View Full Version : Pic of my 86 250R

03-19-2003, 03:12 PM
I'm new to the board and would like to know how to post pics, do you have a readers rides page?

03-19-2003, 04:27 PM
That R is absolutely freakin beautiful, my friend!!

1. You obviously know how to psot pics...heh

2. Yep, THeres Howdy or "HondaATC"...Im sure Howdy will reply here and tell ya where to email him the "reader's rigs" submissions.


03-19-2003, 04:42 PM
Thanks for the compliment, yes I know how to post I just don't know were any help would be appreciated.

03-19-2003, 04:42 PM
Howdy's email address is 4howdy@bright.net. He posted a while back saying he wanted some submissions anyways. What did you do with that thing, buy it and hide it in a shed? Very nice!!!

03-19-2003, 05:31 PM
I ride this bike almost every weekend I just keep it detailed, the guy i bought it from keep it in a garage for 12 years, he told me in the last 5 yrs. he has rode the trike only 3 times he hated to sell it but his wife said it must go, so im the lucky one.

03-19-2003, 05:32 PM
what a beautiful ride 8)

03-19-2003, 05:43 PM
Awsome ride,
That thing is absolutely MINT! You don't see many mint trikes now a days, it a shame. Is that an FMF silencer and pipe? I like it, makes the whole thing shine. Anyways, Welcome to the board!

ATC crazy
03-19-2003, 05:54 PM
That is one awesome ATC. I saw that on Ebay a while ago. :shock: It was so sweet that I set it as my wallpaper for months. Nice find. If you ever get tired of it ( :rolleyes: ) you can send it to me :D j/k

03-19-2003, 06:02 PM
Do you have any other pics of it? Differn't angles, or even some action shots :twisted:...?

03-19-2003, 06:48 PM
No other pics at the moment, action pics coming soon, thanks for all the compliments guys I love this R. ohh and ATC Crazy you are absolutly correct that is the trike that was on E-bay in july from Nebraska To Louisiana, isnt E-Bay awsome, how else would 3-wheeler fanatics like us be able to find such rare gems.

ATC crazy
03-19-2003, 07:12 PM
I have more pics of it ;)

03-19-2003, 07:17 PM
sorry, thats not it ,mine has all original Honda plastics. But that is a nice R though.

ATC crazy
03-19-2003, 07:27 PM
:oops: I know...I'm editing it now. After I posted I checked the post and realized they are different. If im not mistaken...This one is the same.

Well..The pic is too big...can anyone resize it? Its a nice picture too :-P

03-19-2003, 07:32 PM
Email it to me, I'll resize. Thanks


03-19-2003, 07:47 PM
That is sweet.

I have one just like that, now all you need is a Douglas front wheel and a lift handle.

03-19-2003, 11:49 PM
Awesome bike!

03-20-2003, 12:29 AM
WOW ....real sweet!

03-20-2003, 11:03 AM
What is a lift handle?

03-20-2003, 12:00 PM
It's what you lift atc with when you need to move it, and it also acts as a wheelie bar. It can save you life if you go all the way over. You can see my chrome one in this pic:

03-20-2003, 12:07 PM
awsome---The racks on my big red do the same thing---Thank god, I was able to exsperience that the other day at the top of a hill :D .

03-20-2003, 12:52 PM
Nice wheelie, tony! :-D

03-20-2003, 01:35 PM
Thanks SSJ3Goku :-D

03-20-2003, 01:54 PM
How long can you make it stay up like that?

03-20-2003, 02:06 PM
Oh, ok I call it a grab bar and I have one that I had custom made out of alm. at a local fab shop.

P.S. Nice action shot tony_250r :shock:

03-20-2003, 02:21 PM
I can't believe these guys who sell trikes and other stuff they've had because "the wife says it must go"..... I hate that excuse! What's even worse is when they say "the girl-friend says it must go!" that's just pathetic.

I must give extra special thanks to my wife for always SUPPORTING the 3-wheelers. I'm very lucky. She's the best!

Anyway.... very nice R 86250rz! and the seller's loss was definitely your gain. congrats!

I've had an aluminum PRM desert grab-rail on the back of the Tecate for a while now. I love it and recommend it.

03-20-2003, 02:25 PM
Good point Jeb.....any woman who won't let me keep my toys isn't worth my time anyways....why do so many women have to try and change men? Just take us for who we are!

03-20-2003, 02:39 PM
Good point.

My girlfriend said if I go riding one more time, shes gonna leave me...

Boy, I'm gonna miss her :D .

03-20-2003, 02:46 PM
On a good run I can lift it up in 3rd gear and shift to 5th, I can hold it up for about 75 yards.

Yeah, grab bar is what it's really called. Get one because mine has saved my life at least 4 times.

03-20-2003, 03:02 PM
I gotta get me a 250r....my ol YTM200 can't hold a wheelie very far, and I can only get the front wheel up on hard ground :(

03-20-2003, 03:43 PM
Same here, Its hard to get my front wheel to lift high while driving...I gotta be still and either jam it or drop the clutch. That works...for about 15-20 ft. Sometimes if I am toping it in first gear then let off a tad on the throttle--switch to 2nd, it will rise some in the front. In 3rd it won't do that. The power is wimpy and it'll only go about 50...I get in 5th allot around here and its not very flat or strait...Pretty slow...I need more POWER.

03-20-2003, 03:47 PM
Welcome to my world, lol. I think the problem is you and I have UTILITY trikes and we're trying to use them as SPORT trikes....just don't work that well dood!

03-20-2003, 04:41 PM
Haha, yeah i'm a sport trike rider wannabe...Haha, I bet I look retarded bouncing around on my mx type track down front...I was flying down this gravel drive the other day and slid to slow down for this rut but hit it alittle fast, the back bucked up and threw me foward over the gas tank :D. The worst thing about it was, this really cute neighborhood girl was watching along with a few others...I think the wheelie and riding on 2 wheels made up for it though... :D. I'm still a wannabe ;) . Just wait till I get my new bike.

03-20-2003, 04:53 PM
Dood we're alot alike! LOL....having no back suspension is a KILLER though, isn't it? Here's my story with hot girls(lol). One day I was riding down the side of the road, and there's a little trail off to the right....well I had it maxed out (50) and I hit a bad bump, the rear end went up and kept on going, I thought I was gonna flip rear wheels first.....scared me, and on top of that it jarred the carb up so bad it stopped flowing fuel for a bit, so the engine stopped....and these hot girls I know were like right there watching me the whole time....even while I was trying to get it started, which was like 10 mins of continuous puling....good thing they didn't recognize me with my helmet on :D

03-20-2003, 05:16 PM
:D :D :D :D :D LMAO...Reading that made me die laughing and I fell out of my chair. HAHAHAHA, I have allot of those storys...I was riding with the same girl I was talking about above...Shes got a 4 wheeler...Anyways, I was showing off on her 1/4 mi driveway and is all downhill---I was in 5th maxed out and noticed she was nowhere close, so I was like hahaha, I bet shes watching me fly down here, then all of a sudden I hit about 10 bump/pothole things and started bouncing EVERYWHERE and the front tire was wabbling and twisting everywhere...The 1st bump I hit sent ME 2 ft in the air off the trike and landing on the rack with my knees looking like a rag doll...By the time it was over It scared the SH*T outa me and I stopped right then...They saw the whole thing :oops: --- And were dieing laughing. I looked sooo retarded. Then 2 mins later when we get goin again---This time I"M following THEM...Well they cross this creek/river thats about 6 in. deep...I decided to look TRY and look cool so I BLASTED accross, but 3 ft from the other side it gets 2 ft deep!! I sink into it and STALL...They take it easy and get out...Well I'm sitting there trying to pull start my thing (battery was dead) while they're watching, for about 5 mins. MAN I was sooo ebarassed, I finaly get it started and i'm revving it up in neutral to burn off the watter when I accidentaly knock it into 1st :shock: ! It JUMPED foward and wheelied SO high and threw me back and my legs fliped up--Again looking like a retarded ragdoll...LMAO. Now i look back and laugh, it was soo funny, but I've never been so embarassed :D .

ATC crazy
03-20-2003, 05:39 PM
Well...I sent the pic to Tweeked to be resized. Its a much better picture than the other one. Man...Now I'm jealous...That is one sweet R 86250RZ. You have one nice ride. ;)

03-20-2003, 05:57 PM
thanks for sending the pic...One prob though...My email decided this very minute that it doesn't wanna recieve any mail...I'm working on it, stupid email. I'll resized and post as soon as I can, sorry for the delay, it shouldn't be too long.

03-20-2003, 07:17 PM
Thanks, ATC Crazy. Just waiting on the pic

03-21-2003, 02:01 AM
Heres the pic, finaly fixed my email and downsize the pic some. Enjoy

03-21-2003, 11:52 AM
Yep! Thats her. I dont have that pic. I will be taking some more pics soon, I just received my 300 Big Bore kit and I have added a few other goodies since these pics were taken. I bought a 85R also but sold it to my bro :x .
I will post his pics soon, he did his all in shiny black plastic, looks great.

03-29-2003, 02:25 AM
that is the sweetie looking ATC i have ever seen in my life its so clean will have fun with it.

03-29-2003, 02:36 AM
i want it can i have it pleaz i will get on my hands and knees.=-)

03-29-2003, 03:32 PM
That is one beautiful R!!! :D What kind of front tire is that?

03-30-2003, 12:18 AM
I think it's a Titan 489 AT, I've got them on my Arctric Cat.

BTW that's one kick trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro 250r!

ATC crazy
03-31-2003, 06:42 PM
Yeah...Its like a 23x7x10 or 23x8x10 Titan 489 AT

04-02-2003, 02:51 PM
nice 250r. i want to post pics of my trikes when i am done restoring. hopefully before ridiing season in end of may. i am curious to see those shiny black plastics though. i just bought shiny reds, although the rad shrouds werent shiny and didnt match. although too lazy to send them back, so they are going on like that. at least it kind of matches the new clarke gas tank which isnt that shiny.