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View Full Version : professional photographer at TF

03-26-2006, 08:43 PM
i know we have this was discussed,but i talked to mike the other day and he wanted to be sure he was welcome,and allowed to come take photo's and sell them.he can print them out on the spot,as big as a 8-10.

is there any issues with him coming?

Derrick Adams
03-26-2006, 08:51 PM
I don't think anyone has ran it by Pete yet. Could be wrong.

03-26-2006, 08:55 PM
we should proally do that huh!!?i doubt there is any problems with it,but don't wanna step on any toes!

03-26-2006, 10:55 PM
I don't think anyone has ran it by Pete yet. Could be wrong.

I will call him tomorrow. I talked to him a week or 2 ago, we talked about a lot of stuff. But having a Photo guy there wasn't one of them.

Derrick Adams
05-13-2006, 09:49 AM
Did we get this taken care of? Do we have a clean enviroment for him to set up his printer and equipment?

05-14-2006, 09:08 PM
i'm sure we are good to hve mike there,but we may need to plan on setting his equipment up in craigs motorhome,that way it's locked up,and in a clean enviroment.

or maybe setup at the office?either way should work for mike...as long as he is makin money!!!

05-14-2006, 09:14 PM
well we discussed this before,but i want to get a good idea of how many people are interested in this.mike davis will be attending TF for photo purposes.this means he can print as big as a 8 by 10 photo of you while you wait.10 bux is the cost.

he can also make 30 by 60 posters upon request,and deposit.so you can get pics. of you and your buds,you draggin,mx races,hill climbs,or a pic. of your favorite bike,a rare tiger 8 by 10 would be sweet huh!!??

so if this is something you are interested in please post you think it's a good idea.i want to be sure i am not waisting his time.

05-14-2006, 09:24 PM
this is a great idea. do you have any idea what he charges?

05-14-2006, 10:27 PM
this is a great idea. do you have any idea what he charges?

Can't you read??????????????????? anyway I'll definitely be interested in some pcs. I have a new garage to decorate.

Billy Golightly
05-14-2006, 11:10 PM
I'm most definetly absolutely in.

05-15-2006, 07:02 AM
Yep, id love a few photos of me MXing or a big poster of another 3 way drag!

Thats a ritual aint it now? :w00t:

05-15-2006, 12:18 PM
Brandon thatd be great if Mike could come, I definitly be interested in some 8x10s and a poster or two.

05-15-2006, 08:09 PM
cool,i know he plans on coming.i just wanted to be sure we can make it worth his while.i am sure more peolpe will buy in once he's there selling pics.

he does real awesome work.i know i am getting some.i will have to contact hime this weekend to make sure he is still attending

05-15-2006, 09:01 PM
I just need a picture of me ahead of Flytin' Brian that I can retire on!

Derrick Adams
05-15-2006, 09:16 PM
I just need a picture of me ahead of Flytin' Brian that I can retire on!

Photoshop is a wonderful thing.:D

05-15-2006, 09:32 PM
i'm sure we are good to hve mike there,but we may need to plan on setting his equipment up in craigs motorhome,that way it's locked up,and in a clean enviroment.

or maybe setup at the office?either way should work for mike...as long as he is makin money!!!

I got no prob lettin him use the MotorHome as long as the stuff can be setup to be used, then removed so we can eat. It will probably be the same setup he had at Galion, a PC, 2 printers and some small odds and ends.....no prob.

BTW, when ya tell him, kinda drop the idea of Giving me some DEEP discounts! ;) :naughty: