View Full Version : Help with timing please!?!?

03-12-2006, 07:08 PM
Hello everyone. This will be my first post here. My name is Sean and I just came into thw ownership of my friends old 1984 Tecate3 trike. Aside from some minor TLC the bike is in pretty good condition with one problem... timing. So far no shops around my home will work on a bike of this age, so I searched the net and found this site. I was hoping someone here could help me figure out how to set the timing on the bike. Any help at all would be great! Thanks alot everyone! :beer

03-12-2006, 07:47 PM
The is no adjustable timing-to say on a 2 stroke Tecate.....Just moving the stator plate back and forth, a few degree's, Im assuming you have no spark? Common problem with the T3 is the glue that held the magnets on in the flywheel would come loose and fry the flywheel(Magneto whatever) I do belive Rickeystator makes replacement's......What year nova....Pics! haha :welcome: to the forum also..

03-12-2006, 07:51 PM
No its getting spark. But it wont kick over. The guys who had this before me said it was out of time, and would need a shop to get the timing set right to start... so Im not too sure whats the deal, it has fuel, and spark... just dont know what else I can do... thanks for the reply! Anything else I can try?

03-12-2006, 07:53 PM
Wont kick over as in sized? or wont start? Clean Carb i would assume and a new plug? Have you checked the Reeds and what kind of compression dose it have?

03-12-2006, 07:57 PM
Ok it does kick over, it wont start. I replaced the plug, and the carb has been removed and cleaned. What reeds are you speaking of?

03-12-2006, 07:58 PM
Ok it does kick over, it wont start. I replaced the plug, and the carb has been removed and cleaned. What reeds are you speaking of?
On the intake side, between the rubber intake and the cylinder, you can see them unless you pull the intake..., But if you can find out what the compression is.....Could tell you more, you Got the carb adjusted properly? floats set, A/F screw and the needle?

03-12-2006, 08:03 PM
Well the guys who had this thing before me went over the carb. They have a bunch of quads, and other things. They cleaned it out and reinstalled it thinking it wasnt getting fuel. I know it has good compression, its a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* trying to kick start it! haha. I assume they did the carb good? I just got the thing today, and I would like to start it sometime. Thanks for your help dude!

03-12-2006, 08:08 PM
Well the guys who had this thing before me went over the carb. They have a bunch of quads, and other things. They cleaned it out and reinstalled it thinking it wasnt getting fuel. I know it has good compression, its a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* trying to kick start it! haha. I assume they did the carb good? I just got the thing today, and I would like to start it sometime. Thanks for your help dude!
Hmmmm....Dose it backfire at all when you try to start it? or just cold turky turns over and no go?

03-12-2006, 08:52 PM
Hmmmm....Dose it backfire at all when you try to start it? or just cold turky turns over and no go?

Well I havent even tried to start it yet. haha, think I should try? The mag is off the side cover, so they said to go buy a book and set the timing. My cycle center just closed, Im missing the key to that mag too. Bummer. They said they tried to start it and it just dont fire off. I was told its getting fuel and spark, they think the timing is set wrong so its not firing off.

03-12-2006, 09:05 PM
Do you know where the stator plate should be on the stock setting? Right now the one thats on there sits in the center. Maybe the stator is causing the no start problem? Could a weak spark cause a problem like this?

200x Basket
03-12-2006, 09:18 PM
i no longer have my tecate so i cant be much help. i can tell you that there is a timing mark on the block and the stator plate. you need to remove the flywheel to make sure the magnets are good and that the flywheel crank key is not sheared. if all that is good. line the mark up and try to start it. if you cant kick start try to pull it off. if you get it flooded real bad or alot of oil in the bottom of the crankcase you will never be able to kick start it.

200x Basket
03-12-2006, 09:19 PM
BTW i used to have a 67 tube chassis nova that ran low 8's!!!

03-12-2006, 09:50 PM
i no longer have my tecate so i cant be much help. i can tell you that there is a timing mark on the block and the stator plate. you need to remove the flywheel to make sure the magnets are good and that the flywheel crank key is not sheared. if all that is good. line the mark up and try to start it. if you cant kick start try to pull it off. if you get it flooded real bad or alot of oil in the bottom of the crankcase you will never be able to kick start it.

Are you talking about the stator side of the engine? I have the left cover off, and the magnets and off, so I can see the stators. That plate they are on is bolted on center.

200x Basket
03-12-2006, 10:00 PM
it should have two screws that hold the stator plate on. you loosen those two and you can turn the plate. i can not remember how it is marked but it is marked. you can adjust it with the flywheel in place. only one of the coils is the ignition stator, the other is the lighting coil.

03-12-2006, 10:10 PM
Does the bike have a kill switch that stock? Or and "on" switch thats stock? Because the old owner deleted all the lights it seems, and any switches that may have been on the handle bars

03-12-2006, 10:17 PM
Kill switches usually eliminate spark---If you have a spark, You can almost definitely look elsewhere.You mentioned missing the mag key???? Has it always been missing-----If your rotor doesnt line up because of a broken or missing key--your timing will be WRONG!!!!

03-12-2006, 11:03 PM
Kill switches usually eliminate spark---If you have a spark, You can almost definitely look elsewhere.You mentioned missing the mag key???? Has it always been missing-----If your rotor doesnt line up because of a broken or missing key--your timing will be WRONG!!!!
I was under the assumption that this was all still backtogther and "good" thats why i was looking else where.....Sorry for the Confusion...:lol: :lol: :lol:

03-12-2006, 11:18 PM
I dont get how the cycle shop told him it was too old?????

03-13-2006, 09:13 PM
Ok guys, heres the deal. I went to the cycle shop and got a new mag key. Ive spent the last few hours moving that stator plate around to different spots, and trying to kick start it. Im at a no go. She just wont start, and my leg is getting really sore! lol! What else can I try?

200x Basket
03-13-2006, 09:20 PM
PULL START IT. yes i yelled it because that is what you need to try.

03-13-2006, 09:31 PM
how do I do that?

200x Basket
03-13-2006, 09:51 PM
give us a little background on yourself. how old are you? have you ever worked on anything?

I am asking because your not as advanced as i thought you were.

basically you get another 3 wheeler, quad, or even a car to pull you. put the tecate in 2nd gear and let out on the clutch.

do this at your own risk of course.

03-14-2006, 11:41 AM
give us a little background on yourself. how old are you? have you ever worked on anything?

I am asking because your not as advanced as i thought you were.

basically you get another 3 wheeler, quad, or even a car to pull you. put the tecate in 2nd gear and let out on the clutch.

do this at your own risk of course.

Oh.... I thought thats what you ment. I just wanted to clairfy. Well Im 23 years old. Ive built a 1972 Nova from the ground up. 350 V8 Blown, I built myself. MSD ignition, 4-link, locker, electrical, interior, you name it, Ive worked on it. I even built the carb for the engine. Ive been working on cars, and trucks since I was born pretty much. With dad and grandpa in the shop. I can weld, machine, fabricate, paint, fiberglass, anything I need to do, I learn.

That is why I come to boards like this one. Im new to 3-wheelers, and 2-stroke engines. So I would like to learn as I go here. This is the first ATV Ive owned, and I havent worked on any 2-strokes before. I know the basics as far as, compression, fuel, and ignition. This engine is eluding me.

So far, Im getting fuel. Carb has been adjusted, and works. It has a new plug and wire. The compression is really good. I found out that it has a high compression piston. I found the marks to line up the stator plate correctly. I did however notice something I didnt think would matter but Im gonna ask anyway. When I checked for spark, I noticed its a very weak spark. Like I could barely see it arc. Is it possible that my stators, or CDI are bad? Or maybe the coil? Would those cause a no start issue? Thanks for the help so far everyone!

200x Basket
03-14-2006, 12:22 PM
there is no such thing as a 2 stroke high compression piston. well i am sure it could be made but they are not common. ye s a weak spark will cause the problem.


has the stator/flywheel. if you buy them get BOTH. try to pull start it 1st. it may save you some $$$$$. if that crankcase is flooded out it will NEVER kick start.

03-14-2006, 08:15 PM
so whats more common of going out? the CDI, stator, or coil?

200x Basket
03-14-2006, 08:36 PM
you need to buy a manual. it has all the specs and trouble shooting. if you have spark it should be able to atleast start. i think you are just going in circles and chasing a problem that may not exist.

03-14-2006, 09:59 PM
Well... we didnt pull start it but rolled it down a steep hill. It still wouldnt start. Im gonna put a compression gauge on it today to see just whats going on, casue on the hill we also noticed it will roll in 1st gear! The compression we hear bleed off as it rolls, very very slowly, but it still shouldnt do that right?

03-15-2006, 08:15 PM
Ok I put my gauge on it and it reads at the highest 185psi. Is this good for a two stroke?

03-15-2006, 08:18 PM
Yes thats excellent for a 2 stroke. Try pull starting in a higher gear. I tried 1st to fire my dads Z up and nothing, 2nd worked like a charm.:)

03-15-2006, 08:19 PM
yeah thats good....i dont know what stock should be but i know from racing a 250 2 stroke that 210-220 psi is the most you should run

03-15-2006, 08:33 PM
ill give *Edited* some advice that i was told with my problems..... buy a damn manual and read up on it i learned some new things i didnt have a clue what they were and im only 16. You'll get it going just like me and we will both have a good time dont give up man hang in there like me ride the wave of karma lol... karma pshhh lol... -Joe

03-18-2006, 06:35 PM
im not gonna spend more money on somthing that may not run at all. i got this thing to see if it was an easy cheap fix, for a fun toy, but 2 weeks of messin with it is making me think its no longer worth it. thanks anyway.

200x Basket
03-18-2006, 07:29 PM
well that is your loss, you do not sound like you are ready for it anyway

03-19-2006, 01:07 AM
dude.... not ready? Why do I get the feeling you dont think much of me? Im already a desert rat here. I have a 1994 Ford Ranger prerunner Ive built myself. Ive riden many bikes, 3 wheelers, and quads before. But never owned one. This bike was giving to me free if I could get it to run, but im not going to waste anymore time OR money if I dont know it will run at all?

That said, dont judge me. Please, just dont!

03-19-2006, 03:16 PM
Who called you a desert rat??????------

If it has compression, spark and fuel --it has to run---PERIOD.

This is somthing Stupid that you're overlooking, Which probably isnt worth ditching the project.

The worst feeling in the world is giving up on something like this, selling it to the kid up the street and watching him ride it past you 15 minutes later.

200x Basket
03-19-2006, 03:32 PM
i once bought a tecate that had a pipe clogged up. that kicked my butt for a couple days.

i do not think bad of you, i just do not think you have the ability to work on your own bike.

air, fuel, and spark, that is what you need.
simple things to look for
good gas
clogged pipe
flooded crank case.

i can kick start my 500r but if the case is flooded i have to pull if for 40' jsut to get it to fire off.

03-19-2006, 04:46 PM
Alright 200x, I just dont like seeing silly little comment about myself posted thats all. Im starting to think its not getting enough spark. There IS a spark, but its not as much as I think it should be. Would the reed valve be something to look at? I can put my hand over the carb opening, and feel air push my hand a little, and feel a little vacume afterwards. I have plently of abilty to work on my own stuff... Im learning more about this engine with more input from you guys here. Thank you for getting me this far. I have friends here who throw me off too, cause I get different opinions from all of you, and them.

Now... how can I check for a flooded crankcase / clogged pipe? As far as the pull start goes. I have a BIG hill near my house, that about 1/8th mile down hill. We ran it down that hill and it fired off, but had no power and died at the bottom. We tried twice. Ive lined up the flywheel on the crankcase by the marks, I know I have compression, I can smell fuel in the exhaust, and it has a little spark. I think I might have already ruled this out, but I want to make absloutly sure its stators because these units are not cheap at all!

03-19-2006, 04:47 PM
Alright 200x, I just dont like seeing silly little comment about myself posted thats all. Im starting to think its not getting enough spark. There IS a spark, but its not as much as I think it should be. Would the reed valve be something to look at? I can put my hand over the carb opening, and feel air push my hand a little, and feel a little vacume afterwards. I have plently of abilty to work on my own stuff... Im learning more about this engine with more input from you guys here. Thank you for getting me this far. I have friends here who throw me off too, cause I get different opinions from all of you, and them.

Now... how can I check for a flooded crankcase / clogged pipe? As far as the pull start goes. I have a BIG hill near my house, that about 1/8th mile down hill. We ran it down that hill and it fired off, but had no power and died at the bottom. We tried twice. Ive lined up the flywheel on the crankcase by the marks, I know I have compression, I can smell fuel in the exhaust, and it has a little spark. I think I might have already ruled this out, but I want to make absloutly sure its stators because these units are not cheap at all!

03-19-2006, 05:12 PM
Loosen the exhaust pipe from the cylinder, --

If it fires up the exhaust is clogged.
If the reeds were sealing properly --there shouldnt be any air blowing BACK thru the carb----This can also indicate a clogged exhaust.


03-19-2006, 05:26 PM
Loosen the exhaust pipe from the cylinder, --

If it fires up the exhaust is clogged.
If the reeds were sealing properly --there shouldnt be any air blowing BACK thru the carb----This can also indicate a clogged exhaust.


Ok, I will go outside and give that a try right now... I will let you know the results...

03-19-2006, 07:05 PM
Well... that made it fire once! LOL Still a no-go though. I pulled the reeds off to take a look and they are soaked in fuel. maybe it is flooded? Still has a weak spark. I have a meter, anybody know how I can test the stator/cdi/coil with it?