View Full Version : Is this common?

02-27-2006, 04:36 PM
I just started up my 200x. I has a new Cobra Exhaust. Well anyways, the header got so hot, after about 3 minutes of runtime, the paint burnt off. This is the factory paint. I just put a new cam and rockers on my head. The motor seems to be running great, and also does not seem that hot. What could cause this? Is my motor running too hot? Do all headers do this? Also I just changed the oil. Thanks, Adam.

02-27-2006, 04:53 PM
retarded valve timing and lean fuel can both cause this---
Did it glow? or just burn the paint? ----header paint is sort of expected to burn off--but 3 minutes seems a bit quick

02-27-2006, 04:53 PM
I have heard several rumors about "Cobra" having the paint burn off of it. I dont know if they have fixed this problem yet, but from what I have heard they don't use a good high-temp paint. I dont know how true this rumor is, and if I anyone else knows that would be great. Hope this helps you out a little.

02-27-2006, 05:00 PM
Cobras always burn the paint off and rust, i wouldt worry about it just check your plug make sure its not too lean.

02-27-2006, 05:08 PM
After rebuilding the SX with a new cam, piston and other goodies I also installed the new COBRA pipe. I fired it up and the stench was immediately overwhelming, made me think I did something wrong and it was running too hot. But it's just a rotten paint job by Cobra. Anyone who has purchased a pipe from them should write them an email asking them why they don't use a high temperature paint on there exhaust systems. They really shouldn't even bother painting it, it's a waste of time.

02-27-2006, 05:30 PM
Thanks!!! It does smell horrible.

02-27-2006, 07:09 PM
All Cobras shed their header paint - even with spot on jetting. They just use cheap paint to protect from rusting not heat. If you call them, thats what they'll tell you too. I've seen the same problem with older DG's but not recently. I would take that header and have it sandblasted for a couple of bucks, then apply BBQ paint to it. Thats what I usually do.