View Full Version : 200s need some help

05-10-2006, 06:31 PM
I finally got the bike running, decent, it idles. but I went though 3 plugs today in like 3 hours, they are all black and souty. I can clean them and it'll run, with alot of pulls but it sucks lol.

The air/fuel adjustment front side of the carb, by the intake manifold right? What's a good adjustment?

I had the bike from starting with like 15 pulls. and now it's like 2-3, and idles, before it cut out. is first gear really short? I can only go a couple of feet before it revs out, and I have to shift, 2nd is my main gear, until it's running right. the no suspension rear axle is kick ass, it sucks on bumps but and flater areas it's amazing.

I was looking though these forums since monday. and it's helped alot. I wish I had a 200x for the kickstart, but I got this for free from a friend that didn't use it anymore, has a 05 banshee.

After i got it too idle, I rode for about 20 minutes, and my step dad rode some too, I'm surprised he isn't hurt, lol. no brakes, front or rear. the shoes where tooken out for some reason, or thier low. I just downshift to engine brake, works pretty good. But it started to die on me, after it'd idle I assumed the plug in thier now is toast. Thier champion's because the local shop didn't have any ngk's.

Thank you. :D

05-10-2006, 06:40 PM
Champion... Theres your problem! LMAO, And your probably running ritch too. Bump the needle notch up one and see if that helps. Allso... are you running 2 stroke mix?

05-10-2006, 06:51 PM
the air fuel screw is under the carb...like where it connects to the motor look down and there will be a screw in the cut out of the fuel bowl....the thing on the side is the idle adjust. the mix screw should be 2 1/4 turns out.

side not...when they say 2 1/4 turns, is one turn 360 deg or 180 degrees?

what size tires are on the back and whats the gearing? if they are different than stock itll accelerate quick and need to shift quicker, or your centrifugal clutch is slipping, causing it to rev high really fast.

brakes are easy to fix on the machine. mfgsupply.com has new pads and cables and levers for front and rear. very easy to fix

im me on AIM sometime, i have the manual i can send you...screenname m20deepa20


05-10-2006, 07:09 PM
Why would i run two-stroke mix? it's it a 4-stroke..or am i mistaken...

The clip on the needle..is..up 2 from top..I move it to second from bottom, the middle...and no change. I got 5 plugs and got it running I'm not complaining, money's tight, I got 7 dollars left for gas if i get a job, lol.

air screw 2 1/4 allright. I know where it is. just making sure.

The tires are stock? they look like eh' 10's? I'll check when it stops raining. First gear is almost non-existent..It's like my slow down gear before neutral. to turn the bike off or tweak it. Oh and it's really hard to downshift, I can do it, but no one esle seems to be able to do it. second and first are hard the rest are fine. I can do it wiht my hand, and if i lean back a little and pull hard, it clicks right in, but just riding it won't go in everytime, so i have to do one a the two stated

I tried you site like 10 times..I was like everyone says to go here..i looked up your posts and found out you don't have your site anymore, that's a bummer. but at least i searched.

I would say a turn is 360..but i don't know for sure.

05-10-2006, 07:21 PM
Turns are 360,get a ngk plug, and someone before you probably has it jetted for different elevation.I would drop the main jet one size at a time,they are only a few bucks each.A properly jetted 200s,should start on 1-3 pulls max! Make sure you get the right size plug also.I have a 200x head pipe that will go on a 200s,just need to make a small cut in the plastic,but they really open those 200s up!If your interested email me!The main jet on the s should be a 105

05-10-2006, 08:36 PM
I'm a noob at this kinda work, but how can i tell what size a jet is? will it be stamped on the jet?

good news...it's not as rich anymore, or lean or what ever it was lol, the plug on the outside metal is black but the white part is a light brown.

Bad news, won't start now. try'd oh 10 times to pull start it, and nothing. my stepdad popped the chain and stalled it, i think he was in 3rd gear, maybe? I gotta check the fuel level but it's raining again, it's prolly out of gas.

atcsteve, I'd take you up on that offer but i have no money to spare. I do have some spare parts, off of various bike's if you want to trade, or something. If it's cheap and you want to wait until next week or so, I can maybe buy it. in cutting the plastic do you mean the head pipe comes out like a dirtbike, or just is thicker and has differant angles in it?

the ngk plug and jets are going to have to wait, until i sell my car, should be this weekend (bro's dad is buying it, for 2-3 hundred.)

About the jetting, I could be wrong, but I'm assuming it's all stock, and the oil prolly has never been changed either. but i could be wrong it's a old bike, and has had alot of owners.

I think I can return the champions and get a couple ngk's, if there about the same.

05-11-2006, 04:45 PM
Choke is all the way up right? If so it was running and starting without choke. Should I use some ether to start it?

05-11-2006, 05:01 PM
Ether can equal big problems. All it takes is a small amount like a second or two squirt if you want to use it. But really, it should start without it....

05-11-2006, 05:19 PM
I don't have any, anyways.

05-11-2006, 08:53 PM
Yea the pipe is more on the outside,rather than underneath.I dont need it,and its nothing fancy,so you can have it,just pay a little on shipping!Yes the jet size is stamped on the jet.You probably just need a good carb cleaning,fresh gas,and a new plug.CHANGE THE OIL,its cheap,easy and needed!!Shoot me a email for the pipe.Good luck