View Full Version : big red becoming a problem

03-18-2003, 05:58 AM

my big red is really starting to give me the sh*&^ as i strip it down there is another problem opposing me every corner i turn, the latest one is on the rear diff, i got one side of the cover off but the Ba$@#^# who owned it welded the hubs onto the axel so i cant get the covers off to clean it out and the other cover wont come off, it is the side where the brakes connect too. is there a trick to getting it off or what????? i brought this triek for 900 australian and im starting to think the bloke ripped me off i reken its worth 500, its like it has been riden through SALT water and not been wahsed off afterward has anyone had any experiences with salt rust coverd bikes if so what did you do?????



03-19-2003, 11:39 PM
I have a 200es and the day I got it said "i'm not taking this one appart"...The thing is a tank and all the bolts and stuff are in akward places. I've never taken the rear gear case off so I wouldn't know but, why the hell would someone WELD the thing together? That makes no sense. Anyways, good luck...Salt water is a killer for any type of machinery...You gotta clean it off after riding if it has any salt on it.

03-20-2003, 02:26 AM
why the hell would someone WELD the thing together?

My guess would be, splines in hub or on axle (or both), were stripped! Quick fix: weld it up and go! You should be able to take grinder/cutoff wheel to weld (if you plan on re-welding it later) or just cut axle (you'll have to replace hub(s?) and axle).


03-20-2003, 10:33 AM
That can get exspencive...Tell us what you end up doin.

03-21-2003, 11:21 PM
yeah well ive decided to part out my big red and sell it. its a piece of crap.how much do you reken id get for a 200m frame in neare new condition in australian dollars
