View Full Version : 350X Valve help

04-28-2006, 12:47 PM
I have my engine all tore apart. I really didnt plan on doing this till after trike fest but one thing turns into another and you all know how that goes. I have found that i have a stock piston :w00t: and its still in good shape and measures in the service limit also the sleeve is close to spotless and also in spec. The ring gap was out so it looks like i am going to need a set of rings. Rig gap was .66 mm i think the max is .55mm ? Do theses valves look normal? Is that normal to be crusted up like that? what do i need to do with these? Also is there anything else i should look at while I have the top end apart? I have already checked the cam,tensioner, cam chain, cam sprocket and they all are fine? What else do i need to check or replace?

Also i have found that i had two top rings on my piston? The top and the second ring both have a T on them? what would that have done?

04-28-2006, 02:58 PM
Anyone? :wondering

04-28-2006, 03:27 PM
Yum carbon! lol I'd make sure the valve seats are clean and give the faces a good scrub with a wire brush or S.O.S. pad. That looks to be just carbon build up from some 20 years of use. lol

04-28-2006, 03:40 PM
Thanks Big Green!

So just a good cleaning and I should be good to go? I was suprised how good everything looked. Obviously the previous owner had put rings on it because there were two top rings installed. At least I know what is in it and what kind of shape it is in.


04-28-2006, 10:45 PM
Clean up the carbon, Pop the valves out if you Have the tools, and clean the seats, lap the valves (re-grind if nessacary) and Get that Carb Leaned up holy Crap its rich...LOL

04-28-2006, 11:08 PM
*Break one of your old rings and use it to clean out the ring grooves by digging the dirt and carbon out.

*Clean the top of the piston, valves and valve head. Taking the valves out and replacing the valve oil seals (Green seal on the guied) then doing as my trike sucks said.

*The very top ring has a small bevell and both have T's marked in them to show the top of the ring. when putting the oil ring in, the gold peice goes first.

***EDIT*** That piston allmost looks perfect. Must have kept a good maintanance on her!

04-29-2006, 01:31 AM
have the deck surface and head checked to be sure they are strait. i would replace the valve seals and have a three angle valve job done also. be sure to tighten both cam gear bolts in order or you'll end up like me with a broke cam and bent valves. :(

05-01-2006, 10:52 AM
have the deck surface and head checked to be sure they are strait.:(

I checked the flatness on everything its all in spec. I have access to several coordinate measuring machines that check with in 5 microns or so. Thats what I do for a living ;)

be sure to tighten both cam gear bolts in order or you'll end up like me with a broke cam and bent valves. :(

Punch side first. Thanks for pointing that out.

What does it cost to have the valves done? I dont have the tools to do this? Also where? Honda shop?

Thanks for the replys!

05-01-2006, 11:39 AM
My local machine shop said $40.00 for a 3 angle valve job.

05-02-2006, 04:28 PM
The exhaust valves are too dark, which means too much oil through worn rings, too much fuel from carb or tuning problems or weak ignition. The exhaust valves should be cleaner than that, near white.

New rings at least, and hone it. Lap the valves and valve seats.

05-02-2006, 04:45 PM
looks like theres a crack between the valves? in the pic on the right.

05-02-2006, 09:36 PM
Thats just normal carbon buildup on a stock 350x engine. Clean her up (the carbon) and thow it back together and your good to go. If there wasnt any carbon then you would be in big trouble. All thats there is normal. I woundt worry about the valve sets unless your haveing problems with them. lap then and your probably good to go.

05-03-2006, 02:56 PM
Thanks For the replys. Looks like all I need is a set of rings a gasket set and some elbow grease. :w00t: Obvioulsy the engine has been apart before because I had two top rings on the piston. Both rings have T's marked on them and the second one wasnt beveled like the manual shows??? :wondering Now if i can it running again before trikefest I will be a happy dude. :beer