View Full Version : Synthetic Oil

03-13-2003, 10:58 AM
Ok I was wondering about running synthetic oil in my trike since it last's longer, would I be able to get past the "20 hour change" with running synthetic, or does the same rule apply?

03-13-2003, 01:10 PM
BLUE MARBLE....www.nulubes.com...believe everything it claims because it's true.

03-13-2003, 01:24 PM
Sounds expensive but from the dyno results I read it's certainly worth it...I'm in the process of rebuilding my YTM200, if I started it off with that stuff, my engine should last just about forever it seems. You wouldn't happen to be a dealer would you? Or just a fan.

03-13-2003, 06:59 PM
Just a fan. I'm accually a amsoil dealer..lol. Now I only use blue marble in my two strokes.

Billy Golightly
03-13-2003, 07:08 PM
Kimmer I got an email from the guy that runs the blue marble site a while back wanting to maybe know about some advertising on the site...I never really got back with him because I sorta figured the whole thing was a crock. But, Does it actually do what it says it does? Its not that I don't believe its possible, but to do what it says is a pretty high order.

03-13-2003, 10:16 PM
I thought the same thing honda...a bunch of bull when I read the claims. After reading all the write ups in magazines, I decided to give it a try. ALL, I mean ALL the claims were true which blew my mind. Within 3 hours of running it in my 02 zr 600, I gained 300 rpm's top end and the motor seemed to have more vibration. But after 6 hours the vibration was 25% less than before I ran the blue marble and my gas mileage increased alot! The machine smoked more than before but it was burning the carbon out of the motor and thats why it smoked more. By 800 miles, my sled only smoked when first started after sitting for long periods of time (like overnight) and didn't smoke at all even on hard runs with it wide open, not one puff of smoke. The oil also has very little to no odor. Make sure you follow the directions when putting the oil in for the first time though. It is important! All I can say is give it a try and give it at least 10 hours of use to get more of the benefits of the oil. You'll love it!

Billy Golightly
03-13-2003, 10:21 PM
Sounds good...maybe I'll try some of it. Have you ran it through your 250R? What about the 4 stroke and deisel oils? HAve you tried those? If you have tried it in your 250R, did you use their gasoline oil or something different?

03-13-2003, 11:02 PM
I haven't tried their other products but I love their oil. I just ran premium gas in my sled and the blue marble. I haven't got to use it in my R yet, but I will soon. The R is down right now, thats the reason. Getting the 310 kit ready for it. In the process of polishing the 310 cylinder, then sending it to get bored out.

03-13-2003, 11:37 PM
I put some fully synthic oil(Mobil One) in my 200x and I didn't like it, it looked gray, brown after short time in the motor and had a wierd texture to it. I use at most part synthetic at most now.

03-16-2003, 12:07 AM
I've used castrol syntec in a few different trikes and quads. I could tell the difference right away in my 200x, the motor really seemed to accelerate better and I would say you could run the oil three times as long. There is the issue of synthetic and clutches not mixing but hey if your engine lasts twice as long who cares. I've also used diesel engine oil, can't really say anything about it good or bad. Mobil one seems to be excellent too although i've only used it in vehicles.

03-17-2003, 12:13 PM
You have to be careful when running full synthetic oils on older machines. Organic oil penetrates the seals and causes them to swell. If you've religously used organic oil on your say 198X machine and then switch to synthetic, there's a good chance it'll leak and blow oil bigtime.

If you've recently rebuilt (or are rebuilding) then it should be ok.

03-17-2003, 12:48 PM

03-19-2003, 02:45 PM
Amsoil has a motorcycle designed 0w-40 that is safe for clutches and can be used in basically anything. I'm gonna be running that once I do my first oil change after the rebuild yesterday. Right now I'm just using dollar store 10w-40 for 75 cents a quart lol.

edit: I was running the Amsoil before the rebuild also.

03-19-2003, 04:33 PM
With the Amsoil how often did you have to change your oil?

03-19-2003, 05:20 PM
My 110 Gets 10w-40w Lawnmower Oil, it is approved by Honda though, The way I see it is the 110 engine isn't very highly stressed unlike the 200x's and such, the comparitvly cheap oil i'm putting in it now will be better than the oil it was made for in 1984 such has oil technology come on.

The people who make my Oil. http://www.morrislubricants.com/


this is what it gets

Multigrade Engine Oil A low ash engine lubricant for a wide range of horticultural petrol and diesel engines where a multigrade oil is recommended. Suitable for use in both naturally aspirated and turbocharged engines in agricultural and horticultural equipment. Outstanding anti-corrosion properties make the product ideal for engines being used intermittently.

It could have had

High performance semi-synthetic engine oil for ATV, generator sets and other ancillary 4-stroke equipment
This one is too good for it!

03-19-2003, 10:17 PM
With the Amsoil how often did you have to change your oil?

My previous owner (a dealer) changed the oil and filter every winter (The filter was Amsoil style. I think that is important to do when doing extended oil changes.) Although this sounds like a long time, when my trike broke in dec and I drained the oil, it still looked great. I don't think he always ran the 0w-40 though, I think he also used 20w-50 sometimes.

04-21-2003, 10:22 PM
its true i did change the oil in bbechtel16's only once a year amsoil rules i run it in everything i have

04-21-2003, 11:55 PM
Yeah man! GO DAVE BORDEN AND AMSOIL!!! David are you searching up all my old posts? Crazy kid.

04-22-2003, 12:34 AM
Amsoil is good stuff. Its all that I run in my main sled. It likes it better than the factory stuff. Hardly any smoke.

04-22-2003, 09:03 AM
Anyone interested in some Blue Marble oil? I am thinking of becoming a dealer so I can try this stuff out. Instead of buying a whole case we could split them up to folks on this site. What do you all think?

04-22-2003, 09:32 AM
Let me know if you become a dealer...I checked into it, but you had to buy a pallet minimum. Which is about $5000.00....so much for me becoming one..lol.

04-22-2003, 02:34 PM
Wow. Looked though all the testimonials for blue marble. Looks impresive. Maybe i'll have to give it a try and rip off the amsoil stickers.....

04-22-2003, 04:55 PM
A little unrelated, but in the same ballpark...

In the garage i used to work for living up north, we would buy some of blue marbles oil "treatment". Since we did alot of oil changes at the shop,we had several 255 gallon drums of fresh oil available. We would always treat the oil with the blue marble stuff. My opinion on the stuff? It definently keeps your engine a bit more protected (as evidenced by my truck which we ran on my regular oil and then my regular stuff but treated. Tested it after and there was less metal deposits in the treated oil). Power wise, there may be a slight gain as the oil gives a less coefficient of friction.

As far as the 2 stroke stuff goes, I have no clue. Judging by the quality of the 4 stroke engine treatment we used it cant be bad. A little pricey, but probably worth it. I would like to see some real world dyno results. This summer I may try a little test of my own.