View Full Version : First run on the 350X today...

Derrick Adams
03-19-2006, 08:38 PM
This thing is a MOTHER to kick! Crap man, I have never ridden another X that kicked this hard.

Once running I discovered the next issue. THe clutch is completely wasted. I attempted to climb a small hill in the woods. 3/4 of the way up I notice the engine revving, but the tires aren't spinning. Uh-oh, lock the front brake, bike pitchs sideways and I proceed to roll the bike right over top of me. (On an 8ft tall hill for god sakes!!)

Clutch will be ordered tommorrow. Then i'll try again.

Derrick Adams
03-19-2006, 08:40 PM
Why in the flippin hell does it take so long to start a thread on this site! It's no wonder people double post. I know it's not my computer because I don't have an issue anywhere else.

OK done venting. Erase this post please!

03-19-2006, 08:49 PM
lol so you alright. And did it break the plastic or anything. My friend 'wrecked' my 4 wheeler today too. Airborn into the creek lol. Nothing is wrong with it though. Landed on the grab bar in a wheelie in 8 inchs of water. Im beat to death and tired as heck from trying to get it out though. Ended up using a honda rancher and a rope! lol

03-19-2006, 08:58 PM
your automatic decompression cable is probably broken. Its connected to your kicker near the block and goes up to the valve train on your X. If you need i can take pics for you of where it is.

Derrick Adams
03-19-2006, 09:17 PM
Cable is OK, checked it first thing. Broke the rear plastics in 2 places.

03-19-2006, 09:23 PM
oh that sucks

03-19-2006, 10:06 PM
Yo, Big D....Told the wife you crashed on your first ride. She asked "Didn't he crash his NEW R on the first ride TOO? " Glad to hear YOU are ok. Guess ya can't give a honest evaluation of the Bike seeing it had some issues. As for the hard to kick thing.....if the topend was rebuilt, they more than likely popped in a 10.5:1 piston. That is a good thing. Don't complain about hard to kick....that will keep the WUSSIES off your bike. "If you can start it, you can take it for a ride!" I would type some more, but I am about to fall down from lmfao!

Troll 2
03-19-2006, 11:12 PM
Cable is OK, checked it first thing. Broke the rear plastics in 2 places.

Then it may need adjusted. It will make a major difference.............................:beer

03-19-2006, 11:22 PM
That is a good thing. Don't complain about hard to kick....that will keep the WUSSIES off your bike. "If you can start it, you can take it for a ride!"

Thats what my neighbor said about his X (broken decomp so I couldnt cheat) till my dad showed me a trick. Then he sold it after he knew I could start it :lol:.

Hey D sorry to hear about the X, maybe you can adjust the clutch ;)

Derrick Adams
03-20-2006, 06:32 AM
I'm going to unhook the decompression cable and try to kick it. See if it's any different. If it's not, it could be something internal not adjusted properly, or worn.
New clutch will be ordered today.

03-20-2006, 09:47 AM
Sorry to hear about the problems with your maiden voyage. I was out there for just a few minutes, but had to leave before you arrived. I got the donor swinger for the R from B, so I'll be trying to get it to the machine shop ASAP. PM me the address or some directions, if you would. Also, let me know when I can pick up that wheel and the other stuff from you.

03-20-2006, 12:38 PM
Same thing with my x D. Road it once and the clutch was slipping. Be ready to do some filing to the clutch hub/ and basket. I guarantee those steels wore right into the basket. I filed mine for about 2hrs. Wouldnt worry about finding a used one, cause I already did. They are either in the same shape or people want too much. Sorry to hear about your luck. While you have the side cover off. I would recommend replacing all the seals and the orings for the oil cooler lines. Good luck, call if you need a hand.

03-20-2006, 08:19 PM
Put some leg into it ya wussie. It's not like kicking your little 2 strokes. LOL
Try my method. Left knee up on seat to put all your weight on right. Prime two kicks and make sure you are on the up stroke. Drop yer fat ass like rock. WALA. It should run. If not do 50 squats and repeat. You'll get it. HAHA

03-20-2006, 09:43 PM
Make shure your clutch isnt adjusted too tight. Ive seen several guys have that problem. Its actluly better to have a little slack (so the lever dosent pull all the way back) so you dont have that happen.