View Full Version : 83 250R wont run good

03-04-2006, 12:19 PM
As some of you know i was having trouble getting it runnin. Well after adjusting the timing and reworking the stator it started first kick. Now it idles like a dream but when i rev it up it just spits and sputters. I took it for a ride and on take of it runs ok but once it gets over 1/4 throttle it wont hardly run. Any ideas?

03-05-2006, 03:03 PM
jetting???? Clean the carb????? that might help

03-05-2006, 06:04 PM
choke on? It may sound stupid but check the obvious.

03-05-2006, 08:38 PM
Try running it without the silencer. Sometimes they clog up and the motor can't rev (especially stock ones). If that don't do it, it sounds like a carb issue.

03-06-2006, 06:03 PM
Well i rebuilt the carb and set everyting to factory. I took the scilencer off and still bad. Could it be the crank seals or somthing to do with the internal motor?
I have adjusted the timing many times and that didnt help. Im starting to run out of things to try. Can any body help me?

03-06-2006, 08:08 PM
Bad crank seal will cause the motor to suck air in, which will make it idle extremely high and run lean. Sounds to me like you have a carb problem. Maybe something is bad in there. Try swapping it with another carb. I'm remembering a Blaster I worked on years ago. It would run fine until you tried to run it over half throttle. Wouldn't pick up the band, just kind of farted and fell on its face. Turned out to be the little brass seat that the needle jet slides into. It had come loose and shifted around in there. I had to replace the whole carb and then it ran like new! Also, when you rebuilt the carb, were you able to remove and clean that brass seat? Sometimes there is an orifice attached to it that gums up or gets dirt in it. Lots of times I've seen guys rebuild carbs and overlook that, and it won't ever be right. Good luck...

03-06-2006, 10:12 PM
I actualy swaped the carb form a 84 im workin on and it still did the same think thats what makes me think its not the carb. I dont have a seal between the pipe and the cynder and it leaks some exhaust there could that be the problem?