View Full Version : ATC 90 gettin close to done....PICS!!!!!!

02-21-2006, 10:24 PM
Well I havent posted for almost a year and the reason for that is I have been broke down for almost a year now. But after boreing over, heavily porting, I have finally got the trike back to gether and it is by all means of the words a "screamin' meme" after comparing it to the low compression(due to leaks), weak and almost no spark POS that I had in the past. So I am glad to report that besides fixing a tire (I patched the inside of the old dryrotted tire and in the process of putting it back on the rim I split the part of the sidewall that makes the bead....:wondering ) and getting it painted, it is almost ready to be rode on a daily basis. So for any of you that remembered my little project from almsot a year ago I will probably be posting some pics by the weekend or so. and maybe even some videos if I can get that tire fixed up pretty soon.

Thanks for all the help in the repairs guys.:w00t: :beer :p

02-21-2006, 10:37 PM
Good to see you got that thing Going, That tire is Junk if you split it that close to the bead, If its the original Ohtsu Get the size, i think i have an old Half worn (maby better cant remember) one off my old 90 that still held air....You can have for shipping if need'd.

02-21-2006, 10:44 PM
Man that is an awesome offer but I got one Idea to fix it and if that doesnt work I got a few neighbors that have already offered up some tires to me and plus if I can I want to swap out my 22in. tires for 18in. Tall if I dont scrape which I might cause with 22s it is almost touching the ground with the frame. But thanks for the offer but as I said 20 bucks for a neighbors old tires or 30 something for shipping from canada and plus a hole lot of time. lol thanks man.

02-21-2006, 10:48 PM
No problem thought i would offer ;) But i doubt you will be able to fix the hole, especially if the cord as ripped out, (i fix tires on weekends ;) )

02-21-2006, 10:51 PM
Yeah prolly not but as I said. If worst comes to worst which it has for years, I am gonna do what got it running thus far that it wasnt before. I will jsut buy a new tire cuz riggin crap and bein a cheapo is what left me without a trike for dang near a year. So I am just glad to be informing that it finally runs and like a raped ape at that. For instance I can make it twice the distance and back on a trail that is took to go half teh distance and back before.

02-21-2006, 11:06 PM
Oh and as for little minor things. I have a small oil leak on the bottom end of the motor and it used to spew oil and now if I ride for hours it will drop a lil on the dip stick but I dont want it to drop it all and I am not goin to split the case this far into the rebuild process. so I am wondering if anyone knows a good way to fix, not rig for extended life, but totaly fix an oil leak without spliting the case. (or making a big gupy mess with RTV. lol)

02-22-2006, 10:00 PM
Good job...:pics:

02-22-2006, 11:03 PM
Well today I went over to where the trike is stored and I just dropped on some new handle grips and looked at a way to hook in a kill switch because the original one in the throttle box is missing(from when I bought it). and sadly I forgot to bring the camera..... meaning no pics yet but I am gonna get some soon so I can have some before and afters because it runs great but still looks like crap so I want some before and afters for when I paint it come soon here. and some time this weekend I am gonna swing by an ATV/ATC only junkyard and am gonna pic me up another tire. So videos and pics are on the way........hopefully........:D


02-23-2006, 01:17 AM
post some pics

02-25-2006, 07:49 PM
Well I just got back from the Junkyard and found a steal on some tires. I got a matched set off an Susukie 125 Trike for 50 Bucks. got em off the rims and got my old tires off the rims and now gonna get new o-rings for my rims and get them sandblasted tommrow and plan to take lots of pics of all the new stuff and some before and afters of the rims. So in other words...Pics shall come tommrow!!!!

02-27-2006, 11:02 PM
Ok guys the long awaited pics are crappy but here none the less...lol
But the only question is...How do I get em here?

02-27-2006, 11:14 PM
Email them to me varrock12@hotmail.com ill post em up.

02-28-2006, 12:16 AM

Here are the ones i got, the other ones wouldnt save??? i dont know, anyways i would get that wiring fixed up Pronto and get a cover for them points....Just noticed you have an Aftermarket pipe on that thing....Cool

02-28-2006, 04:19 PM
Yeah that is the jist of it and BTW I will try to send the other pics to you again if *Edited* dont mind trying to post them as well. And as for the wiring all the wireing is perfect and is just got that one bare end for a kill switch idea that didnt work. But the rest is all heat shrinked and what not. I have a points cover so that is no prob but for the moment I really wanted the tire and rims pics up so if *Edited* could help me get them up there I would appreciate that greatly. Oh and the pipe was just on it when I got it. all I know bout it is that from what I have seen in diagrams...It is 10 times easier to take off and put on than the stock one with the like box and crap attatched to it. But in all it runs like no tommrow. So I am gonna send them pics again.