View Full Version : I found the oil leak, any tips??

05-08-2006, 09:42 PM
Ok, I've got an '83 honda 200e, got her running (finally) and runs great. fires right up with a pull or electric start and no smoke. Bad news is there's a wicked oil leak that just started. I've narrowed it down to a screw/bolt on the left side of the engine, not one that is holding the flywheel on, but closer towards the main engine bottom (not sure what that part of the engine is called :confused: , its silver, not black like the subtranny, flywheel case or recoil). Any idea what it could be or what that part of the engine is? I'll post a pic if anyone wants... I just want to ge this this going!!!!!

05-08-2006, 10:06 PM
Is it just below the shifter at near the bottom of the case with a large 6 sided hex on it. That would be your oil drain plug! It might be cracked or the oring might be missing.