View Full Version : ATC 70 carb overflowing

03-23-2006, 07:41 PM
Hey all, I just got my 70 restored and was riding it around today and it was dripping gas out of the overflow. It didn't do it yesterday and has gotten worse to instead of just dripping it flows out. I took the bowl off and checked the float and needle, it all seems fine. Any advice?

03-23-2006, 08:53 PM
most likely there is some trash in the carb, and its not allowing the needle to seat fully. Or if you have cleaned the carb, the float level may be off. Those carbs are so small it doesnt take much to clog em up. When you take the bowl off the carb, dont let it tip over, try to keep the gas in it. You may be able to see if there is trash in the bottom of the bowl. If you find anything, Id suggest taking off the tank and cleaning it also, and install filters on the fuel lines!
Hope this helps, Dave

03-24-2006, 10:45 AM
ya, it sounds like your needle wasnt seating properly. chances are is that you had some dirt in it like said previously.

03-24-2006, 01:28 PM
Turns out the float is bad. It didn't have much gas in it at first so I didn't see/hear it, but after taking it out and re-installing it a few times it filled up more and more. I'll get a new one and should be good as new. Thanks guys!!