View Full Version : 250R troubles? Help!

03-24-2006, 08:27 PM
Ok. So today there was finally a break in the weather, and it was semi-warm instead of snowing. Well I decided that I was going to hop on the R and take a ride.. it wouldn't start. "No biggie.." I though.. so I hopped on the Z and took a ride. About 5 minutes into my ride, it fouls a plug. "Crap!" I think, because I have no extra plugs. Well I go out, buy 6 plugs, put one in the Z and it fires right up. Then I went over to the R, put a plug in.. nothing. At this point I'm like "hmm..". So I take the plug out and make sure it has spark. It has a nice, big, juicy blue spark. I eliminated one thing. So at this point I'm stumped. When I got the bike, there was a problem with the carb where it would leak out of the overflow hose if I let it sit with the gas on for a long period of time (over like 3 hours). I have yet to fix it because it doesn't hurt me to simply turn the gas off. Well at this point, I'm thinking that its fuel. "Well it can't be fuel" I say to myself.. "I smell fuel.. almost like its flooded." Well I let it sit for awhile and try again. No go. At this point, I'm searching the bike over and I notice some gas on the carb, and it looks like there is gas coming out of the exhaust flange? So.. that is where I am right now. Can anyone tell me what is going on here??

'85 R BTW. And I have a brand new Moose rebuild kit for an '85 350X that I ended up having to not use.. would it work on the R? (Just the gaskets and stuff..)

Oh.. and if it helps.. I rode around on it yesterday and it started on the first kick with the choke on. When I parked it, it was running strong.

03-24-2006, 08:31 PM
Give the carb a real good scrub down. I also put a few drops of gas in the cylinder before I put the plug in and it should fire up if it has spark. If it fires then dies a few seconds later, your carb may be clogged.

03-24-2006, 08:32 PM
My x did that yesterday. I drained the bowl and kicked it untill all the fuel burned out of the cylinder. Then i turned it back on and it fired right up. I found that i simply flooded it...

03-24-2006, 08:34 PM
How do you go about draining the bowl?

03-24-2006, 08:35 PM
On the bottom is a screw for a drain or a large 11/16 plug you can turn out. This will drain your bowl. Allso, when draining be sure to shut your fuel off. Its probably just flooded...

03-24-2006, 08:36 PM
Sounds like needle and seat sticking.take off the carb and bowl and get a can of carb cleaner aand blast out the whole carb.

03-24-2006, 08:37 PM
Ok. I'll try that. If that doesn't work, I'll tear the carb off and clean it.
And I don't get how it could be flooded? Do you mean the carb would have gas built up inside it? Because if the gas was inside the cylinder, it would get burnt. Not to mention I had the gas turned off for the last about 15 kicks just to make sure there wasn't any gas getting in there.

Billy Golightly
03-24-2006, 08:43 PM
sounds to me like the bottom end of the engine filled up with fuel from the carb over flowing. Has happened on my Z a few times. Pull the pipe off and drain the gas out of it and the muffler, and then pull the carb/reedcage out and use some compressed air under the piston to blow out as much excess as you can.

03-24-2006, 08:45 PM
Ok. Thanks. I'll have to try this stuff. I've never had this problem before with any of my trikes, so it was new to me and kind of worried me. You guys are snappy at replying.

03-25-2006, 06:10 PM
Well I tore the R down today. Took of the carb, intake, reeds, expansion chamber, etc. First I tried just cleaning the carb.. no go. So I just decided to take it all apart. I did what Billy said, and when I took off the expansion chamber there was probably over a quarter-gallon of gas in there. I put it all back together after doing what Billy said, and she started like a dream. Now it seems to sound a little louder (probably because there isn't any liquid in there to dampen the sound, and it seems to have quite a bit more power. Does this sound right? I was riding today, and when I popped it into 3rd and gunned it, it pulled the front wheel about a foot or so off of the ground. It would never do that before. The most it would ever do when I put it into 3rd and went WOT is extend the front forks.. the front wheel would never come off of the ground.

And how can I tell if my reeds are stock or aftermarket?
http://s2.supload.com/thumbs/default/100_0547.JPG (http://s2.supload.com/free/100_0547.JPG/view/)
http://s2.supload.com/thumbs/default/100_0548.JPG (http://s2.supload.com/free/100_0548.JPG/view/)

03-25-2006, 06:17 PM
humm my R pulls wheelies in 5th with ease! must be my pt hr pipe :)

03-25-2006, 06:20 PM
I'm sure it could pull wheelies in 5th if I were to want to/try.. but I was just surprised when it pulled the front off the ground without me even trying. Not to mention my R has a +2" swinger on it. It seems to have alot more balls now that the pipe isn't filled with gas!!

03-25-2006, 06:47 PM
Lol, thats good to here, are you turning your gas off from now on?

03-25-2006, 06:57 PM
Yeah. About a minute or two before I plan on quitting riding, I turn the gas off so that it burns most, but not all, of the gas out of the carb.

Billy Golightly
03-25-2006, 07:47 PM
Yup, I figured that was it :) I have "TURN OFF GAS" written on the top of my Z airbox cover with a magic marker. I still forget sometimes though and everytime I have to go through that same crap. Really need to get a new carb.

03-25-2006, 07:51 PM
Yeah. I'm definately buying myself a nice new carb as soon as I get this X project out of the way. All my money is being eaten by that two-eyed beast right now.

03-25-2006, 07:53 PM
Reeds are definately aftermarket. Guessing Boyessen or FMF.

03-25-2006, 08:09 PM
All my money is being eaten by that two-eyed beast right now.

Itll do that! hahaha!

Yup, I figured that was it :) I have "TURN OFF GAS" written on the top of my Z airbox cover with a magic marker. I still forget sometimes though and everytime I have to go through that same crap. Really need to get a new carb.

Yah same, ive started to turn mine off too.

03-25-2006, 08:23 PM
Well I tore the R down today. Took of the carb, intake, reeds, expansion chamber, etc. First I tried just cleaning the carb.. no go. So I just decided to take it all apart. I did what Billy said, and when I took off the expansion chamber there was probably over a quarter-gallon of gas in there. I put it all back together after doing what Billy said, and she started like a dream. Now it seems to sound a little louder (probably because there isn't any liquid in there to dampen the sound, and it seems to have quite a bit more power. Does this sound right? I was riding today, and when I popped it into 3rd and gunned it, it pulled the front wheel about a foot or so off of the ground. It would never do that before. The most it would ever do when I put it into 3rd and went WOT is extend the front forks.. the front wheel would never come off of the ground.

And how can I tell if my reeds are stock or aftermarket?
http://s2.supload.com/thumbs/default/100_0547.JPG (http://s2.supload.com/free/100_0547.JPG/view/)
http://s2.supload.com/thumbs/default/100_0548.JPG (http://s2.supload.com/free/100_0548.JPG/view/)

Those look like aftermarket reeds to me and possible boysen reeds and there are no reed stops on that cage either,

03-26-2006, 11:56 AM
Does having no reed stops mean that the reed cage is aftermarket?
I'm trying to get into this whole 2 stroke world now that half of my trikes are 2 stroke.. lol.

http://s2.supload.com/thumbs/default/100_0549.JPG (http://s2.supload.com/free/100_0549.JPG/view/)

Here is a picture of the back of the reed cage if it helps anything..