyone get me?


at this site i can help describe it more! number 18 on my bike we think is fliped the other way. We thought that since above the number 23 "on the carb" it looks as if the floats would go the other way? understand now? :wondering

05-17-2006, 10:16 PM
You really really need to make one designated thread for this thing... or better yet a whole forum just for it! LOL

05-18-2006, 12:05 AM
are the floats in the carb upside down? I did that once and the gas doesnt go into the bowl.
turn the drain screw on the carb, if gas comes out of the overflow hose, you know you have gas in your carb.

yes i got gasi just checked and i have tryed many times pullin with the throttle open no go... i think this bike is shoot......

Now go and try this: On the carb, there is a little screw at the bottom of the float bowl (right beside the overflow hose) loosen it and tell me if gas pours out of the hose.
Start with the easy stuff first.

yes gas system is fine guarenteed carb is so clean you can eat outta it and there are new seats and needles so carb and gas system isnt the prob..

Go loosen that screw and see if gas comes out, its not hard to put the float in upside down, it fits both ways easily.
Dont post again til you try it. Your carb could be brand new but if youinstalled the float upside down, no gas will be getting in the carb

no i know for a fact it gets gas because i recently took the carb off and there was gas in the bowl so no the gas isnt the prob for the 10th time...


You sure you went through everything everyone posted and tried it??

How can you diagnose a problem if you dont rule things out........:postwhore

05-18-2006, 08:27 AM
You really really need to make one designated thread for this thing... or better yet a whole forum just for it! LOL

aahahahaha, yeah hes right, and im pretty sure i can remeber some one telling you there was probably somthing wrong with your float.

05-18-2006, 04:18 PM
lol yep sorry guys hardheadedness runs in my family lol but seriously lol thanks guys for all the help so far and to who eve posted the float idea lol thanks again man and then for all the repeated people that said no its your timing lol bull

05-19-2006, 07:39 PM
and then for all the repeated people that said no its your timing lol bull


From all the guys who wasted their own "TIMING" trying to help you----Thanx