View Full Version : The more I talk the longer my nose gets. I swear my name isn't Pinocchio though

02-18-2006, 12:17 PM
The Tiger 500? Was a lie. The 250r wheeler in my sig, totally truth, and as for me riding a bike, and freestylin, if your jealpus of me, your own fault, grow some balls and try it. I love 3-wheelers, and 3-wheeler world. Just some stupid game.


02-18-2006, 12:44 PM
The Tiger 500? Was a lie. The 250r wheeler in my sig, totally truth, and as for me riding a bike, and freestylin, if your jealpus of me, your own fault, grow some balls and try it. I love 3-wheelers, and 3-wheeler world. Just some stupid game.


Not "jealpus" ............ I imagine a use of Derek Cooks "contact" link could clear up any identity confusion;)

02-18-2006, 12:51 PM
I believe you just lost all respect on this forum.. lying is not the way to gain respect and you ALWAYS get busted around here.

Billy Golightly
02-18-2006, 01:14 PM
You lied about the Tiger 500, and even tried to sell it to someone. Why should we believe you do freestyle? There are plenty of people that do it of course but your track record with honesty is not exactly high on the scale at this point in time.

02-18-2006, 01:20 PM
You lied about the Tiger 500, and even tried to sell it to someone. Why should we believe you do freestyle? There are plenty of people that do it of course but your track record with honesty is not exactly high on the scale at this point in time.

I agree 100%.

02-18-2006, 01:26 PM
I missed most of the Tiger 500 incident. But since I always usually agree With ATC and Howdy, I agree here as well.

Billy Golightly
02-18-2006, 01:50 PM
I have an idea....

Post some pictures>
Of you doing freestyle>
On your 250R>
While a piece of paper with 3ww or 3wheelerworld is taped to you or the 250R.

Problem solved :D

02-18-2006, 02:31 PM
I found a pic of him doing freestyle



02-18-2006, 02:51 PM
I missed most of the Tiger 500 incident. But since I always usually agree With ATC and Howdy, I agree here as well.

Only agree if we are correct. If we are wrong feel free to say so. ;)

02-18-2006, 02:56 PM
and as for me riding a bike, and freestylin, if your jealpus of me, your own fault, grow some balls and try it.

It just doesnt add up there, buddy.
Chris Urius doesnt know anyone named James Delsanto. You got your new bike in July of 2005, but the picture you took of your first ride was in 2004!!!

Personally, I think you are lieing about everything, which begs the question, Why are you here? If you dont have a three wheeler, or have anything to do with them, what would you be doing at this site? Scamming purposes maybe?

02-18-2006, 04:16 PM
Every time I wreck, I call it "freestyle".

02-18-2006, 04:23 PM
Every time I wreck, I call it "freestyle".

If that's freestyling i'm GREAT at it!!:lol:

3 weelin geezer
02-18-2006, 04:27 PM
Hey, can someone say that in English? :wondering "in my sig, totally truth, and as for me riding a bike, and freestylin, if your jealpus " Whats a sig? A pistol? Totally truth? Jealpus? What is THAT? Sounds like something rare you find on eGay. But anyways, if this guy is as good as he seems to sound I would like to see him do a barrel roll (not a back/front flip) and a short clip of a helmet cam while in mid air. I wanna see if its possible to do it with a 185 S right off a 70 ft cliff right into jagged rocks and LIVE. :w00t:

02-18-2006, 05:00 PM
you don't have to lie to people for them to like you. if thats the case then what friends you have are meaningless. i would rather be hated for who i am than liked for who i am not. it just takes more lies to cover old lies. so just tell the truth and have others accept you for who you are and if they do not then you didnt need them in the first place. this is just my opinion and its what i believe is right.

02-18-2006, 05:05 PM
The truth...Now that you have been injected with truth serum why did you PM me and ask me if I was still interested in buying your Tiger that night.?

02-18-2006, 05:11 PM
Here is your message to me I just copied and pasted it!!!!

Did you see the pic i posted? People have said you are an avid trike collector/lover. Is that a Tiger 500? Or did I get ripped off? And are you still willing to give $3000 for the trike ?

02-18-2006, 05:13 PM
I missed most of the Tiger 500 incident. But since I always usually agree With ATC and Howdy, I agree here as well.Now thats blind, undying faith there ...........

02-18-2006, 05:14 PM
Only agree if we are correct.

Have been so far!:cool:

02-18-2006, 05:17 PM
Here is your message to me I just copied and pasted it!!!!

Did you see the pic i posted? People have said you are an avid trike collector/lover. Is that a Tiger 500? Or did I get ripped off? And are you still willing to give $3000 for the trike ?
That's messed up. Sounds like he's trying to steal some $. Not right at all.

02-18-2006, 05:17 PM
Here is your message to me I just copied and pasted it!!!!

Did you see the pic i posted? People have said you are an avid trike collector/lover. Is that a Tiger 500? Or did I get ripped off? And are you still willing to give $3000 for the trike ?
I'm VERY interested on a timeline of this PM here for the CSI team ............ We don't take very kindly to scammers here and have been known to get local authorities involved. This is a serious matter now.

02-18-2006, 05:22 PM
It was the night the thread was going down just after he posted the picture.

02-18-2006, 05:24 PM
Now thats blind, undying faith there ...........

Heh, I've gotten much good advice from those two since I was in like 8th grade.

02-18-2006, 05:31 PM
Just is jest friend - no harm intended.

wheelie king
02-18-2006, 05:31 PM
I applaud your for finally telling the truth. But being antagonistic in the same breath, well.......just further illustrates what all of us already know about you. Don't make excuses, dude. And back down your tone.

Congratulations for blackballing yourself.

You are why the "ignore" list exists.:naughty:

02-18-2006, 05:32 PM
I thought that was a pretty stupid joke, and then you go and try to sell it to someone. At that point you crossed the line :banned:

02-18-2006, 05:35 PM
I say we hang him.Kick Him off the boards for a while.I highly recommend it.
Who's with me?This is just rediculous.This must stop.Maybee let him come back in a couple months.

02-18-2006, 05:39 PM
It was the night the thread was going down just after he posted the picture.
Was it via a PM or email?

Heh, I've gotten much good advice from those two since I was in like 8th grade.
awe shucks, your imbarassing me.

I thought that was a pretty stupid joke, and then you go and try to sell it to someone. At that point you crossed the line :banned:

I totally agree! Scammers and Crooks are NOT WELCOME here.


wheelie king
02-18-2006, 05:41 PM
This is just rediculous.This must stop.Maybee let him come back in a couple months.

or maybe NEVER. An example needs to be set for future morons (and moron wanna-bees)

02-18-2006, 05:42 PM
Cotacted me via PM its still in my box!! says 2 weeks back

02-18-2006, 05:45 PM
I have an idea....

Post some pictures>
Of you doing freestyle>
On your 250R>
While a piece of paper with 3ww or 3wheelerworld is taped to you or the 250R.

Problem solved :D
I think that got him, it been 3hrs since that post and he hasnt responded yet.

Oh and if freestyling is crashing, then I cant freestyle at all:lol:

Billy Golightly
02-18-2006, 05:50 PM
Hmm...I think another title rape is in demand.

Bryan Raffa
02-18-2006, 07:12 PM
man!!! you guys are good!!!! CIS team in action!!! no matter how many lies are told the truth allways comes out in the end!!!!!!! TRUTH YOU WANT THE TRUTH YOU CANT HANDEL THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-18-2006, 07:19 PM
Well for addmitting to the tiger 500 thing, that I will applaud you for, normally people will just never go on the boards again or something. But now that you have crossed the line, How do we all know if we can trust you anymore? What if in a year, you have a trike to sell, and people here think your a fraud... you wont sell it here, thats for sure. So just be honest, if your a 11 year old with a pw50, admitt it, dont say your 19 and have a tiger or whatever..

02-18-2006, 07:36 PM
Well for addmitting to the tiger 500 thing, that I will applaud you for, normally people will just never go on the boards again or something. But now that you have crossed the line, How do we all know if we can trust you anymore? What if in a year, you have a trike to sell, and people here think your a fraud... you wont sell it here, thats for sure. So just be honest, if your a 11 year old with a pw50, admitt it, dont say your 19 and have a tiger or whatever..
Amen brother!

02-18-2006, 07:56 PM
I say we hang him.Kick Him off the boards for a while.I highly recommend it.
Who's with me?This is just rediculous.This must stop.Maybee let him come back in a couple months.

I second the motion. That's bull on the tricks he tried to play.
There must be some punishment especially after what OrangeCounty posted that PM. Total bullcrap.

Maybe someone should set up a poll and vote for a 2 or 3 month ban.
Let the board members make the decision.
Since we already have 3 Wheeler World CSI, we should have 3 Wheeler World court and be tried by peers.

02-18-2006, 08:02 PM
I, too, applaud you for confessing your sins (lying) to us. It does take a true man to acknowledge he has lied or wronged someone. But, you should have stopped there. That first part was good but the last part just made you look like even more of a fool. Bashing someone after you trying to correct your mistake is bad. I feel you should have left it at that and ended it. Then in time, maybe you will regain the trust of this board and others.
Everyone in this life will sin and do wrong, but to face it and correct your mistakes is what life is all about....its call learning a hard lesson...........peace

02-18-2006, 08:11 PM
I new that when I heard how many newbies were on the board,we would have to do some weeding sone or later.Bustum Danno.

02-18-2006, 08:16 PM
I second the motion. That's bull on the tricks he tried to play.
There must be some punishment especially after what OrangeCounty posted that PM. Total bullcrap.

It is currently under review. I'm just waiting on some information to arrive.

Since we already have 3 Wheeler World CSI, we should have 3 Wheeler World court and be tried by peers.

Kintore see what you got started with the CSI comment. lmao!!
I vote for Judge crackshot it's got a ring to it.
I will sit back and take notes. Ooops, I already do that. ;)


02-18-2006, 08:29 PM
Kintore see what you got started with the CSI comment. lmao!!
I vote for Judge crackshot it's got a ring to it.
I will sit back and take notes. Ooops, I already do that. ;)


Not my fault! Just telling the truth Grissum, err umm I mean Howdy.:lol:


And make that guy:banned:

02-18-2006, 08:36 PM
"I vote for Judge crackshot it's got a ring to it."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I accept the position my fellow citizens! :lol:

02-18-2006, 09:07 PM
TV show time: kloby / cehmke the 3WW tribal elders have spoken. You have been voted off. You can pick up your gonads on the way off the forums. You have Offically been banned. We are including a one-way ticket to another forum where you can lie all you want. They have done a heck of a lot of it there so far. That forum is: http://mratc.proboards60.com/index.cgi You should fit in perfectly. ;)

02-18-2006, 09:11 PM
TV show time: kloby / cehmke the 3WW tribal elders have spoken. You have been voted off. You can pick up your gonads on the way off the forums. You have Offically been banned. We are including a one-way ticket to another forum where you can lie all you want. They have done a heck of a lot of it there so far. That forum is: http://mratc.proboards60.com/index.cgi You should fit in perfectly. ;)

Bahaha, Nice one elders of 3ww, your CSI skills picked up this one straight away.

Btw only just got to try the coil and I can say it bolted up and gave me a bigggg blue spark:beer

02-18-2006, 10:01 PM
well if we like to boast about ourselfs so much, is there anyway to prove this? video perhaps, pics? and no i'm not talking about ones robbed off the internet like the tiger pic that was robbed A.) not only off the internet, but B.) off the very website he posts the supposed tiger claim on. no respect for you.

02-18-2006, 10:06 PM
Judge crackshot does have a nice ring to it.. lets hope for no more of this BS thread posting... And yeah 3ww-CSI did good... congrats to all who found this guy out.

02-18-2006, 10:32 PM
1988 tiger 500. "MINT" :eek: $12,000 obo lolololol :lol:

sorry but I just had too.. :banned:

1985 200s
02-19-2006, 10:57 AM
Do we know anything about this person? Like maybe he's a kid starving for attention and this might of been the place he came to to get it. So he lied to get attention and now he's lost this friend (site) too. Did he do any real harm like actually steal someones money or did he just make everyone lose there erection over this potential trike so now he's worthy of banning. He did admit to being caught and even had the balls to start a thread about being "owned". Doesn't that count for anything? Now I see he has not replied, even before he was banned, in awhile. I think he actually may have been humiliated out of here before the ban. Maybe a little more CSIing was in store before the ultimate death penalty. Just my thoughts. Not being a donkey. Peace Rod

02-19-2006, 12:05 PM
Do we know anything about this person? Like maybe he's a kid starving for attention and this might of been the place he came to to get it. So he lied to get attention and now he's lost this friend (site) too. Did he do any real harm like actually steal someones money or did he just make everyone lose there erection over this potential trike so now he's worthy of banning. He did admit to being caught and even had the balls to start a thread about being "owned". Doesn't that count for anything? Now I see he has not replied, even before he was banned, in awhile. I think he actually may have been humiliated out of here before the ban. Maybe a little more CSIing was in store before the ultimate death penalty. Just my thoughts. Not being a donkey. Peace Rod

I don't think a kid starving for attention would have tried to sell this fake trike to another board member. I agree with most of what you said but when he did that he crossed a HUGE line in my book. :banned:

It's a shame too. There aren't to many of us trikers in Oklahoma:( .

Billy Golightly
02-19-2006, 12:21 PM
He had actually PM'ed OrangeCnty250R and tried to sell him the supposed Tiger 500. So, IMO its pretty serious. I can only think of one reason you'd try to sell something you dont own and thats to make a scam.

Six Stroke
02-19-2006, 01:57 PM
I was suspicious when he said he did the backflip. When he casually said that he did the backflip. Unless you're on the crusty tour, there's nothing casual about it.

02-19-2006, 02:20 PM

I knew this guy wasnt quite right.

1985 200s
02-19-2006, 10:35 PM
Asking if orangecounty was still interested in buying his Tiger still violates no laws. Should of felt him out more to see if he actually would of tried to materialize a real transaction. He may have been thinking wow I could really get $3000 for a Tiger if I had one then proceded to try and find one real fast to make a buck off someone who had no idea what one would be worth. Probably not the scenario but who's to say. Would like to definatley know how old he was. I think age would play a major factor. Just my opinion. Peace Rod

02-19-2006, 10:38 PM
Asking if orangecounty was still interested in buying his Tiger still violates no laws. Should of felt him out more to see if he actually would of tried to materialize a real transaction. He may have been thinking wow I could really get $3000 for a Tiger if I had one then proceded to try and find one real fast to make a buck off someone who had no idea what one would be worth. Probably not the scenario but who's to say. Would like to definatley know how old he was. I think age would play a major factor. Just my opinion. Peace Rod
n. dishonesty, fraudulent conduct, false statements made knowing them to be untrue, by which the liar intends to deceive a party receiving the statements and expects the party to believe and rely on them. This is a civil wrong (tort) giving rise to the right of a person to sue the deceiver if he/she reasonably relied on such dishonesty to the point of his/her injury.
See also: fraud misrepresentation

false pretenses
n. the crime of knowingly making untrue statements for the purpose of obtaining money or property fraudulently. This can range from claiming zircons are diamonds and turning back the odometer on a car, to falsely stating that a mine has been producing gold when it has not. It is one form of theft.
See also: fraud theft

1985 200s
02-19-2006, 10:49 PM
Age? You or I would not do this nor would any other honest adult but a 12, 13, 14 year old might and think nothing of it. They should no better by that age if brought up right but not everyone steers there kid in the right direction. I just think if this was a child he should have been steered right and not banned. An adult by all means HISTORY.

02-19-2006, 10:51 PM
I'm nearly 16 at the moment and I knew that this would be a bad thing to do whenever I was 10 years old. Even if he is a kid.. its no excuse. I'd be pretty ticked if I made a deal and the seller wanted half of the money ($1500 in orangecnty's case) right away.. then I never heard from him again..
We shouldn't have let it play out and see if he actually tried getting orangecnty to pay.. you have to stop it before it goes too far.. and it had already gone too far.

02-19-2006, 11:24 PM
Asking if orangecounty was still interested in buying his Tiger still violates no laws. Should of felt him out more to see if he actually would of tried to materialize a real transaction. He may have been thinking wow I could really get $3000 for a Tiger if I had one then proceded to try and find one real fast to make a buck off someone who had no idea what one would be worth. Probably not the scenario but who's to say. Would like to definatley know how old he was. I think age would play a major factor. Just my opinion. Peace Rod

I have to admit I am truly amazed of the mindset of some members:rolleyes: but hey I guess thats what makes the world a more interesting place to live. once again I say:banned: for life!!!

1985 200s
02-19-2006, 11:29 PM
I know not everyone agrees but, not knowing his history I don't think I would of made that decision. Not saying to actually got to the point of actually sending money just cautiously put the feelers out to see what was up. I wouldn't think orangecounty would just send the money, especially to a newbie, without some concrete proof of a straight deal. A teen with an alcoholic parent, no father, or any other number of things, left alone with internet access may do some pretty stupid things. Peace Rod

02-19-2006, 11:44 PM
:crazy: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

02-19-2006, 11:45 PM
I was suspicious when he said he did the backflip. When he casually said that he did the backflip. Unless you're on the crusty tour, there's nothing casual about it.

I know not everyone agrees but, not knowing his history I don't think I would of made that decision. Not saying to actually got to the point of actually sending money just cautiously put the feelers out to see what was up. I wouldn't think orangecounty would just send the money, especially to a newbie, without some concrete proof of a straight deal. A teen with an alcoholic parent, no father, or any other number of things, left alone with internet access may do some pretty stupid things. Peace Rod

A casual back flip---???????????
We all stood around and laughed and goofed on the guy who had enough electrical gizmos to power the space shuttle "Professionally Engineered" to fit his ride--But this kid gets Judged based on a fake Backflip?
ORANGECOUNTY--Its not personal to you, Just in general--But Why in the name of all thats round would you even consider a three week member worthy of that kind of money without either checking him out---or exposing him "Flat out" for what he is---If you sent him 3000 in monopoly money and then called him out on it?

02-20-2006, 01:26 AM
I truely believe in caveat emptor - but - it is not applicable in this situation. There was nothing to buy except for deceit and lies. As far as age goes - Be he 12 or 120 - I don't need that kind of crap on here and neither do any of the rest of our members. You guys deserve better content than this. Right now hes banned for life - his sarcastic pseudo-appology isn't a step in the right direction to reinstatement. If he wants back, he know how to contact the Admins. The truth is, he's probably joined up somewhere else right now, bashing this site, the admins, MOD's, and probably most of the rest of our members. Well let him - I only belong to this site, I don't care about whats said elsewhere.

02-20-2006, 09:02 AM
Age? You or I would not do this nor would any other honest adult but a 12, 13, 14 year old might and think nothing of it. They should no better by that age if brought up right but not everyone steers there kid in the right direction. I just think if this was a child he should have been steered right and not banned. An adult by all means HISTORY.

Registration Birthdate is April 22, 1985. That same date was was used for both usernames. I can't confirm it is correct, but being as the exact same date was used for both usernames, then I have to assume it is correct. Using the date of April 22, 1985 as a Birthdate and todays date is Feb, 20, 2006 that tells me he is 2 months away from being 21 years old. Thus he would be a legal adult. And yes this information was taken into consideration towards our actions.

I truely believe in caveat emptor - but - it is not applicable in this situation. There was nothing to buy except for deceit and lies. As far as age goes - Be he 12 or 120 - I don't need that kind of crap on here and neither do any of the rest of our members. You guys deserve better content than this. Right now hes banned for life - his sarcastic pseudo-appology isn't a step in the right direction to reinstatement. If he wants back, he know how to contact the Admins. The truth is, he's probably joined up somewhere else right now, bashing this site, the admins, MOD's, and probably most of the rest of our members. Well let him - I only belong to this site, I don't care about whats said elsewhere.

I whole heartedly agree, My main focus is 3WW and trying to protect our members / users. A lot of work and discussion goes on behind the scenes that most users don't know about. This is all done to try and improve and protect the rest of you guys & Gals. The main thing we get out of this hard work, is the knowing that we are doing everything we can to keep the forums very informative, Family Friendly, and scammer free.

1985 200s
02-20-2006, 09:46 AM
Registration Birthdate is April 22, 1985. That same date was was used for both usernames. I can't confirm it is correct, but being as the exact same date was used for both usernames, then I have to assume it is correct. Using the date of April 22, 1985 as a Birthdate and todays date is Feb, 20, 2006 that tells me he is 2 months away from being 21 years old. Thus he would be a legal adult. And yes this information was taken into consideration towards our actions.

Knowing this I totally agree with the ban. I've just seen to many kid's kicked to the curb for stupid mistakes.

02-20-2006, 10:15 AM
Age? You or I would not do this nor would any other honest adult but a 12, 13, 14 year old might and think nothing of it. They should no better by that age if brought up right but not everyone steers there kid in the right direction. I just think if this was a child he should have been steered right and not banned. An adult by all means HISTORY.
I honestly dont think it is a kid,because he tried to scan someone and you have to have guts to do that and the guy knew his stuff, he said he has a 250r and he knew that a 'Tiger 500' post would get all of our attentions. I think Howdy is along the right line of him being born in 1985.
Boy though, he sure posted alot, I though he was going to take Edogs record of post whore:lol:

02-20-2006, 11:55 AM
LOL,it really doesn't matter to me what my post count is,remove it,set me back to 0 see if I car,I dare you.2.51 post per day isn't that bad.:rolleyes:

Yours truely

self proclamed post whore edog.

02-20-2006, 03:17 PM
I sell bridges and swampland in FL-wanna purchase?

Disclaimer-this is only a joke and is not intended for people that do not have a humorous side to them-there is nothing being sold or intended to be sold-it is only a joke-LOL.