View Full Version : One trikes story...

05-13-2006, 04:22 AM
One trikes story,

For many long years I was ridden from place to place, dumped and crashed about, and usually always left out in the rain. Many have ridden on me, abused me, and finally traded or sold me. Marked and abused, covered in dirt, and barely rideable. I was left in a barn and forgotten about.

One morning, I was hauled off to a place where there were others like me. The clanking of machinery could be heard, hammer blows, the clatter of broken metal, and, finally, the most horrible sounds imaginable the Crunch of Doom - The remnants of once shapely forms were piled in what looked like mountains. Sadness filled the air, as we waited to be placed onto the rusty heap.

Gone were the trails and the familiar aroma of a mud bath. We were banned, banished, and on our way to oblivion.

Suddenly someone approached us. He had a bald head, and big grin, and called us "Three wheelers." He loaded us One by one onto his old pickup truck. We were taken to a dimly lit garage, carefully removed and examined by faces we had never seen before. Occasionally they would take a few pieces of us, others pieces placed into boxes, and then the boxes would disappear out the door. What was to become of me??? The Ghost of a once great three-wheeler??? I would soon find out.

Now, worse off then when I got there, I was tossed in a box and sent on a journey that lasted days. "What now?" I wondered, would this be the end. Then finally the box opened. Suddenly, the handling was gentle, just like my first owner who once loved me had treated me. Carefully, I was taken to a brightly lit garage, where I recognized the tools and smells of someone who worked on things, and it was clean. With an eye for detail, he examined each and every part of me. Sometimes I would sit alone for days or weeks, but then he would appear again, a kind smile on his face, with a new part or tool that I knew he had gotten - just for Me!

Finally, after the workbench was crowded with things, my new owner came in with a look of determination on his face. He said... "You are going to kick ass again..! That's a promise..."

I was excited, but scared! Some of the others who had worked on me did a horrible job, they were only worried about getting me back on the trail. I bare many scars or their labors. What is my new owner going to do to me?

The job started by tearing me limb from limb completely scattering me throughout the garage. Sometimes I was stubborn, and would only let go with a shriek, but my owner patiently worked. My rusty, worn, weary parts were scrubbed, painted, and lined up on the bench. Part by part I was coming together, my youthful vigor quickly returning as each missing piece is replaced, and with a final "twist of the wrench," - I was back! Beautifully restored.

Yet, as happy as I felt, there was still a great emptiness.- was I doomed to be a showpiece? Would I ever again know the joy of Blasting down the trail and splashing through the mud?

Well, Today is a Special Day, Today is when I once again have truly become Whole. Even though my new owner was at first awkward with me, and tentative of my horsepower, he never once dumped me to the ground, or banged me into trees. In spite of my brand new plastic, and perfectly painted finish, We have become familiar with each other. The feeling of blasting down the trail and the smell of a good mud bath has returned to me. The scars of the past now replaced with the love and trust of my new owner. We are tired, we are muddy, but we are One...

I'm a banned, banished, busted, and beaten trike no more! The days of mud, Trails, Hills and Spills have returned!

And a message for the 4-wheeleres out there... Who's Yo' Daddy??? I AM!!! :lol:

I dedicate my revival to all those who will run no more, and die so I may live. In your honor, I pledge to be a faithful friend to my new owner.

3-wheelers 4-ever

My friends trike asked me to post this for other trikes to read. :D
All the abuse has made his trike a little :crazy:

:D :D :D

05-13-2006, 07:18 AM
Great story needs too be printed off and framed for my shop in Big bold Print

05-13-2006, 08:51 AM
Hang on a minute I have to grab a tissue!!! I think the story was great,also.I will be putting a copy up in the shop for all of my trikes to see!!

05-13-2006, 09:09 AM
That was freakin beautiful man! :cry: :lol: :beer

05-13-2006, 09:30 AM
Wow thats awesome. Did you write that or someone else... Im gonna print it!

05-13-2006, 10:24 AM
i think i'm gonna cry.

05-13-2006, 11:16 AM
Man, that was beautiful:cry: EVerybody, go out and give your trike a good nice hug or take her for a quick lil' spin. And for those of you with 20 trikes, youlll be busy all day.

05-13-2006, 11:39 AM
Great read! Beautiful writing Muddy!


Billy Golightly
05-13-2006, 11:44 AM
Got me all choked up man...it was beautiful....

Yamaha Tri-Moto
05-13-2006, 12:10 PM
So Beautiful. Brought a tear to my eye.

05-13-2006, 02:22 PM
I got goosebumps. Well written, thats going up in my garage.

05-13-2006, 02:31 PM
Hits ya right here-;)
Beautiful man!

ATC crazy
05-13-2006, 02:37 PM
Very nicely written! I loved it!

05-13-2006, 08:17 PM
that was great i enjoyed it!

05-13-2006, 08:46 PM
Very thoughtful and creative!!!!! Thanks, I enjoyed that while bored at work.

05-13-2006, 11:04 PM
Good job that awesome! :w00t:

05-13-2006, 11:27 PM
very good story man.... start a series..

05-14-2006, 03:36 AM
AWESOME!! :TrikesOwn

05-14-2006, 07:52 AM
wow, nice work dude. Even if it is mothers day, I think I should spend the day with my trike instead, lol

05-14-2006, 11:06 AM
Printing as I type....that was good, never thought I would see it from the trikes view point. Good Work!