View Full Version : the 3 wheel drive idea....again

02-24-2006, 05:56 PM
so i did a search on the forums (ya...new here) to see if anyone else has ever had the crazy idea to make his three wheeler into a 3 wheel drive. glad to see i'm not the only one who lies awake @ night thinkng about these kind of things.

i actually gave it a try once and had a little bit of success. most seem to have the wrong idea of the 3 wheel drive though. you would only want to engage it when near stuck with the back wheels in mud, water, up a hill....etc.. so the problems of steering...etc are really not an issue.
forget about the hydraulic or gas motor on the front rack, or whatever. electric is the way to go. I got a 12volt motor (from a 12 volt drill), attached a rollerblad wheel to it, and mounted it tighly to the inside hub. then hooked it up to the 12 volt battery with a switch. so it would always be engaged when riding, but you just gave it 12 volts and the friction pressure from the rollerblade wheel would drive the front wheel when you wanted.

ok some notes:
if you don't have reverse, this little goody with a polarity switch will get you reverse when you want it!
my motor didn't have nearly enough power, so it wouldn't work with weight on it. well actually its not really the motor, but more gearing if you consider how small the actual motor is on a winch that moves 1000's of pounds. but more gearing will add to the complexity. proposed solution: a 12 volt starter motor will have no power problems whatsoever
there's probably a better alternative to the rollerblade wheel. i had a sprocket fastened to my wheel and was going to go the chain drive route, but lost interest soon after.
anyway, i think i'll give this a try again and see how it goes.

02-24-2006, 06:07 PM
I think if you were realistic about something like this you would convert a Rokon 2 wheel drive bike to a trike, I'm not certain what real application it would have though?......... Other than Unique / cool

02-24-2006, 07:01 PM
I tinking about this also a couple days ago when I was on my trike following my buddies 4x4 polaris, I thought it would be cool if the front wheel drive engage thing came in when your rear tires started to spin, but you could shut the front wheel drive off to so if you want to do donuts and stuff on lakes you can without having a front wheel pulling you elswhere. oh and :welcome:

02-24-2006, 07:18 PM
LOL... i'm involved in electrics right now... and the friction wheel setup would not work well or for very long.

The only way to make a trike electric and 3 wheel drive would be with either a Hub motor ( and a very large one at that ) and another motor driving the rear wheels..

the problem with this is RANGE.. you would not go very far with the batteries you could carry.. if you go lead acid.. figure on about 300 lbs of batteries for any decent range..

Geared hub motors would have more torque than brushless hubs.. but VERY expensive.. and no such thing is made at this time for the type of application you are talking about.

Best bet.. an E-tek DC motor at 72v.

02-25-2006, 12:42 AM
I was thinking about mounting a small engine, but still a fair bit of power on the front rack,(maybe a snowblower engine laid sideways?) and have a sprocket on the engine and a sprocket on the front axle, you could still turn and everyhting, but I dont have enough $$ to try this idea or enough smarts.
Here is a very rough idea of how I would do this, remember im 13 so some of the stuff I might not think of.

02-25-2006, 12:52 AM
I always thought my setup would have worked great in my 1988 ATC story I posted a year or two ago. http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=21743

02-27-2006, 03:11 AM
Well you sucked me in dammit........
What about that two wheel drive yamaha motor bike (based on a yz/wr450) that yamaha released in 04, hydraulic drive, the beauty of hydraulics is that power delivery can be suited to your needs and no frikkin batteries to lug around.
Get that bike and convert it to a trike.......
easy peasy lemon squeesy!