View Full Version : got a ticket riding tonight

05-01-2006, 12:18 AM
well it was a nice sunday afternoon and me and my cousin desided we wanted to know witch bike was the king...my 350x or his crf150 dirtbike...the 350x was king by the way....well we made about 4 runs the last time we made the run i was on the bike and he was on the 350x....so we go back to pick up are friend that had been filming it....and right as we stop to pick him up we see two cop cars sitting at the end of the street....they haddnt seen us yet so we take off down the other end of the road....and of course one cop came up one end and the other comes up behind us....and they never saw us take off so we stopped and got are tickets so we wouldnt get it for running from the cops....they wrote us up for reckless driving wich when they spotted us we were only doing about 15 or 20 mph so we think we were wrote up wrong and we hope they will change it to driving a unlicenced vehicle....it was a bummer the only reason we ride down there is because its a back road...pretty much a ally and several people that live around there ride there bikes and atvs back there.....and i think the only reason they wrote us up was they were concerned that the 350x wassint considered a motorcycle....well i guess ill be in court june 7th...sorry for the long story just needed to vent

PS. dosent any body know where the info on motorcycles being considered 2 and 3wheels is?

05-01-2006, 03:01 AM
well i got news for um 3 wheels=motorcycle look sum times you'll c people on 3 wheel cycles honda gold wings ect

05-01-2006, 04:01 AM
but it says on the tag not for on the road use or something to that effect. I think it is on a manufacturers tag, or on the title if you have that.

the great gazoo
05-01-2006, 08:33 AM
When I got popped last year(on a 4wheeler) the ticket read"operating a mini-bike on a public roadway", man are they ever behind the times here.

05-01-2006, 08:56 AM
you can beat that ticket if you really wasnt driving reckless, those are false charges. they should have charged you with improper registration or something to that effect, or operating a off-road vehicle on a public highway. talk to your local judge to see if he'll nock it down to improper registration ,it wont effect your points on your license.

05-01-2006, 10:00 AM
yeah...the cops said they got calls that we were racing but when they got there we were riding slow down another back road to get home....so far my uncle and my friends dad both say they think we were written up wrong

05-01-2006, 11:49 AM
Fight that crap..we are behind you.

wheelie king
05-01-2006, 03:31 PM
If you fight it, you might come up short, depending on your laws. Some states constitute reckless driving for even operating an off road or ATV on the roadway. Especially of they have someone that complained. True, you might get it dropped to a unauthorized motor vehicle on the highway (or something like that), but both that charge and the reckless charge are probably just traffic misdemeanors of the same level/degree. No more punsihment for one versus the other. In Florida, we have 2 that can apply- Failure to register a motor vehicle (which is criminal), or Operating an ATV on Public Roadway- which is a non criminal moving violation. Either way, they get you where it hurs......THE WALLET :p

05-01-2006, 04:31 PM
you would of never got the ticket if someone didn't complain. the old rail road beds around here a state own, and we wave to the cops when they pass us crossing the road, and they wave back. But if tareing up state property you get the bike impounded 300 bucks to get it out.

05-03-2006, 02:08 AM
well as of right now i dont think we will fight it....my cousin(he was wrote up on my 3wheeler and i was wrote up on the dirtbike) he talk to a friend of his who is a police officer and he said its a class 6 misdomenor and the driving a unlicense vehicle is a class 1.....he said the judge will must likely reduce it to the class 1 and we must likely will have nothing to worry about.....me and my cousin both have clean records and both have perfect driving records....so i think the judge will be easy on us...i hope

05-03-2006, 02:12 AM
Either way, they get you where it hurs......THE WALLET :p
i would much rather it hurt my wallet then to do community service or maybe some jail time....i believe second or 3rd time offenders for reckless driving can get up to a year in prison :twisted:

05-03-2006, 07:03 PM
Thanks for racing on the streets, its idiots like you that are a big part of the reason we all lost public riding lands 20 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-03-2006, 10:26 PM
well honestly i dont know about any other state but i know in jersey and maine you can get a quad (trike) registered for onroad use.... BUT it has to be in a condition of emergency OR on a back road were the risk of death or injury is not as high also *Edited* can ride it on shoulders of semi busy streets

05-04-2006, 02:07 AM
Reckless driving in Texas can get you thrown in jail. My friends got thrown in the slammer last week whilst driving the wheels of their crotch rockets for exactly that, reckless driving.

Good thing you were wreckless!

Yeah man, don't mess around on public roads, and if you do, hey you run the risk. You got caught, and even though I hope you get the charges dropped, be ready to bite the bullet.

05-04-2006, 09:40 AM
Oh man, thanks to this thread i totally forgot about my ticket which im atleast 2weeks behind on lol,

05-04-2006, 12:03 PM
Thanks for racing on the streets, its idiots like you that are a big part of the reason we all lost public riding lands 20 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well if we had public riding lands we wouldnt have to ride on the streets....the closest place to ride around here is like an hour and a half away

05-04-2006, 12:17 PM
well if we had public riding lands we wouldnt have to ride on the streets....the closest place to ride around here is like an hour and a half away

Then you better get a pick up or a trailer. Just as cheap as a ticket.
I have friends in L.A. that have to drive 2 1/2 hours away to ride!
They do it every weekend.

05-04-2006, 01:02 PM
I'm in south jersey I got 2 tickets for riding on state land in a little town called Alloway A game warden got me and 2 of my freinds $75.00 each. The worest thing is I work for the State on New Jersey and he did not care.

05-04-2006, 01:05 PM
Around here the cops vary, ou can be lucky and get the ones who tell you to push it or tell you to take it easy on the roads, and then you get the others who are total dicks and go all out with the "who do you want to tow your bike" and " its getting impounded"..