View Full Version : What was your worst wreck?

04-06-2006, 02:57 PM
Hey, I just thought it would be interesting to see what some other people have done. My worse wreck was when I was a little younger and not very skilled. I was maybe 11 as im 15 now. I was riding down our old country roads and was going a little to fast for my skill and ended up going off a 5 footdrop right on top of a sharp fence. I was more afraid of my mom getting mad about me recking it that I tried to push it out on my own but couldn't. After someone saw me they told me I need to get my arm cleaned and I looked down and realized there was a chuck taken off the elbow area of my arm. My mom was called and they pulled the little Honda 110 out and started it right up. My sister drove it home and I went to the hospital.

04-06-2006, 03:19 PM
My worst happened a little while after getting my new 86 200X. I had gotten together with a buddy of mine and went riding unfamiliar trails near his house. We got to a real steep hill (25 ft.) and I decided I was going up it. At the top of the hill I was met by rocks protruding out from erosion. Needless to say the trike rolled over on top of me and down the hill it went solo....I didnt get hurt but my buddy said the trike rolled like two times mid air and luckily landed wheels down so damage was minimal all the way around...there where plenty of others but that is the one I always remember first....:lol:

04-06-2006, 03:39 PM
#1 - Me getting thrown off - Circa Fall of 1992

There's this woods trail be my house wide enough for a truck to drive on. It was a high speed trail - like maybe 40 - 45MPH. As I was headed down in in the fall - real fast I came around a slight bend and their was a tree down. The tree was a mighty oak of about 2.5 feet diameter. I locked up my back brakes, but in wet fallen oak leaves, I got no traction. As my trike hit the tree, it was imediatly stopped, but I was not. I was flung over the bars about 15 feet then probably slid in the wet leaves about 15 feet further. I was not hurt and believe it or not, neither was the trike. Was kinda cool after my blood pressure stabalized and I realized what had happened.

#2 - The Trike was Hurt - Circa Summer of 1993

I was hill climbing on the 200s. My rear original tires had NO tread on them whatsoever. As I reached the top of the 50 foot hill, I began to spin. as the tires could not push me anyfurther up the hill, I dismounted and quickly got to the front of the trike and grabbed onto the front forks. I was young and could not hold the weight anymore. I let go. The trike rolled down the hill like an old car tire, bouncing for what seemd like an eternity. it had to have rolled 15 times. when I got to the bottom to meet the beat up machine, the handle bars were wrapped down around the tank. no brake levers were in tact. She started right up and I rode it home (about 4 miles). On the ride home I couldn't believe what had happened to the trike. The bars resemmbled that of an 883 Sportster with their funny bends. I learned a lesson from that day - if you don;t have the right equipment to do the job - don;t do the job!!!

04-06-2006, 04:02 PM
on my 200X I was riding up a dirt hill that no one else was riding over, I'd get over it ride for another 20yards or so and turn around a tree then head back over the hill. I did this probably 10-12 times with no ill effects. the last time I went over someone followed me and I noticed them as I was leaving the turn and goind back over the hill. well what I didnt know was the guy that was following me, his sone was following him in his go-kart but he was way behind. I came out of the turn, ran it hard until 3rd gear, backed off to go over the hill and the second I hit the top, the go-kart was there and I had no where to go. we hit head on, I went over the bars, my head went in between the uprights of the roll cage after smacking the top cross bar, my right shoulder caught one upright, my left elbow caught the other, the top of my head was probably inches for this kids face. I had my helmet on so I sustained no head injuries. my legs go up over my head, I thought I was going over the backside of the this damn go-kart. I rolled back down the front of the kart and was dragged by the kart down the side of the hill it came up.

I laid there for a minute, got up took my helmet off and looked at my X that was lying on its side. the front end was trashed. rim/tire was bent back in to the frame. rim was toast and nothing happened to the go-kart.

the real kicker to this whole story is I knew the guy that was following me, I knew his kid, and they both know my parents. it was definatly a story to tell to my parents.

farm mike
04-06-2006, 04:10 PM
came hoofin it around the corner of the barn maybe 45 mph.Somebody had parked an old 3/4 ton 4wd where it shouldn't have been. woke up in the hospital about 14 hrs later w/ a concussion and 16 stitches in my head.
I have no recolection of the accident but I've been told I slid the truck 18 inches...
that was about 25 yrs ago and I have yet to find where dad put my wheeler. he was a bit P.O.'d

04-06-2006, 04:22 PM
This winter I was clipped in the left rear tire on one of my T-3s ice racing by a kid on a new Honda 400ex I'll post pictures Monday of the Trike in the rebiuld stage as is. I bruised a lung and spleen, fractured a wrist, dislocated shoulder, sprained ankle, other minor injuries to go with it, fractured 3 panels in the body of a brand new FX body armor (spleen /kidney, rib and sholder). Trike destroyed an axle, carrier, rear sprocket, rear brake caliper, swing arm, shock, top suspension pivot, 2 rims, 2 tires, front and rear plastic (Maier), fuel tank,seat cover, levers and head light.

That bad enough?
I was back to work 5 days after the accident.
The T-3 will be back to running by Easter with original abet painted plastics, an original fuel tank, Kawasaki, complete rear suspension and brakes, and for now an 85 250sx front fender.
cost of the rebuild ---- more than a new T-3 in 1984, not unloading or parting out the first 2 stroke trike I ever owned -- everyone on the board knows the answer to that.


04-06-2006, 05:59 PM
mine was climbing this hill ive climbed many times before on my 250sx. i made it to the top and got a little air. while in the air the trike turned a little bit. when i landed the front tire turned and the end of the handle bar hit me in the ribs knocking me back. my foot sliped off the foot peg and my leg got cought between the tire and hot muffler ( i have no rear fenders). i suffered a bruised rib and burns on my calf muscle. i still have scars from it on my leg. needless to say a few weeks later i was riding up another hill (not very steep) and hit a bump and my foot sliped of the peg again because i was wereing sneekers with no grip and i ran over the same leg ripping the scabs and what not off, causing it to get dirty and infected again.

04-06-2006, 07:31 PM
One day i was riding a piss pile 185s I had just bought (didn't have a pull case on it so everything was exposed) that i plannned on fixing up to make just a daily beater out of. I hit a little bump and my foot slipped off the foot peg and then i felt something like a wasp sting or ant bite. No big deal. I look down to see what it is and from about my knee down on my left leg is just covered in blood. End of the story i got about a 4 inch chunk tore out of my calf. I had to get around 50 stitches to sew my calf muscle and the outer skin back together. So now I've got a nice scar there.

Another day I was riding one of my 250R's that i sold a while back. I was on a fast trail w/ a burm kind of thing in it. So if you don't turn sharp, you hit a fence. No big deal. I'd been down this spot 100 times. This time when i tried to turn my 250 didnt. So since i was leaned into the turn , i was on the other side of the bike. When it centered a wooden corner post i got thrown off the bike, instead of into the fence. I thought i broke my leg (it hurt like hell), It and my ankle were swolen up pretty good for a few days and now I have a nice burn on my left wrist from the exhaust pipe. (dumba$$, I know)

Last one, One day I was ridin a 250 timberwolf up a hill, not even going fast. I did somethin to make it catch traction all of a sudden and it started to roll, so I try to bail. When i jumped, somehow my foot got caught in the footrack, so down the hill we went. It rolled 3-4 times and I landed on my shoulder and then the 4wheeler landed on me. So, now if I move my shoulder just right it pops and hurts like a mofo.

Thats a few of my wrecks. I think those are the best.

04-06-2006, 07:43 PM
too many broken bones to list and to many concusions to remember them all, lol. god, the good ole days.

04-06-2006, 08:18 PM
Mine was on Blazerone22's white 350x, I sldie around a little berm and no more than 12 feet ahead of me was a nice 8 inch log, I had some good speed up and the breaks wernt going to stop it in time, I ended up laying the trike over (with no damagae thank god) and a broken ego. No bruises or scrap's. I swear that log jumped out in front of me :lol: That too was the first time I have ever rolled a trike.

04-06-2006, 08:29 PM
'Bout 12 yrs ago, I was 17, riding down around the freight yards on my XR350. We had a jump set up that consisted of plywood stacked up un railroad ties. I had been going 'round a track and hitting the jump, did this about 10 times, then as I cam around the last time a guy got in front of me on a new 300EX. He went around the jump ("pussy", I thought), then decided to cut right in front of it and stop there. By this time, my front wheel was on the board and I was about revved out in 3rd. Too late to abort. As I saw my life flash before my eyes, I pinned her and hoped for the best. My front wheel hit the quad in the side, right behind the rider on the seat. Next thing you know, I was on the ground and couldn't move. I could see the bars of the bike protruding from a large puddle of water about 50 feet away. Screwed up my back so bad I couldn't walk for 2 weeks. It's better now, but I've had problems ever since. My friend picked up the XR, and the trusty old steed fired right up (bent wheel tho). I had to be jhelped to my truck, managed to slump myself into the seat, and that was it for the day's riding.

Second one happened up at the coal hills a few years back. On my 400EX, we rode out to a set of hills that were well worn and that I had ridden on many times and was familiar with. We hadn't been there in a few months, but everything looked the same as usual. So I decide to tackle one of the more moderate hills, with speed, and pop off the kicker on top. As I crest the peak, I look down and there is no ground below me. Apparently a dozer had come through and cut a 6' deep swath out of the backside of the hill, not visible from the face. To make maters worse, the entire backside of the hill was now terraced, with flats about 12 ft wide, dropping about 6ft each terrace. I managed to land and stay on the top terrace, but I was thrown about like a rag doll on my 400 with stock shocks. My chest was flung down against the bolts for the clutch perch, and they gouged me fiercely. Huge lump across my breastbone , left tit, and bruised heart. The damage was more mental than physical, and I learned a valuable lesson that day. NEVER take the terrain for granted.

There have been many, many more mishaps, but none have resulted in severe injury (thanks god and knocks on wood). I've been hit head on, run myself over, rolled on large hills, you name it.

I hope you have enjoyed storytime with the grundle.

04-06-2006, 08:30 PM
The worst wreck I've ever had was on my 1984 200m. The tracks where I live are up and down up and down, I was flying over these bumps on my 200m and the rear of the bike started to bounce off the ground and I never thought much of it so I just kept going. The bike bounced once really HARD on the back wheels and it flipped right over on the handle bars flicking me off of it:lol: I'll never buy another 200m, they have no shock, no reverse, slow as hell, shitty front shocks, and they just look stupid.

04-06-2006, 08:30 PM
I have luckily only have 1, I was being kinda stupid and came drifting from the front lawn to the driveway in 2nd with a little too much speed and put it at 90degress and it was icy with some gravel and put the trike on its side, it made 1/4 of a roll, so not bad, no damage to me or it and she didnt even die on me or leak gas.

04-06-2006, 08:41 PM
my trikes treated me pretty well. in the years I've been riding never took any hard dump's just dump stuff like riding a wheelie a little to high and such. now me and my quads are a differnt story I just can't be trusted on one. never broke anything thankfuly, but I did flip my trx r at around 50mph and got bruised ribs sprained my knee and torn a ligament(sp) in my ankle. scary part was I coulded find my helmet and I was just takeing a shake down run after doing so work on it and had to grab my spare. good think to I split teh back of the hekmet in two. trust me it's a good think to always wear your helmet no matter how "short" of a ride your taking.

04-06-2006, 08:45 PM
I totally agree dogger:beer

04-06-2006, 08:54 PM
My worst wreck happened last spring. I was riding my z400 down a trail at our property, and was cruising around 4th gear and came up over the hill and at the top was a dead tree laying over the trail. I nailed it in 4th gear, flipped end over end, landed on my neck, quad landed on my leg and rolled a few more times. All in all i was fine, quad was messed up though. Bent a-arm, bent wheel, bent steering stem, bent clutch lever.
I also had a head on collision with my brother 2 years ago, he crested a hill that i was sitting at the top of and nailed my z400 with his warrior. all in all we were fine, his quad was fine, but the z suffered a bent clutch lever, broked front bumper, and a bent left spindle.

04-06-2006, 09:07 PM
Early wipeouts on BMX Freestyle count?

When first (and I think the last) riding on a 8' high and 4' wide 1/4 pipe, I went wide at about 4' over the top of the pipe. Went too far to one side and dropped 12' down straight in the dirt, face first. Trashed the bars, forks and pride.

Over the bars (BMX again) on a camping trip. Two severly sprained wrists and road rash. Try wiping with two splinted wrists.

Too many other wipeouts and crashes learning new tricks.

Dirtbike, hauling too fast through the woods trying to catch up after taking a leak. Trying to make a straight line through the s curved trail lined with trees. Went too wide and left side of bar clipped a tree...superman had nothin on me that day. Must have sailed 20 feet. Luckily no injuries.

Fast forward to 2003 or so...Speedbump rearends me after he claimed to not see my hand signal. We both roll. I break my elbow, mass quantities of road rash, ding my tank, and scuff the plastic on the X. He gets a class 3 separation of the AC joint, a chip in his elbow, & road rash.

The broken toe while kickstarting brapps 86 T3 (which was speedbump's at the time) I've got video of that one.

Last one wasn't too painful for me, but it sure was for the poor dude that rolled his 350X in the first moto of the MX races at TF last year. He rolled, I had nowhere to go except straight into his chest with my front tire. I sure hope he recovered.

04-06-2006, 09:46 PM
Wasnt really a wreck, but I was on the DS80 and I was going pretty good when I hit some bushes. I hopped up, and crunk it up and went on my way.

Bryan Raffa
04-06-2006, 10:54 PM
The worst one that i had was on my buddys 125m in my back yard, I was rideing it wide open as fast as it would go and came to the end of my yard, He forgot to tell me there was no brakes! I started down shifting and hit netural by then it was too late! I hit a tree and split my skull from my forehead to the middle of my skull-continued through the tree and in to the side of a trailer,there was a trailer park that backed our yard the guy came out bitchin because i knocked his china cabnit over and smashed everything in it. he took one look at me and said oh my god are you all right,I was covered in blood, there was a lot!!! I rode the three wheeler back to the house:eek: where i proceeded to go to the hospital to get my head shaved and stiched back up, my mom told me i was to never to ride that 3 wheeler again!!! LOL Oh and yes I did have a helmet on, little good that did!

04-06-2006, 11:00 PM
I've got 3, 2 recent. The oldest wrect was about 12 years ago. I was on my 83 big red riding with a bunch of fellas with quads. Well, the night before it had rained and I was last in line, and about 4 miles deep in some woods I'd never been in on the steepest hill I've ever been on I caught a rut and did a full summersault. The Red stalled and I brushed myself off and started her back up and rode for another 4 hours, it just bent the headlight cage, just spooked me good. The other two were on the rancher I use at my parents farm, I managed to get myself thrown off in the snow, not really a wreck, I just hurt my back.

04-07-2006, 09:48 AM
my worst wrekc would have to be... me and my brother were on our quads. i had a warrior, he had his z400, we were riding at a gravel pit by my house. i came hauling ass up the hill which just so happened to be the same hil my brother was coming down. well we met at the top, me doing about 35 mph, i landed on his quad, i was thrown about 20 feet. surprisingly, my 350 didnt get a scratch on it and my brothers quad was messed up. bent spindles and everything.

04-07-2006, 09:03 PM
I hit my foot on the peg once.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-08-2006, 12:27 AM
On my '96 Polaris 400L Sport - decided to take a long hillclimb without enough run-up. At the very top of the hill, I hit a rock with my left wheel and pogo'd it straight up. I ejected right off the back and was sliding backwards down the hill when the quad came tumbling down after me. The rear wheels hit and flipped the quad backwards on top of me. 500lbs+ of quad hit me handlebar first right in the center of my chest protector knocking me out for a second as well as knocking the wind out of me. When all was said and done the quad ended up at the bottom of the hill, in a thick jumble of briars, with smashed bars, a bent front rim, a broken tierod end, and a bent steering stem. The force of the crash cracked my Answer Rooster in half, right over my heart. I would have to say that if I wasn't wearing the chest protector, I would'nt be typing this today.

04-08-2006, 09:59 AM
My worst was on a 185s. I was going wipe open threw huge dried up mud holes .We all know how horrible the S trikes take bumps. I ended up going ass over front. I landed shoulder first the trike landed on my back. We slide prolly 20ft. brkng my collar bone ,burning all the skin of my shoulder. Then the S starts rolling. It folded the frame between the tank and seat upward.

There was another time on my 87 200x. I was jumping prolly 20ft. high-30ft. long over this hill all day. On the last jump before dark I hit a bump at the top of the jump with my rear tires. I came don healight first. I ate alot of dirt thatday. Hurt like hell.

04-08-2006, 02:50 PM
With me it was the oldest mistake in the book. You know the one, where you think: "I know this trail like the back of my hand."
Well, trails can change.
Was motoring along a woods road that I've walked and ridden on for 30 years. The sun was shining, the bike was humming, so I thought I'd open 'er up and blow out some carbon for a change, because I don't normally ride very fast.
Got 'er up to 5th gear but not quite W.O.T. so I was moving at a good clip. Wished I had a speedometer. Suddenly I look up and see that someone dug a ditch clear across the road.
It's amazing what goes through your head when this happens: sticks, rocks, tree stumps . . . :naughty:
Seriously, it is truly amazing how fast your brain works in these situations. In about 1 second I thought, 'Ok, get ready, the front wheel is going to hit the ditch and I'm going to flip.'
But to my amazement the front wheel didn't dig in but came out the other side of teh trench. BUT!!!! Then the back wheels hit the ditch, throwing the rear end up and over and pitching me forward just exactly like a bucking bronco.
I closed my eyes at that point and lowered my shoulder to roll. I can't say what the bike did but I imagine it did quite a few flips into the woods. Myself, I hit the dirt with a big thud and tried to roll with the impact. Knocked the breath out of me but that's ok. The first time you get the wind knocked out it can be scary but it had happened to me before so I knew that even though I couldn't breathe, it wasn't serious. I just laid there and caught my breath. That took several minutes.
Unless it has happened to you, you have no idea what it's like to be lying in the dirt and wiggling your toes and fingers to make sure you are not destined for a wheelchair. But they would wiggle, and then I tested the arms and legs and they seemed to be functioning too.
I stood up and everything seemed ok. Took off my helmet with had two huge gashes in it and wiped the dirt off my face.
Amazing, I thought, I'm ok. Went to fetch the 185s which was upside down in the bushes and grabbed on to the front rack and gave a yank. OW!!!!! My left collarbone was completely busted.
I was all alone in the middle of nowhere but some guys came along on quads and saved my ass, drove me back to fetch my car and trailer and loaded the trike on the trailer for me.
I went to McDonald's and had supper, then went home and had a few wobbly pops and went to bed. Got up the next morning and watched Formula One racing after which the wife insisted I go to the emergency ward.
The triage nurse asked what he could do for me today. I said I have a busted collarbone. He said he'd be the one to decide that. One look at my shoulder and he said, "Ha, you should be a doctor. Good diagnosis!"
Told him how it happened and he said trikes should be banned. "We call them things 'donor motors,'" he said, referring to organ donors.
I informed him that trikes aren't dangerous, it's people like me who drive too fast without knowing what the conditions are up ahead that are dangerous. To this day, he is convinced trikes kill people and not that bad driving kills people. Oh well, can't change everyone.

04-08-2006, 08:11 PM
My worst wreck was many years ago on my 185s. I was out on the beach at Ocean Shores after dark. I had gone a couple of miles up the beach to look for someone, but did not find them. I was hauling ass as fast as I could go back to the cabin, overdriving my headlight in a big way. I came upon a big piece of driftwood, managed to miss it with the front tire, but hit it pretty square with one back tire. This launched the trike and I into the air, we tumbled pretty good. It was very dark. I managed to find the trike in the dark, and got it started. The headlight was still working so I used it to find my glasses (No helmet on this one either, back when I was young and stupid). The front forks were bent back so the tire was into the motor, and the tire was flat. It was a honda, so I rode to back anyway.

I have tumbled a couple of times at the big dunes, razorbacks can be tricky, and there was one time when I splashed the 185s into a lake, but this beach incident was by far my worst crash.

04-08-2006, 08:23 PM
Train trackes WOT 4th gear on my RM250. Rear slides out from me from the tracks being wet. Head hits the metal track at about 50mph? Helmet flies off, grips fly off, shoes fly off. Roll for about 100 feet. End up with a broken collar bone and a scatched up bike. I was in the hospital for about 4 hours. Didnt hurt at all surprisingly. Must of been the shock.

04-08-2006, 11:29 PM
My busted collarbone also didn't hurt -- until I grabbed on the front rack and yanked on the bike! Owie!

Is it just me, or do most of these crash stories revolve around the 185s! :lol:

Outdriving headlights is a real danger. i did that once and ended up airborne after missing a 90-degree turn, wedged in the crotch of a tree that had a split trunk. I tried to get the trike out of the tree before my buddies came back but couldn't do it and they were shocked to see my predicament. Never got a scratch, though, and never bent the forks either. My helmet took a heck of a knock, though. My ears were ringing. After that, I've never, ever outdriven my headlights, even with riders in front of me leading the way through the dark. To hell with that!

04-09-2006, 12:53 AM
That ice racing story wins I think! I have crashed so many times over the years of desert racing I can't think of the worst. Never hurt real bad though. No broken bones. I have been run over several times at glen helen and I remember it smarted pretty good. I get hurt worsw working on my trikes!

04-09-2006, 01:33 AM
Is it just me, or do most of these crash stories revolve around the 185s!Theres probably a reason for that. I believe its because the motor (and the gearing for that matter) on the 185/200S's out powers the ridgid rear chassis. Most of your crashes on them happen at high speed, where the margin for error is little or nothing and they usually almost always involve some sort of bump, ditch or jump that upsets the machines balance and gets the rear balloon wheels bouncing. I had a bad wreck on my 200S at WOT/55mph where I hit a small little stutter bump and it got the rear end bouncing and swaping sides. I was racing near a chain link fence when I hit the bump and the bouncing and side swaping caused the right rear wheel to catch one of the fence poles - then it was all over. I remember seeing the trike flipping end over end in the air as my helmet hit another pole and spun me around like a top.

04-09-2006, 10:00 AM
I had just pruchased a brand new 04 Suzuki DR650(the dual sport) and the next day got rear-ended by a socccer mom in a Suburban on the interstate here in Norfolk, Va, she didnt even slow down. Knocked my helmet off, messed up a brand new pair of boots, busted my right wrist, and a small case of road rash. Didnt even have the bike for 48 hours before it was totaled. That is the last thing that I will ever buy new.

04-09-2006, 10:11 AM
The wost thing I have ever had happen on a trike was this. When I was about 13 my left heel got caught by the rear tire and sucked it under the tire. My leg was wedged between the footpeg and tire for about 20 minutes. My mom finally spotted me and got me free. I couldnt reach the kill switch to kill the motor, so it kept constant tension on the rear tires and my leg. Thats about it on a trike. Now a dirt bike is a different story. I have many scars from dirtbikes. Big Scars.


04-09-2006, 10:16 AM
I've never wrecked a trike -knock on wood-, but my brother flipped my dads Big Red one time in the snow and got pinned under it.. that is about the extent of the trike-wrecking in my family.

04-09-2006, 10:19 AM
My brother ran me over when I was 8. Stupid brother lol

Never rolled the Z yet - Knock on wood- but I have fallen off the back of it!

200- many times, riding on ice in a plowed field. Ice broke and my tire caught in 3rd gear, Flipped over and bars nailed my calf muscle, couldnt walk for a few days lol

Other than that, nothing really except your minor spills. oh yah I hit a wall too:)

04-09-2006, 12:12 PM
Theres probably a reason for that. I believe its because the motor (and the gearing for that matter) on the 185/200S's out powers the ridgid rear chassis. Most of your crashes on them happen at high speed, where the margin for error is little or nothing and they usually almost always involve some sort of bump, ditch or jump that upsets the machines balance and gets the rear balloon wheels bouncing. I had a bad wreck on my 200S at WOT/55mph where I hit a small little stutter bump and it got the rear end bouncing and swaping sides. I was racing near a chain link fence when I hit the bump and the bouncing and side swaping caused the right rear wheel to catch one of the fence poles - then it was all over. I remember seeing the trike flipping end over end in the air as my helmet hit another pole and spun me around like a top.

So true!, Unsupended KLT WOT 5 th gear and hit a little bump on the road with the right rear tire. Sent the thing bouncing around and I lost all steering. Dove straight down into a ditch and was pinned under it. Luckily the ditch was soft and most of the speed was slowed by crushing a few small trees. I was lucky to get away with only scratches. I was wearing my helmet tho.

After taking a picture of the KLt and uprighting it, I hit the button and it fired up instantly. Not a bit of damage and my buddy on a dirtbike was following me with a speedo and I went in at 45mph!

04-09-2006, 12:37 PM
mine was when i had my pw 50 dirtbike and i was riding in my alley and this old man would dump his grass clipping after mowwing his lawn and it was wet and slick and i was gonna powerslide arond the corner and my back tire slipped ou t from under me and there wasn't any skin left on my right leg from my ankle to my butt it was bad and it hurt bad it sucked for about 3 wheeler

04-09-2006, 02:26 PM
A month ago I was doing a 5th gear power slide on my 86 250R out at the dry lake bed. My cousin said that the inside tire was about 6 inches off the ground most of the time. Well, I came across a rut made by a truck after a rain. 2 broken ribs, bruised lung, lacerated liver w/internal bleeding. My cousin is 6'7" and said the bike flipped higher than his head. Oops.

04-10-2006, 12:21 AM
I think there were so many 185s wreaks because that trike had way more speed and power than the 90s and 110s were were all used to back then. You could get the thing going way faster than was safe without suspension too.

04-10-2006, 05:32 AM
I never really had a bad wreck but yesterday couldn't make a hill and coasted backwards and the trike wedged me about aginst a tree in a "*Edited*" fashion.

It tweaked my arm in a way that the arm is not meant to be :lol:

It's pretty sore right now but that's about all that happened. The trike came out with just a small 3/8 " tear-slit on front of seat that is hardly noticable.

It was Chris's SX too NOT MINE. Guess he will :banned: me from iding it now :lol:

04-10-2006, 06:37 AM
ok i have too many to type out(i was a bit crazy when i was younger hehe)but here is a couple.
another 185s story:rolleyes:
this was on my 83 185s that i got new and happened in 84.i was going down the road(i know)i was pinned and a curve was coming so i started to slow down,not soon enough though.well i went off the edge of the road and it was all over.i did my best superman impression and ended up in emergency.i got 2 broken arms out of that one(a heck of a headach too lol)
same machine about a year later.i was going across a field and i am not sure what happened as i was knocked out cold,no helmet(i know)but when i woke up the 3 wheeler was about 20 feet away from me on all 3 and still running:crazy: i am sure i broke my collar bone but didn't tell mom or dad and lived with the pain fo a couple months.it hurt bad but i did still ride although not very well:lol:

04-10-2006, 06:54 AM
Geez, you guys are dangerous... I've had only a few tipovers on a trike... Doing things I've shouldn't have been doing anyways.. the latest being yesterday. lol. good thing the mud is soft. Other than that my only hard wrecks have come on quads. One tumble down a mountian and a few times over the bars.

07-01-2007, 01:58 PM
mine was not as bad as some.... i flipped a big bear 350 goin about 50mph into a 5 foot ditch... broken shoulder, knee, and a good head shot.

07-01-2007, 02:04 PM
my wreck was during the winter. i was jumping a packed down snowbank and i hit it wrong and i ltryd to straighten it out but i couldnt and i barrel rolled 3 times. but the trike survived like a champ. i got back on her and kept riding lol. boy did i pay for it the next day.

07-01-2007, 08:36 PM
hey, do you really think it's a good idea to post this kind of stuff, for just anyone to read?

07-01-2007, 08:48 PM
my wreck isnt atv related but it was funny, i was racing my friend down a hill in a wagon, and i was about to slam into the fence, so i swerved and i was going to fast, the wagon flipped and my leg slamed into the fence, i didnt thhink it was bad it only felt like a bruis so i limped home and found bloood all over my pants, turned out it slammed into a bolt sticking outa the fence, put a nice hole in my leg.

so far *knock on wood* i havent wrecked on a quad but i have only been riding for 2 years so time will tell

07-01-2007, 08:49 PM
The worst wreck I had was the ONLY wreck I've had and was at TF06, I was jumping my old 85 R with blown front forks and I went off a big double and my trike was nosed down extremely bad and when I landed I came right off and scuffed my arm up.

Today I had the CR250R out at the MX track and they watered down the track to eliminate dust and I came around the on turn real fast and grabbed some throttle and spun out and laid it down. I was pissed not because I dropped it but because I got muddy and broke my clutch perch.

07-01-2007, 08:54 PM
[QUOTE=4cylinders;509237]hey, do you really think it's a good idea to post this kind of stuff, for just anyone to read?[/QUOTE

ive seen worse topics on here. besides most of these "wrecks" could have ben done a quad or dirt bike too. ive fell more times walking or running than ive ever fell off/ wrecked my trike.

07-01-2007, 09:03 PM
my worst wreck was on my old 200s. i was 9 years old at the time, had already been driving trikes since the age of 4. anyways i was driving too fast for the trail and it had been raining all weekend so the trail was washed out. with no suspension on the 200 and my high speed, the rear of the bike hit a big bump and came up in the air over the front tire. sorta like doing a front flip at 40mph. anyways the rear rack came down on my left leg. the impact severed my leg and both bones were sticking out and my foot was literally hanging by skin and muscle tissue. the doc said he had to amputate bc infection would set in. my mom begged him to save the leg so he said even if it healed i would never walk again. long story short..... after reconstruction surgery and countless hours of therapy my legs was better. in high school i ran cross country, ran track, and played varsity football. i can run a 5 minute mile now. and i sold the 200s and now own two 350x's and a 400ex.

07-01-2007, 09:10 PM
wow, thats one of the worst wrecks i have heard of, man really glad it turned out fine. 5 min mile nice time i can only do 7 myself lmao,

07-01-2007, 09:13 PM
my wreck isnt atv related but it was funny, i was racing my friend down a hill in a wagon, and i was about to slam into the fence, so i swerved and i was going to fast, the wagon flipped and my leg slamed into the fence, i didnt thhink it was bad it only felt like a bruis so i limped home and found bloood all over my pants, turned out it slammed into a bolt sticking outa the fence, put a nice hole in my leg.

so far *knock on wood* i havent wrecked on a quad but i have only been riding for 2 years so time will tell
Wow, as soon as I started reading youre post, the first thing I thought of was Dennis the Mennis.

07-01-2007, 09:21 PM
LMFAO thats my nickname, when i was younger i looked like the kid in the movie (im 14 jus to let you know wouldnt make sense if im 40 hahaha)

07-01-2007, 09:21 PM
thanks, my leg is 100%. it healed fine and in high school while playing football i tore my ACL in my right leg! that healed too though....

i had a really close call on my friends '86 250r. i was riding around in a big open field that had high weeds. anyways i was doing about 50mph when i hit a 30ft piece of steel rebar. it wrapped around one of the tires and was flipping around in the air violently. it slapped my back real good, cracked a rib in the process. after the bike came to a stop i saw how lucky i really was. the end piece of the rebar punctured the left tire and went right through the douglas .190 rim on both sides. that could have been easily gone through my back or my helmet. pretty scary.

07-01-2007, 09:27 PM
I think this picture explains itself.

07-01-2007, 10:18 PM
hahahaha i think that should be added to the photoshop thread, i can see that caption now " damn katchup bottle exploded again "

@dlgorie- your really accident prone arent you, at least your lucky though

07-01-2007, 11:41 PM
My worst crash was stupid but put me on crutches for 2 monthes i bought a lil xr100 and brought it home,it was dark i couldnt wait hadda try it out hit a railroad tie only going about 5 mph but the bike went one way i went the other and i folded my knee backwards ,i knew instantly i was in bad shape,my knee has never recovered fully and still bothers me to this day.

07-09-2007, 01:23 PM
i went for a nice quad ride today and im order to get from one trail to another we had to take the road for a bit (never do this it is illegal and dangerous) so as we got on the road and accelerated my helmet flew up in my eyes going about 40 or 50 i slamed on my brakes and got off the quad and sat down. i was lucky no cars were coming i could have went into oncoming traffic or flipped the quad. i left in a rush and forgot my gloves on the tank

07-09-2007, 01:51 PM
hahahaha i think that should be added to the photoshop thread

Here ya go. :lol:


07-09-2007, 08:01 PM
The worst and only crash was going about 45 doing a one handed wheelie much like the one in my pic. I wasn't looking, and I hit a rock and went hard right off the road. It would have been ok, But right as I set the front end down (going about 35) I went into a little washedout place about a foot and a half deep. Went over the handlebars landed in a cactus.

Didn't hurt the trike... only rolled once.

07-09-2007, 10:17 PM
My worst wreck ever was on a YZ85 when I was just beginning to ride dirt bikes. I was about 14 at the time, and obviously thought I was a total expert at EVERYTHING. Anyhow, I was putting around a gravel lot with a few berms, when I decide to jump the berm. I do a nice little leap over it, and when I land, my hand pivots down and pins the gas in about 3rd gear. Fortunately, there was another jump right ahead of me! I go flying over it, lay the machine down in the air, and proceed to land like that, right on my uncovered knee (I was also wearing shorts). Bike skids across the ground for about 10 feet, I stand it up and look down at my torn up knee. It's covered in dust and dirt, so you can't see that it's missing all the skin from on top of the kneecap to about midway down my shin. I kickstart the 85 and drive around some more :lol:

07-09-2007, 10:25 PM
hahahaha, dont you love how what you dont know dont hurt. when i had that hole put in my leg the only time it hurt was when i found out it was a hole and not a bruise

07-09-2007, 10:41 PM
Here ya go. :lol:


HAHAHA! Dammit your so funny. Good job.:lol:

07-09-2007, 11:46 PM
Woooooo! Worst crash..... Which one.....

Oh yes i will just post my top 2

On the 185.... In a field near my house with about 25 acres of riding. They're was this turn that was wide enough to get my 185 almost sideways while drifting, then it went straight and down hill with about 15 whoops, i straightened out the trike and gunned it, so now iam bouncing around thought i was going to get through, and i felt my self going over the bars, so i finally let go and the bike ran me over and it ran into a bush and flipped over, it was pooring oil out of the vacuum line and didn't know where it came from. I got scraped up pretty good on my arms, and my hand ripped open from where my hand hooked on to something.

on my 125 pit bike..... Just cruising the streets with some buds and have a blow out on the back during a turn, I don't know how i got a blow out, but i was wearing shorts and no gloves, i got scraped up really bad, like road rash bad.

07-10-2007, 03:18 PM
Full speed in a gravel pit I hit a 2 foot deep ditch and the trike flipped right over.
I went into a 30 feet slide into home plate, brusing 6 ribs, sprained my ankle, shoulder and thigh bone. Broke my shin bone, got a big black eye from the face plant.
Man that was a sore 2 months.
Good Times

07-23-2007, 06:03 PM
i wouldnt say im accident prone. i just ride hard! practice makes perfect and everyone must fall a few times before they can walk. been riding for 19 years now and im only 23 years old, tons of experience and had my fair share of wipe outs too

07-24-2007, 05:16 AM
I cased a triple jump and then shot off the right side of the track and hit a tree. It hurt for a long time!!!

07-24-2007, 07:58 AM
AT TF I cased off a double causing the Tri-Z to flip rear wheels over front (I swear its like a cat, it landed on its wheels) and I went skidding 20 feet cutting myself up pretty good.

07-24-2007, 09:59 AM
climbing a snowbank with my old 185 and it flipped right on top of me still running i threw it up n it landed on my hip had a big bruse for like 3 weeks when it flipped it was wide open kinda scared me

07-24-2007, 10:31 AM
Ridin ona trail i made, down hill and off camber, hit a log with right back tire next thing i know i fly down the hill off the trail. Landed head first against a log, go to look up and my 200x comes rollin down the hill slamin into my helmet, and pinnin it to the log. Had to take my helmit off to untangle myself, got up, didn't have a scratch on me. Got the bike back onto the trail, missin 2inches of the clutch handle but other then that it fired right up. Always were my helmit after that, don't have anybody in my area to ride with so If i wrech to bad, im dead meat. Some off the trils i ride on go miles back into the woods.

07-24-2007, 04:51 PM
My worst wreck....um i've had several. The worst probaly was on one of my 200s'. i was comming up a hill not to steep but i was gunning it. i slid around a turn where the path leved out for a sec and when i was ready to staighten up the rear end slid too far and caught in launching me and the bikei was thrown off and stoped abruptly. All i really remaber is lying stomach first on the groung watching my bike roll end over end a couple of times. I got up . I never broke anything thing but had lots of cuts and bruises. i was sore for a couple of days. As for the bike it was wrecked pretty bad. However a new rearend, front end andhandlebars later shes still going....but not like she used too

07-25-2007, 01:38 AM
Ya I was jumping one of my old jumps trying to get some nice pics to show people and I ended up over doing it "as usual" and I almost fliped it on top of me......Mainly because I'm to poor at the moment to buy a new grab bar for my
Atc 200x.......LOL.....And I really dont have no idea how to jump a 3 wheeler at the moment.......Anyway I survived it some how and man did my back hurt but I'm going to hit it again tommorrow.....Without a camera making me think that I have to over do it......lol......Heres a pic of how I was going to land.....It looks like it was just about ready to flip right on me.....lol.....cya

07-25-2007, 03:34 AM
playing tag last winter w my cousins 125 he had a 4 wheeler i was bein chased kinda drunk hit an icy patch n a hard chunk of dirt got thrown off his right tire ran over my leg the trikes handlebar hit my left arm n some ribs got up laughing the next day owie owie couldnt barley move he called me up asking if i wanna go out n play i hung up on him i wasnt mad at him i was mad at myself for bein dumb

07-25-2007, 04:10 PM
My worst wreck was almost 20 years ago. I'm about to turn 27 and I was about 9 or 10 when it happened. Anyways, I was on this little Yamaha 50cc dirtbike that I had from when I was younger, and was flying wide open through a field on my parents property when all of a sudden all I heard was a noise and then the world was spinning.

Ends up, while I was flying through the knee-high grass in the field my right footpeg hit the end of a dead tree (luckily not severing my foot in the process) and sent me and the bike flying through the air. Once I landed, I heard the bike running a few feet away from me in the grass before the engine died and I walked over to it. Final result was a bent right footpeg and a hell of a lot slower speed when riding through tall grass I can't see through. :lol:

07-25-2007, 04:40 PM
Launched in 5th gear on the Z off a razrback at the dunes! I didnt land it the FIRST time! :w00t:

07-25-2007, 04:46 PM
my worst wreck?
that would be on the 84 air-fooler.
on pavement, pulled it up in a 3rd gear wheelie and crossed the forks.
only to have it jump out of 3rd, flip over and pancake me on the pavement.
had severe road rash on my face, wrist, and side. nose was a solid scab for a week.
caused to miss 3 days work.
now i NEVER ride my 85R without a helmet, at least.
already saved my skin on my upper body twice, and makes landing on your head not nearly as painful.
wish i would've took pics.

10-31-2007, 04:23 PM
Just Had my First Wreck -

Hauling as down a fire road that has streches of Straight Road , Got it up to 4th Gear

As soon as i Saw the SHARP Left Turn , I new it was All Over !

Was going way too fast About 40-50 MPH , 1st thing i did turn the wheel to the left ( did nothing for me ) , 2nd Stab the Throttle to Power Slide , 3rd New It was All Over 4th Make a split Second Decision JUMP Off or Hang On 5th So I brace my self & Held on Tight

Next thing i know , i'm in the Ditch came too after a few minutes ...

Thank God i was Wearing - Helmet ,Goggles , Gloves , Big jacket , Riding Pants , MX AlpineStar Tech 6 boot ( Love them Have saved my Ankles Big Time ! )

Rear Grab Bar landed on my Left Calf ( hurt Like Hell Muscle Was Going Crazy - Thought i broke my Leg ) Sore All over ... I think i got nock out cold for a few ...

A Couple stoped on their Dirt Bikes to help me , Big thanks to them
Ps - the Couple Told me later when i was loading up that i landed Short of these Big Rocky Boulders Sticking out of the Ground !

Think i'm done for the Season ... Till i Forget what happen

The Goat
10-31-2007, 04:33 PM
my wreck was pretty simple...whenever i first got my badger 80 when i was 8, we used to ride laying down on the seat. considering we rode all day every day every summer, you had to do something new...well, i'd always grab the rear brake for a nice quick slide...the bike tipped and i ended up nice and skinned up. scraped the back of my head on the gravel.

10-31-2007, 06:04 PM
my worst wreck was back 3 days before my 17th birthday on the old big 84 big red came flyin up through the yard heading toward the road, still not sure to this day exactly what happend but i left off the gas and hit the break and nothing! i think my throttle stuck wide open, but anyway i went flyin in to the road and was t boned(hit on the side) by an old half ton chevy truck i tried to to jump off when i seen it outta the corner of my eye but it was too late i dont remember to much about it since i was "blacked out" i guess you would say, the girl driving the truck said she was going 45mph since thats the speed limit on the road but everyone thinks she was going faster then she said, anyway neighbor who called 911 and my buddies that were over said i was thrown about 10-15 feet in the air and came back down and my head smacked off the windshield shattering it ofcourse, i remember rolling/tumbling down the road about 50 feet, i looked up just in time to see my wheeler headin towards my buddies and seein one of my friends diving to knock his girlfriend out of the way of the wheeler she came about 6 inches from bein hit by the mangled hunk of metal! i remember standing up(dont know how must have been nerves) and looking at my left leg it looked like a long peice of red jello hanging there, it had no structure whatsoever, i broke it in 6 places and there was a bone sticking out of the left side of it, also broke my right arm right by the wrist and and had a face/head full of glass, they took most of the glass out while i was in the hospital for a little over 3 weeks but i was still pulling little peices out now and then for like 2 months after i was outta the hospital, the doctor told my parents that there was a about 80% chance my leg would have to be amputated(cut off), well after 8 or 9 months of bein in a wheelchair and 7 surgeries and about 60-65,000$ in medical bills i still have my leg and it is fully functional except for a little numbness at my foot, but now the inside of my leg is held together by a steel rod, a steel plate and a few bolts, and they had to take some skin off my upper leg to do a skin graph... also i was not wearing a helmet at the time and the accident investigators told me if i had been wearing a helmet since it is much harder then my head when my head hit the windshield i would have went straight through the windshield and probably would not be here today to be tellin this story!
now ofcourse my parents and other family hate seein me ride trikes but as i tell them, the same thing would have happend on a quad and maybe even worse! :TrikesOwn
sorry for the long winded post but i had to share my story :twisted:
in a couple mins ill post up a couple pics of the scars from the accident..
ok these are the scars i have left from 5 years ago, cant see them that good they look alot worse in real life, but it gives u the general idea of why not to get hit by a truck :lol:

10-31-2007, 08:38 PM
nice leg stoney... looks mangled - but it beats a peg!

cesear - thats abotu the same thing that happened to me! Except I just called my wife and told her to come get my drunk ass

10-31-2007, 09:30 PM
Getting Married!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Love the kids!!!!!!!!!!

10-31-2007, 09:50 PM
2 in the night, flying in a dirtroad to the cabin by moonlight. No headlight. 225dr came around a turn a little to late and went on down over a small cliff. Last time I remember was hitting the ground. Helmet tore off my head, doc said it is amazing the helmet never broke my neck. Faceguard dug in. Broke 2 ribs, bruised others, chipped bone in right eyebrow. Came too in the rocks and bog with a burning bike. Flipped the bike over in the bog to put out the flames and fought with it to get a path back up onto the road. Bike was leaking gas and I was bleeding. It started up, forks were toasted, couldn;t turn right. I had staight and far left turning. Made it too the cabin and passed out on the bike. Woke up in a hospital bed with blood all over my side and docs bandaging me up.
Survived it, then had to break the news to my buddie about his bike. My bike was home in the garage. I had a 250 moto 4 with spindle bearings shot. He didnt care tho aslong as I was ok. My folks bought him a 225 moto 4 after that.

10-31-2007, 10:05 PM
My worst wreck was this year. I was on my FL350 cruising on a trail with some friends, well I saw a bouncing light in the distance *was dark out*, raced up when I heard a crash on the radio and ended up hitting a dirtbike that was left in the trail. Came crashing down HARD on a rocky slope and ended up breaking my arm and chipping my cheek bones, the Odyssey's frame was so bent I had no way out of the machine, radio had broken, but the headlights worked. I ended up flashing them until i passed out.

Woke up in the hospital 2 days later to find out it took a day to find me and I fell over 3 miles down the slope! Doctor said if it didn't have a rollcage that pinned me in so well, I would have died easily.

Sent a copy of the story and report to Honda and they were nice enough to give my 350 a overhaul and fix everything to 100% =)

Never found out who left the bike, but another one of my friends ended up in 2 month coma because of that bike (he's the one i saw the headlights on). Still have headaches from the accident and a nice scar on my arm and shoulder.

10-31-2007, 10:14 PM
wow you guys have had some pretty bad accidents....

my worst... well besides numerous times of falling off during a wheelie...

i was in the yard on my 110 and it was dusk. not really dark.. but dark enough to impair someones vision.. well i bent down while i was sitting on the bike, to tie my shoe, and my brother smashed me in the back with the 125m... threw me off the threewheeler and the threewheeler rolled onto me..... luckily, the threewheeler worked as a scraper blade to keep me from getting run over...

ohh and my 200x.... dunno what happened, i assume it was oil that spashed onto the brake disk from oiling the chain or something.. but i went down a hill and the brakes didn't work... too late for the front ones and it pinned my foot into a tree going about 35... foot hurt for over a month.... but no harm done really...

10-31-2007, 10:41 PM
My worst injury was a severely sprained ankle in 2004... It was probably actually broken but I never went to the doctor to see... It happened my first time riding a stock wheelbase tecate with a 40mm carb and DG pipe.... I was spinning hard in 2nd gear around a tree with a bunch of leaves on the ground... It was slightly uphill and I was traveling at first gear speed when the bike caught a hidden root... I was ejected off the bike as it wheelied out from under me on one wheel... I landed with all my weight twisting on one leg... I could hardly walk for 2 month(still cannot run) and I have worn the proper ridding boots every since....

My worst crash was while riding my friends Banshee... We were loading up the bikes after a day of riding... I hopped on his bike with no helmet and took it for a quick spin... I went down the road a bit and found a forgotten trail on my way back towards the truck.... I was on it hard in 4th gear coming through a corner only to find a huge puddle of water taking up most the road at the beginning of the straitaway 200ft from the truck... I tried to go around the puddle but one front wheel caught the water and spun me perpendicular to the road.... I highsided and landed 40 feet down the trail on my head and hip... just barely missing 2 good sized rocks with my head... A split second later the quad hit me on its second bounce and rolled over me... I somehow managed to escape major injury with only a sore neck and a 6" bruise on my hip... My friends witnessed the whole thing and thought I was dead... I had to buy my buddy new bars, levers, steering stem, seat cover, one wheel, a spindle, and help him straighten out the frame behind the stem... Now I wear a helmet every single time I ride fast...

10-31-2007, 10:47 PM
Cased a jump and flipped me right over the bars then the bike ran me over!

10-31-2007, 11:15 PM
Imagine 4 people on a grizzly 660 including me, that flipped. My worst, though I didint get hurt. Had many other wrecks but have never got hurt either, so ive forgot about most.

11-01-2007, 12:52 AM
Around 1986 when I was 16 I was riding me and friends 185s down a gravel road that ran parallel with a bayou. I was WOT and hit the curve going for a slide and the front wheel didn't get any traction, so after sliding straight ahead in the gravel and not making the curve, the 185s and myself flew through some small trees then right into the bayou about 10 feet below the road. The trike was flipped over and stuck in the mud and water. There are gators everywhere in that area so that was my first and only thought , to get the hell out of that water fast. REAL fast. I was back on the road walking to my truck where my friend and bro where. They had heard the motor just die and had been walking to where I spilled. When they saw me they said I looked like SWAMP THING because I was covered head to toe in that bayou mud.
So we got the truck and pulled the 185s out, gave it a few pulls and she started running again.
So that was probably my most dangerous accident on a trike. I could have drowned, broke my neck, got eaten by gators, or bitten by a cottonmouth. But I managed to only get muddy LOL.

11-01-2007, 12:55 AM
I have a couple more to add to this thread. But no time to go into to it. One thing I can say is:


11-01-2007, 12:57 AM
I can honestly say I have been ejected from my bike on multiple occasions, including having even riden down a 20 foot embankment into a lake on atc erics 1996 yamaha warrrior last year. Somehow I always manage to get out of hand and end up having to hit the ground rolling either away from the atv or underneath it :lol:


33 stiches in my leg and a drain in my knee, right below my left knee cap. wrecked on my restored 250sx doing a mild 3rd gear jump. This was about 5 years ago right after I got into trikes, didnt really have good enough balance or confidence in what I was doing. ENJOY THE PICTURE!


11-01-2007, 01:07 AM
worst wreck i ever had was back when i had my 84 200s i was on pavement next to a fence...i saw a wet spot and and thought it would be cool to do do a dought nut...well it hooked mid way launched em into the fence and the 200s fell over on top of me....i didnt get hurt just scared me....to this day i have never been hurt on a 3wheeler....i did flip a go cart once and burnt my self pretty bad on the muffler lol

11-01-2007, 01:18 AM
Back in 97 in the middle of winter I was riding my 84 200X and was t-boned by an Oldsmobile. The guy blew the stop sign at about 35 mph and I happened to be in the way. I had no stop sign or yield sign so I was in the right. Thing is, I was only a block away from home. The cars bumper shattered my lower left leg and my helmet bounced off the guys hood and I went through his windshield and landed on his dashboard. He then locked up his brakes and I flew back off and landed next to a mailbox. When I looked down, both of my bones were sticking out of my pantleg about 4 inches and the bottom of my foot was at my hip. It literally felt like my leg was on fire! It took the paramedics 15 minutes to arrive and I lost so much blood that they said I needed a transfusion. I refused the transfusion later on because I didn't want someone elses blood coarsing through my veins. Nobody jump on me about that issue, it's just a hangup I have. Anyways, the first hospital wanted to take the leg off a week later. They had driven a 12 inch titanium rod down through my shin bone to hold it all together. Infection had set in after a week and that's why they wanted to take off my leg. I refused and wanted a second opinion from a different hospital. I got my way and was transferred to a different hospital about 2 hours away. They had to cut my leg open and scrape the bone clean and cut away infected tissue. I lost half my calve muscle. They took skin from my upper thigh and grafted it over the hole in my leg. I couldn't walk for 9 months and was bedridden for 2 of them. Nowadays I walks with a gangsta stroll:lol:

11-01-2007, 01:23 AM
I bet that hurts your ninja abilities.

11-01-2007, 01:40 AM
LOL! It most certainly does. I can't play hockey anymore either.

11-01-2007, 12:08 PM
My worst wasnt bad at all, except for a bruise on my ego. Me and Syko and others went to Ocala Nat. Forest for some hard riding! We unloaded the trikes and I decided to try out some whoops. FIRST time ever on whoops and what do I do? Go balls to the wall with my 86 250SX. So Im gettin it at a pretty good clip when I land funny on a bump. Next thing I know, the back is starting to 'dance', so I eased off the throttle but it was too late. It threw me off and layed on its side. No injuries, damage, or anything. Nobody saw me until a kid said 'look! he just crashed!' Dammit, I almost got away with it and nobody would have known. :twisted: Oh well, it wasnt bad.
The worst part of it all was...we havent even been there 5 minutes and I already ate dirt. That was probally worse than the wreck. :lol:

11-01-2007, 01:19 PM
man. notice how most of these wrecks, the poster admits to doing something they shouldnt have been, or is admitting to some kind of RIDER ERROR?
man...we may be on to something....it aint the trikes fault.
cept for you stoney...brake failure is machine error.....

WHY whenever it is BAD for you, there is a car going to run into you?
if you stop at a stop sign or stop to go out of your driveway, there are NOONE ELSE THERE, but as soon as you blow a stop sign, there is someone in the EXACT right spot to really slam into you......they couldnt be 5 more feet back and miss you........

have had countless wrecks. none of which were bad.....when i was about 10, mini bike stuck wide open and ran into a fence. knocked the wind out of me, but i was fine.

me and my cousin were doing donuts on their 450 kodiak. i was on the back, holding onto the rack, when my feet lost grip and i did a backflip off the quad. completely unscathed, but acared the hell out of me.

have hit the front brake on my xl80 too hard on a number of occasions.....always turns out the same......bike on the ground and me pissed off.

and me laying my mini bike down quite often because the drift in the rox went just a lil too far. never got hurt, just kinda a tip over. even a 30MPH drift that goes for 30+ feet, after its all said and done, im basically stopped and just tip over lol. the recoil housing is all banged up........

steven 250sx
11-01-2007, 02:07 PM
wow those are some wicked wrecks i'm not looking forward to my first wreck lol

11-01-2007, 03:10 PM
There's two types of people in this world, those that have wrecked and those that will wreck eventually.

steven 250sx
11-01-2007, 03:11 PM
ohh i'm waiting for my turn i know that Z is gonna put me through hell

11-01-2007, 03:38 PM
I had a nice little case of brake failure a few years bake.

I was at the crest of a steep hill on my brothers 250sx, started my way down the other side, and the thing wouldnt slow down. I tryed to throw it into a low gear, didnt work, that bike had a habbit of the tranny playin tricks on you.

Really started pickin up speed by this point. At the bottom of the hill, is a number of roots sticking out of the ground, and a SHARP right turn. At this point I thought I should throw myself off the back, but at the same time I thought, "this is my brothers bike, cant wreck it, gonna ride it out!" I hit the bank of the turn, FLEW over that, bounced really bad a couple times through some tree, and finally fell off the back, as the bike rolled to a stop on the adjascent hill 5 feet from the lake!

Just sitting there purring, waiting for me to get back on. Didnt have a scratch on me, neither did it.

That was the scarest incident, this next one was a little painful.

I was cruinsin on the 200s, maybe about 3-4th gear through a smooth path in the woods. ALL of the sudden, my right foot got sucked off the peg, and wedged under the rear axle to where I was hugging the bike, and could not move. I had to wait for my brother to come to the rescue. It really hurt my ankle. I walked UP AND DOWN that trail a WHOLE bunch, and for the life of me I could not find out what had grabbed my foot off the peg. My boot was tied tight, there were no roots on the trail, not any sort of reason why I ended up the way I did.

Theres a coupld of other "mishaps" Im sure that have caused more pain, but those are the only two on the top of my head.

11-02-2007, 05:38 PM
I was riding a 200x with a exstended grab bar and was doing 360 donuts with it and it flipped over, i did not get hurt and niether did the bike...

11-02-2007, 05:48 PM
iv bin landed on and have landed on people in mx but the scaryest wreck has to be my buddy back in the 90s

he was racing at a tt race and lost it going into turn one and hit the gard rail

now he was at full lean trying to get the quad to turn so he was hanging off the side real far....... would anyone like to guess ware his foot peg ended up?

one hint..... it TAINT a hard question....lol

12-16-2007, 02:20 PM
Some of my worst:

-Launching my 110 off of a 6 ft drop in jr high. Cracked a wheel.

-Rolled my 185 many times ice racing and dirt drifting. A few bent handle bars.

-Climbing hills that were way to steep

-My absolute worse was a test run after putting a bigger carb and illuminating the airbox on a trike. Was following a road with trees around it and this road curved and then turned into a dike that was raised above the rest of the land. Well of course I wanted to test my trike to the limit and was pretty pumped on the added power, so I go into this curve at full throttle and attempted to drift around it. I didn't make the curve. Woke up laying in the bottom of the crick and my trike was hanging in a tree about 6 ft off of the ground. I shot off of the dike and my head went between 2 trees that were about three feet apart. No helmet...*Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited** Edited**Edited*.

12-16-2007, 08:07 PM
Hmm...lets see...

Mine was back when i was 12 (12 years ago) I was on my 84 honda 200 riding in the desert, through some tree's with my brother on the go kart behind me.

we were going full throttle, with no worries (we felt like we were superman, could do anything!)!! There was a small dirt mound with tree's on each side of it. I was stoked so i pushed the throttle as hard as possible. RIGHT before I hit the dirt mound I heard my brother yelling something so I turned my head around to look at him.

Little did I know someone wrapped a 1/2" wire from one tree to the next!!!!

I hit the wire, my trike kept going forward, I was thrown about 20 feet backwards and spent the next 2 weeks in the hospital.

If i didn't turn my head to see what my brother was saying it would have literally cut my head off!!!

38 staples and 60 stitches later. I was sent to recover.

the odd thing is, i remember this so clearly is that when i stood up after being thrown, i tried to talk, saying i was just fine, only got the wind knocked out of me and nothing came out, it was all air. My trek had a hole in it, then I passed out, woke up 13 hours later! scary but an amazing story!

The Goat
12-16-2007, 08:15 PM

come to think of it, i hit an electric fence on my 70 when i was little...thankfully not going fast, just kind of...shocking. and it looked like i tried to hang myself with a wire for a week or so. honestly...suicidal 6 year olds.

12-16-2007, 09:14 PM
Heres one... must remember... Rubber goes down :lol:


12-16-2007, 09:17 PM
Heres one... must remember... Rubber goes down :lol:


How in the world did that happen?!?!?!?

12-16-2007, 09:21 PM
Good question... I think the jump was too steep and i accelerated too much...lol

12-17-2007, 01:35 PM
Mine was in 2000 I had a Yamaha Blaster that was streched bored outs and just made for racing...I was in Louisiana at a place called L.A. Dunes.... my friend was on the back and we were just haullin along and we went up this steep dune and the bike started to bog so i through it down a gear and we started to wheele... it was working for a bit then i guess it got to steep and over it came... he jumped off but i couldnt it was to late it fell right on top of me...(busted my bottom lip open about 12 stiches and i lost a tooth and brouised my collar bone realy bad with a slight concousion to top it off)

12-17-2007, 04:50 PM
Yesterday I was ridin around everywhere cuz I had just got all the snow cleared with the dozer and could actually drive around the farm and down the rode (threewheelers dont like a foot of snow). Was goin to call it a night when I decided to jump this snow pile just for the hell of it. I got a gooood run at it because I figured I would blow through most of the pile. Not so. The SOB was packed. I launched off of that thing at an extremely steep angle, got an extreme amount of vertical air. I mean it was way steep cause I shot up and did a front flip in the air and land upside down frontward. I pretty much landed on my head with the trike upside down on me. I was still on my trike and it was still thumpin :beer Thank god I landed in a snowdrift. THis just goes to show what can happen when the terrain is different than you expect. I was totally caught off gaurd and had no balance whatsoever.

12-17-2007, 06:18 PM
was the bike okay?

12-17-2007, 07:03 PM
Douchebag on a 400ex went down the wrong trail pinned in fourth,jumped over a hill and slammed into me on my banshee head on. Hit my shee so hard,it twisted the steering stem,bent the axle and shattered the left rear bearings in the axle.
He had no helmet on!You know the type,full riding gear with no helmet,graphics kit,redicoulously loud pipe.

He had been flying all around that weekend in the main camp trails.

(I was thinking to myself before it happened,that guy is ajackass that is going to kill someone).Little did I know 6 hours later,it would be me,that he hit.

I now can spot them fools and I avoid them idiots like the plauge.

He went flying off his bike,got hit by it,then he slammed shoulder first into a tree.
Had he been 4 inches over to my right,he would have decapated me.
Needless to say I have a real chip on my shoulder about Campground Throttle Jockies,with the latest, greatest machine,and a rider with the IQ of a rotted piece of wood.
If they aint smart enough to put a helmet on,well that says it right there.

12-17-2007, 09:33 PM
was the bike okay?

O ya...flipped er over and she fired on the first pull:lol:

12-17-2007, 09:40 PM
I have a real chip on my shoulder about Campground Throttle Jockies,with the latest, greatest machine,and a rider with the IQ of a rotted piece of wood.
If they aint smart enough to put a helmet on,well that says it right there.

i think howdys the one who always says "you gotta let the gene pool clean itself out" or something to that effect :lol:

12-18-2007, 02:49 PM
i ran my banshee 6th gear pinned on the roads heaidn to my buddies house a few years back and the throttle stuck and i hit behind the truck and cought the front of a low boy equipment trailer comign the other way. i jumped up and my ankles hit the bars and i cartwheeled liek a rag doll trough the air and into a corn field the corn slowed me down enough that i didnt realyl get hurt except a few bruises and a sprained ankle and soem small cuts

then back i belive around 1997 or so i wa son a old 3004x4 tryign to play int he mud i climbed a hill out of a mud hole and somehow managed to flipoff the back and the quad landed on me trapign me unde rthe water. luckily the girl who rode with us was an emt caus ei would have drowned

then i was racign snowmobiles on my 85 250r in the snow and hit a styrofoam block we shoot bow and arrow at and cart wheeled it in 5th gear. breakign my wrist.

in 1996 i had a old dirtbiek dried goign between 2 trees and smashed both hands. clos eto 30 hours or reconstructive surgery i cna us ethem but not well so back off about my typing erors.

then i rember a incident in 2006 with the 450r hil climbign and almost makgin the hill climb and it comign flyign backwards end over end down the hill ther ewas abotu 10 or so board members that seen that one.

then at trikefest 07 i had a briliant idea to hit the mud pit in 5th gear tapped out on my 250sx and launced the jump into the pit and it stuck and rolled and if anyone has that on video or pics of it let me know.!!!!




12-31-2007, 04:45 PM
That last one was the best...gotta love pics!

I have to admit that a good crash is part of the whole experience. Of course, I always prefer one with more "holy s**t" than actual injuries, human or trike.

My buddy and I were jumping this tiny little bump at the local quarry, probably caching no more than 12" of air (at 40 that seems like a lot to me) and the right footpeg on my 250SX broke off on landing. Naturally, my foot hit the ground, then the back wheel ran up my leg and pulled me off the trike and then the trike over on top of me. He's got a pic of my helmet sticking out from under my upside down trike, which is pretty funny. I'd post it if I had it handy. No injuries to me, but the already frankenstein stitched plastics were totally wasted. Now I had an excuse to replace the fenders! It made for a good story when we got home.

By the way, the bolts on my footpeg had apparently been shearing off for a long time. It was rusted about 2/3 of the way though, so who knows how long it had been like that? Needless to say, I've replaced all the peg bolts with new G8 bolts.

12-31-2007, 05:04 PM
September 11, 2007...I just got my 2003 Arctic Cat 500. I took off down the road and grabbed the brake (handle bar brake is supposed to activate the front and rear brakes) and rolled it over myself on pavement at about 30. If anyone has been on an Arctic Cat 500, you know they're not light. Luckily i had a helmet on. I spent the night in the hospital and came out with only minor cuts and bruises, along with a very sore few weeks.

December 30, 2003...I was in a non-ATV related accident where a car hit me from behind and drug me 300 feet. I was completely paralized from the neck down. I have had to learn everything over (walking, talking, eating...ect) just like a baby.


tri-Z ripper
12-31-2007, 07:54 PM
It was the end of a rid at Pisgah in NH we were all fooling around in the parking lot well i decided some high speed wheelies would be in order! well alittle to far back and i remember the Z cartwheeling alittle resulting in broken clutch lever stripped shift lever bent headlight gaurd and one nasty rasberry bruise! and of course hurt pride!

01-01-2008, 03:05 PM
oh speakign of wheelies i forgot one a cr500 up a coal bank wheelied 5thgear right of fthe top bike back fliped and i lande don my head and the bike landed abotu 60 yards away from me.