View Full Version : origin of fuel or coolant in oil...85 250r...please help

04-04-2006, 05:05 PM
I THINK i have either coolant or fuel leaking into the oil in the bottom end of my 250r. The oil is black after one ride, and looks kind of hazy. Its not like the black from old oil out of a 4 stroke motor or car motor. It looks as if it has something else weird in there.

If its fuel, where is it leaking past? Is it possible?

If its coolant, where is it leaking past? I have to pull the right side cover again to fix an oil leak, and i know thats where the water pump seals are.

Please help a brother out.


04-04-2006, 05:20 PM
Sounds like your crank seals are bad. Gas/oil is leaking past into your tranny. That kinda blows bud.

04-04-2006, 05:40 PM
how hard of a fix is this? What do i have to do to get to the crank seals?

Where would coolant be leaking from?


04-05-2006, 10:53 AM
anyone? im strugglin here

04-05-2006, 11:06 AM
I think a bike shop can test the crank seals theory by testing the cooling system with air pressure. What they do is pressurize it, then wait a few minutes to see if the pressure drops. If it does, there's a leak somewhere.

Also, when are you looking at the oil? If you're draining it right after it's been running, that could be the reason it looks weird. It bubbles up and looks kinda funky right after it's been running. That hazy look is just a ton of tiny, tiny bubbles. Drain it while hot into a clean, clear container and look at it in the sun. You'll see what I mean. After about 15 minutes it will look like normal oil out of the container.

04-05-2006, 11:18 AM
yeah every time i look is when i just stop riding and drain it out...Its always hazy and bubbly. Ill do what you said and see what happens. I'm still working on that oil leak too, the gasket is leaking at the top near the cylinder as well as the cap is messed up too...that baby powder really did the trick

Thanks again,

04-05-2006, 11:26 AM
How does it run? Is is using coolant? Did you take rad cap off and see if there is foam or oil in there?

04-05-2006, 12:26 PM
yeah every time i look is when i just stop riding and drain it out...Its always hazy and bubbly. Ill do what you said and see what happens.

Thanks again,

Ten bucks says that's what you're seeing. Totally normal. Threw me for a loop a while back too. I could be wrong but I don't think the oils I used back in the 80s did that so much. I figured it's just a byproduct of the new oil technologies. Nothing to worry about either way.

04-05-2006, 12:33 PM
Ten bucks says that's what you're seeing. Totally normal. Threw me for a loop a while back too. I could be wrong but I don't think the oils I used back in the 80s did that so much. I figured it's just a byproduct of the new oil technologies. Nothing to worry about either way.

Same here. My 85 R oil look like that too.

04-05-2006, 02:11 PM
the r runs great, needs to be jetted a bit, and leaks/looses no coolant whatsoever. The only other option if there is anything at all is fuel, and i think i would see a shiny rainbow like image on top of the oil, and im not seeing that.

Im goign to go drain it now, and see what happens.

I got the new gasket in...should i use anything on the gasket to make it seal better? Its a new OEM honda gasket. Should i get that copper spray or silicone and use that with the new gasket or just make sure both surfaces are clean and free of gasket remnants and give her a go?

The threads on the oil fill cap are boogered, and it prevents it form sealing correctly. SHould i get it fixed or just leave it be, or try to use a larger thickness oring to make up the gap?


04-05-2006, 02:50 PM
the r runs great, needs to be jetted a bit, and leaks/looses no coolant whatsoever. The only other option if there is anything at all is fuel, and i think i would see a shiny rainbow like image on top of the oil, and im not seeing that.

Im goign to go drain it now, and see what happens.

I got the new gasket in...should i use anything on the gasket to make it seal better? Its a new OEM honda gasket. Should i get that copper spray or silicone and use that with the new gasket or just make sure both surfaces are clean and free of gasket remnants and give her a go?

The threads on the oil fill cap are boogered, and it prevents it form sealing correctly. SHould i get it fixed or just leave it be, or try to use a larger thickness oring to make up the gap?


I presonally hate silicone and silicone is crap. I use coppercote spray on my gaskets. Just have to scrape a little more to remove.
But do not need to use anything but gasket really.

04-05-2006, 03:23 PM
well it turns out that the oil looks fine now, i mixed some coolant with it, and it wasnt what i was seeing before, and i really dont think its fuel.

The problem was that the gasket slipped down on the top near teh coolant barbs/hoses, thats why it leaked oil.

I just have to fix the cap issue, and be careful reinstalling the new gasket, and i should be all set.

Thanks guys,

04-05-2006, 04:11 PM
I just use axle grease on case gaskets and other areas that don't have a lot of pressure in them.