View Full Version : Oil coming out of the exhuast? 2-stroke...normal?

04-04-2006, 06:57 PM
Well as many of you know, I have a Tri-Z and 250R. Well the premix that I use is just the number that I thought was the best. I've always thought that 20:1 would be way too thick with oil, and that 50:1 would be way too thin, so I went with 32:1. Well the 250R runs perfectly on 32:1.. I'm not sure if it is the right premix for my particular bike, but it runs well and doesn't smoke. But the Tri-Z smokes like crazy when I hit the throttle (it doesn't smoke too bad when it is just idling) and after awhile, oil starts to build up on the end of the silencer. Its not a ton of oil, but enough so that after 5 rides there is a drip of oil going down the back of the silencer. Is this normal or should I change my premix for the Z? I use the same gas can for both the 250R and Tri-Z, but I could get another gas can specially for the Z if you guys think that I should run a thinner premix. What do you think? Is there just too much oil in the gas for the Z? Is it bad that there is that much excess oil?

04-04-2006, 08:12 PM
I run mine 32:1 and i dont get any dripping oil from the silencer. What kind of oil you using?

04-04-2006, 08:13 PM
You don't need to change your premix or the ratio, because neither actually has anything to do with your problem. You need to change your jets. Your bike might run great right now, but the exhasut port temperature isn't high enough to vaporize the oil, so it slowly creeps through the entire exhaust system until it comes out the silencer. To make sense of what I'm saying, read this article. (http://www.maximausa.com/technical/lubenews/springsummer2001.pdf)

04-04-2006, 10:08 PM
Although I cannot tell you why you mght be having this problem, I can tell you something that might help.

When Derrick had this bike, he ran it exclusively on 50:1. If memory serves, it has always smoked a tad, but also has always ran fine on 50:1 ratio. I have ridden that bike on numerous occasions and it is much happier with a thinner mix.

In addtition, Derrick, Brandon and I all run our 250Rs at 50:1, with NO Ill effects.

Hopefully I have added some confidence vs. confusion.

04-10-2006, 03:16 PM
Did you ever get this figured out, nouse?

04-10-2006, 06:30 PM
No. I'm going to try the suggestions on that link someone posted earlier and tune in my carb, and then I'm going to thin the oil to 50:1. I got that advice a little too late because I just bought 5 gallons of gas and mixed it 32:1.. so its going to take me a little while to use that up.

And what kind of oil do you guys run? Amsoil? I run Lucas oil..

04-10-2006, 06:36 PM
Amsoil is good, but anything with the Lucas name on it is Blue Ribbon in my book.

I hear ya on it taking a while to burn thru 5 gallons on that thing...I runs like it's the Geo Metro of trikes when it comes to fuel mileage...lol

04-10-2006, 06:37 PM
Lol.. well the 5 gallons of premixed is for my R and Z.. and between 2 trikes, 5 gallons isn't too much so it usually only lasts me a week or two.