View Full Version : fell in love with the big red

05-11-2006, 08:29 PM
A friend of mine has a 86 big red and he is letting me use it for a week and i have fallen in love with it. it is defently my next machine. There great for every thing. and i was wondering what kind of oil goes in the rear end. HEs had it for 15 years and he has never changed it.

05-11-2006, 10:23 PM
I hope you win that 5 dollar raffle trike @ TF06 ,,, bigreds are a nice utilty trike.
Check out my little avatar pic.


Yep.... that's a nice pic, even though the riders intentions were to soak the photographer! LOL

Yep.... if I don't get my fiancee's Yamaha running right, I'll be losing my Big Red to her. She was saying the other day if it was OK to have more than one trike. I was like...hmmmm... yes dear. hahaha

Their cattle dog jumps on the rear rack and rides out to get the cows. Pretty smart dog.... instead of running around, he let's Amy drive and he barks at them from the rear rack! She was down to my house this weekend, when she went back there was some wire on the back of the BR. She asked her Dad and he was like... ummmm yeah... I had to do some fencing. Getting married is really complicated. I have to figure out which trikes to leave up to her family's farm, and which ones to keep here at my farm. BTW, when are you coming down to ride?


05-11-2006, 10:28 PM
big reds are great work machines id recomend getting one.

05-11-2006, 11:56 PM
you have got to do up some pics of the cattle dog ! I can only imagine what that must look like. Is it riding on that rear cover i sent back home with you (?) ,,,, if not you really could make it a wee bit more comfortable - lol ! It probbly wouldn't take kindly to fencing material though ,,,,

After the honeymoon would probbly be better for a ride i would think.


Yep.... the dog like's that cushioned seat! We are going to add some canvas to the top of that cushion to make it more rugged for the dog claws! hahhaa I'll try to take some pictures this weekend of the dog on the trike chasing cows.

05-12-2006, 11:12 AM
Big reds are awesome trikes. They go through just about anything and they float. I got 2 85s and wouldnt trade them for nuthin. Yard work hauling logs and wood, I use mine for every thing especially trail riding. Its great to pull a quad out of the woods on an old trike. plus mine have seen very hard lives and they just wont die!!! I LOVE 'EM

And consider your self lucky that your dog rides on the back cuz mine wont. Ill be working and she'll come over and sit right in front of me until I let her up on my lap and take her for a ride up the road. Then she is alright for a while.


05-12-2006, 11:24 AM
Yeah I dont have 3 big reds and an SX for no reason! They are the best all around trike and bullet proof.

05-12-2006, 08:13 PM
I really like my 84 BR, my brother in law has an 83 BR and I'm restoring my 83 big red, they are a really good tool if you have a yard, I use mine every weekend with the dump cart.