View Full Version : 200X Exhaust Removal

03-10-2003, 11:07 PM
Hello all.. I've been browsing this forum for a while now and everyone here seems to love their ATC's. I just picked up an 86 200x off a good friend of mine last summer and have been slowly working on going over the whole thing, replacing what I think needs replaced, what I now how to replace, and what I can figure out to replace..

He bought this trike brand new in 86 (I had an 83 YZ80 at the time) and we rode all the time. Of course once we turned 16, our interests moved to other things and his trike was taken over by his younger brother. His younger brother managed to strip the threads for the spark plug (helocoil installed), roll it and bent the handlebars and cracked the rear plastic. It sat in his barn for over 7 years. I aked whatever happened to it, we walked out to the barn, and it kicked on the 5th try and fired right up! I love Hondas! I asked him what he was going to do with it and he said "I dunno" so a few hundred$$$ later it was mine. As soon as I got it home I did all the basics - oil, plugs, clean air filter, cleaned carb and it was riding pretty well.. I'm not a real motorhead guy, but I can figure most stuff out with the Clymer manual and my neighbor (when he is sober).. This is what I have done so far:

* New airfilter - Stock Honda
* Rebuilt carb
* New chain
* Rebuilt rear caliper - its great having brakes now
* New throttle cable with grip throttle
* Lots of TLC on everything else I can figure out.

I have a couple of more jobs to do before the spring:
* install new dust caps and fork boots, change fork oil
* figiure out WHY it won't idle correctly - either high or low???? Adjusted carb to factory setting
* Install new pipe and muffler

I just bought a new Cobra exhaust and pipe.. But here is the delema.. Before I picked the trike up, my buddy and his not sober neighbor tried to remove the pipe, why? I don't know. They broke the head off the nut on one side and stopped. So now, I have a broken post on one side, and a good post on the other with the nut. I'm sure the other nut will break as the posts and old pipe are in really bad shape. The bike ran REAL hot until I rebuilt the carb. The broken post still has enouhg to grab with vise grips once we cut the pipe away. This is my plan.

1. Make sure there is only a 6 pak of beer in the shop when my neighbor and I start this project..
2. Spray the broken post and nut every night with liquid wrench and give each a tap.
3. On Saturday, try and remove the nut. If this works, we should be able to slide the pipe off, leaving the broken post. If the nut breaks the post off (which I suspect) We should be able to slide the pipe off and have to broken posts ( I ordered 3 new ones with the new pipe)
4. Heat up the broken post (with a torch) tap the post and try to tur with Vise Grips
5. If this breaks off, my neighbor has a bolt remover that we'll try next.
6. If this doesn't work - we'll tap the old post out and re-tap the threads.

I have heard these are reverse threaded, but the guy at the dealership said no - righty tighty, lefty loosey. I have a pic below of trike and exhaust.

Does anyone have any tips, tricks, advice, comments???? I have never done this before and I'm nervous about this project. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

03-12-2003, 07:50 AM
Just get the posts (Studs) nice and hot and get them undone whilst they are still red hot, they should come off if hot enough, they are normal thread, when you put new ones back on put lots of copper grease on and they'll be easier to remove nextime.
