View Full Version : Riding Pics

03-09-2003, 04:01 PM
Hey guys,
Just thought i'd show a few pics of me riding yesterday.

03-09-2003, 04:07 PM
More--I was having a blast until--

I slid down this bank into this REALLY soft yet THICK mud whole 2 ft deep. I was stuck for sure, I spent an hour trying to get out but I made no progress, cause it was too deep and my trike wouldn't start due to a fouled plug. So I went up to the house to get the lawn tractor but as I was in the shed my dad came up and said don't use the lawn tractor and that he'll pull me out with his Montero. First off he asked it it was mudy at all around the area...and I said-nope...Not really...So he drove up there and turned to back into the area---Well as he turned his front left tire sunk into the THICKEST mud 2 ft deep...And the other 3 wheels followed unfortunately. He tried just about everything---Lowest 4wd setting...Locked the diff. But none of that helped. He was stuck for sure---and wasn't happy, It was all the way up to his door. So we went to our neighbors house and asked if he could help. He had a smaller sized tractor and tried as hard as he could but it wouldn't budge. Then he got his truck and he still couldn't pull it out. Later we ended up calling AAA and they came with a big recor truck the size of a Semi and with a lardge cable pulled my dads car out---along with my trike hitched to the back of my dads car. It all came out and everythings fine now and I just got back in from washing the thick mud from inside the wheels and under body...Geeze, I'm never doing that again :D !

ATC crazy
03-09-2003, 04:54 PM
Hey, If I was there w/ my Foreman, I could've gotten you out. ;) Looks like you have plenty of trails to ride. I just lost half of mine so riding is not as fun anymore. I put it up at about 3 p.m. today cause I was bored. :( Mabey we could hook up someday.

03-09-2003, 05:23 PM
Looks like fun, its weird to see mud. Where i am, it's cold. If you were to do that here, your 2 foot mud hole would be a 2ft piece of ice.burr!

03-09-2003, 07:50 PM
Man looks like fun. Can't wait for summer when all the snow is gone.

03-09-2003, 08:52 PM
Youve got a very cool place to ride......time for a suspension trike I think. :)

03-09-2003, 10:11 PM
That looks cool Tweeked.
Thanks for posting those pics, I like, I like.

03-09-2003, 10:38 PM
Thanks guys.
Yeah its a great place to ride. The developers came and bulldozed the area 5 years ago then left...Cause the county said the area was the muddy to build on. hehe. Lucky for me its right in front of my house. I would definately like a suspended trike right now. I think i've mastered my Big Red--Time for more air and speed. My old riding buddy showed up today while I was riding. He's got a nice dirtbike setup for hairscrambles and its awsome to ride. He gets about 15 ft on some of the jumps and hills we have. He'd never driven a trike before so I told him to hop on and give it a go. He did awsome---after 10 seconds he was doing donuts and on two wheels (although that kinda scared him, hehe) He wasn't used to that and kept calling it a BEAST, :D.

Just about everyday I go out with the shovel and make new jumps and ramps to ride on...I just need a softer ride. I'll post more pics as they come in, I was able to drag my dad down to the track to take a few pics. Anyways, Thanks again guys---If any of you have some pics of your riding areas or action shots---Post em'!


03-09-2003, 10:59 PM
Theres some powerlines by me that have bottomless mud for about a mile.I only go thru in winter when its frozen.Just from looking at your pics I wouldnt have gone in that to begin with.How much did the(AAA) big rig cost.$$$$ The last thing I would do is call a towing service.I have access to a Jeep Wrangler if i get stuck that bad w/35"mudders/susp and body lift/air lockers front and rear/winch/etc...hasnt been stuck yet...It broke 4x4 trails all winter in 30+ inches of snow/mud.

03-09-2003, 11:26 PM
that wrangler is week wait all wranglers are i'm for old school jeeps its all about the willies i got me a 48 flatfinder with a chevy 350, 33inch tsl swampers, detroit air lockers and that think is unstopable

03-09-2003, 11:57 PM
heres a couple. the first one is 250rstud and the last two are me

03-10-2003, 11:20 AM
WHy would anybody want to jump a big red? That is just bad,I feel sorry for the poor thing. Take some decent care of you trike man.

03-10-2003, 11:40 AM
Awsome Jeep,
Yeah that would have definately gotten my trike out. The Montero has potential but my dad doesn't want to make it some mud bug. Besides--Its only got a yr or two more left on it cause the valve guids need replacing so its always blowing smoke.

Those are some sweet picks 200xer---The land and mountains out there look awsome, I've always love those areas. They're awsome for riding.

The pictures of me jumping look rougher than the really are...It doesn't take that much abuse---Its my only ride and I really take good care of her---I always wash her after every ride...And if I ever ride her hard---She lets me know :D .


03-10-2003, 11:47 AM
Sweet pics Tweeked.
As for suspension.....just let some air out of the tires :-D

...and My trike is the same, if i ride her too hard, she lets me know!

03-10-2003, 11:49 AM
WHy would anybody want to jump a big red? That is just bad,I feel sorry for the poor thing. Take some decent care of you trike man.

dude relax. it's his rig, he can do whatever. big reds need love too!

NICE PICTS Tweek. You should have gotten pics of the wrecker and the stuck Montero too tho!

03-10-2003, 11:50 AM
Yeah, I let out plenty of air...
Cept...I hate it when it rebounds quickly and bounces around...I look like a ragdol hanging on---Geeze, I need a 250R... :D

03-10-2003, 11:53 AM
Hey Chemical442,
I meant to but kept forgetting...I was so cought up in all the mess I kept forgetting to get the camra. lol. I can always walk down to the spot and take a few pics of the deep ruts...LOL. They're kinda filled with water--Unfortunately we didn't know that the dirt we were on was ontop of underground water.. :D .

03-10-2003, 05:32 PM
Keep jumping the BR tweeked, I air out anything I get on shocks or not--sometimes it might be only once but better to have tried then not at all
Some people will grow a set someday :D

03-10-2003, 05:45 PM
Amen dude. LMAO> :D

ATC crazy
03-10-2003, 07:31 PM
Nice Jeep TRI_Z...I dont care for them much,(FORD rules :twisted: ) although they can suprise you.

85200xer--how much snow do you have?? Looks pretty deep. :shock:

Tweeked--My SX bounced me around even with shocks (I think they were shot though;; 15 yrs. old) and they squeeked like crazy :x Now my Foreman bounces around cause of the stiff rear suspension made for heavy loads and no adjustments. :rolleyes: Mabey some Works shocks in a few years ;)

03-10-2003, 11:39 PM
Hey Matt I think some better tires would have helped. My uncle has similar ones on that KLT-160 that I ride and they just spin. They're great fun in the dirt, because they spin and slide better than the knobbies on mine, but geez man. With the mud you go in, get something with something more agressive.

03-11-2003, 08:02 AM
I tell ya what, if you wanna REALLY catch air, get a snowmobile, makes them jumps looks like nothing, I once launched my citation SS 15 feet high and 15 feet out(at least) snow is great for jumping, plus it's safe so if you crash you have a fluffy fall, I love to catch air off snowbanks, really sucks that winter doesnt last all year :( .

ATC crazy
03-11-2003, 06:00 PM
really sucks that winter doesnt last all year

You said it :(