View Full Version : Made some good progress on the R tonight...

03-13-2006, 11:05 PM
I managed to get the clutch basket out with out any further damage. Turns out, I didn't need any special tools or even a penny! Put all the disks back in, apply pressure to disk stack, hit with impact wrench...BOOM...free nut and basket assembly.

I also got the swinger cut out so I can get it to the machine shop for the repairs and 2" extension. (pssst, brandon...call me and let me know when I can come down and work on your PC so I can pick up the donor swinger.)

Installed the new TRX clutch cable, removed the front fender for some TLC on a couple of small cracks and to remove all the stickers. All of the plastic is gonna get stripped of all decals and trimmed up. I also picked up some plastic specific polish designed to restore discolored, faded and otherwise abused plastic finish.

I got the bent fork turned outward (per TimSr tip) so they are even front to back. I also removed the front wheel to get ready for the installation of a new silver rim someone saw the need for me to have...lol. This guy hates gold rims so bad, he even replaces them on buddy's bikes. :lol:

Went over the worst of the grunge spots and such with degreaser so assembly will be cleaner and hopefully trouble free.

Now it's mostly down to waiting on parts to arrive and building a new grab bar. Between the bar and working on the plastic though, I will likely have parts way before I'm ready to put it all back together. I will also have some wait-time on the machinist once I have everything I need to deliver it to him.

Thanx everybody for letting me ramble. I had, for me anyway, a very good night tonight and just felt like talking about it. I bitched when things weren't so good, so I'd like to balance that out with some positive light.

03-13-2006, 11:35 PM
What made you decide to extend the swingarm?

03-13-2006, 11:46 PM
Just a little more stability. I figured if it was going under the knife anyway, a couple more inches couldn't hurt. Story of my life, actually...lol.

Besides, if I'm going to have any hope of keeping up with you nutjobs, I need all the help I can get. I was thinking about +4 in width soon too.

03-13-2006, 11:59 PM
Cool cool. If there is something our crew does know it is extended swingers!

Derrick Adams
03-14-2006, 06:30 AM
Try some wet/dry sand paper on those plastics before you polish them, they'll shine right back to new! Start with 400-600 depending then 1000, then 1500. Hit it with polish and watch it shine!

03-14-2006, 11:35 AM
This could be bad news for me. Since your getting things fixed yourself I won't be getting a vist. :( Oh, WAIT!! This could be good news as well. This would allow me more time to work on the P3's. lmao !!!!!

Congrats on getting things done. I am sure we will get have a Socialize, wrench, and ride day sooner or later. ;)

03-14-2006, 12:14 PM
You can count on it Howdy. I had an '86 250 TrailBoss as my very first ride, so I'm kinda interested in give one of your P3's a whirl to see how similar they are.

03-14-2006, 07:23 PM
don't think your lucky enough that we won't still come visit.i had a blast up there wrenchin,and now with the short cut,shoot,your not far away!!!!!!