View Full Version : wrecked three wheeler got to see this!!

02-13-2006, 10:32 AM
This is what happens when you get to drunk and ride your three wheeler doing about 50 mph into a chain link fence.I got a friend that got real drunk and was racing up and down the road and wrecked his three wheeler into a fence his head went through the chain link fence and about pealed his face off and did take his ear off.This was over the summer right after TF5 and he still is not right and can hardly walk or use his arm do to the collar bone fracture.If it was not for one of my friends driving by and seeing him hanging from a fence, blood everywhere including the three wheeler, vowing never to ride again he gave me the 350x for money he owed me (not quite worth a 1000 dollars) but he was hard up especially with the hospital bills and thinking I will never see the money anyhow I took it and here it is before I start to rebuild it

02-13-2006, 10:37 AM
well, i hope your friend learned a lesson. hes lucky hes alive. That trike didnt deserve that either :cry:

02-13-2006, 10:52 AM
yeah right after trikefest I tried to buy it from him and he said no.All I can say now to him is (you should have sold it to me)

02-13-2006, 11:17 AM
Dang. I bet the steering neck on the frame is bent on that baby. Got to be. Man I feel for that guy.:(

02-13-2006, 11:18 AM
Damn! I had a 185s that sat up at the house for a while that had been wrecked really bad. So bad that I couldnt find any usable parts. The side of the engine even had road rash! That 350 is pretty rough I must say, how does the engine run?

02-13-2006, 11:39 AM
Geeze. That is the reason why ATc's got a bad rap. Drunk, not knowing area and being an idiot.
But it was the ATC's fault!:rolleyes:

02-13-2006, 11:43 AM
See dem things be dangerous! They should be outlawed! Hahahaha:lol:

Seriously I hope he makes it thru ok.

02-13-2006, 12:07 PM
I had a friend of mine get into sand drag racing on his banshee. Another friend of mine decided to do the same after he saw how much fun it was. So my buddy and his friend found a Racing Banshee on EBAY and he paid like $10,500.00 for the thing and drove out to Colarado Or somewheres out west to pick it up. So he gets it back and he does really good at the drags, but their shop has a 200 yard drive and everybody likes to get on th blacktop and play around. So to make a long story short he looses his breaks and he had been drinking alot, to the point we were all trying to get him off the bike and he just mean mouthed us and said hell no, it my f'n bike and I am gonna ride it.....and he hits a chain link fence going like 100 mph or so....breaks his neck and back in 7 places, and spent several months in the REGIONAL MEDIACL CENTER AT MEMPHIS TENNESSEE (THE MED) this is a category one trauma center, I know personally because I spent 3 weeks there after my motorcycle wreck, and he is paralyzed. He will never walk, and has since gotten hooked on drugs and tried to commit suicide a couple of times. We are always doing benefits for him and trying to get him help and even try to help pay his steadily mounting mediacl costs. He has had over $1,000.000.00 in medical bills to this date..... So it isin't the machine it's the rider..... I raise American Pit Bull Terriers and have never had a bite crazy dog. That is why I put the blame on the owners. Bad owners = Bad dogs. Bad riders = Bad wrecks ! Its just that simple.....Stay off the pipe and stay off the bike..Or stay off the bottle and stay off the throttle. Hope your buddy gets well........Stephen

02-13-2006, 12:23 PM
motor still runs great and you actually still ride it I just dont prefer to at this stage until it is fixed the only real damage is the forks themselves did not even break a headlight or crack one for that matter the triple trees still look to be ok just twisted the hell out of the forks

02-13-2006, 01:07 PM
I will be parting out a 1985 350x soon if the money is right..it runs and rides..just needs the seat recovered and front fork boots....

02-13-2006, 05:33 PM
The 350X I'm fixing up right now looks kind of like that, minus the tweaked front end. But when I got mine, it was in pieces.

02-13-2006, 07:22 PM
that is a sad thing right there.no helmet?sounds like it. wide open throttle is not a good idea.wheter you are drunk or sober.i hate to hear of accidents like this.very sad thing.

02-13-2006, 07:25 PM
thats what you get for drinkin'. the x isnt that bad though, as long as the forks arent toast....

02-13-2006, 07:30 PM
I have absolutely no sympathy what so ever for any idiot who would be that ridiculously irresponsible. If I were you, I would end my friendship with him no matter how long you have been friends. “Friends” like that will always bring you down with them at some point. Just give them time and I promise it WILL happen. I know this to be true all too well.

02-13-2006, 07:47 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend, hope he is ok. That looks almost as bad as my friends but not quite. He and his brother were tearing up their nice long driveway at well over 60 on his 350x, when he caught a rut shot left took out 130 feet of horse fence and rolled a ton of times getting flung from the bike. His brother was knocked out and some how my friend picked up his brother and carried him a good 250 feet to the house handed him to his dad and then my friend collapsed. His brother had a broken arm,wrist, concussion, and broken ankle. My friend had concussion, broken neck,collar bone in two places, arm, and dislocated shoulder. It was quite amazing that he managed to carry his brother but addrenaline is an amazing thing. The 350x looked like it had been plowed by a mack truck and drug for 300 feet.

Bryan Raffa
02-14-2006, 12:04 AM
man thank god i gave up drinking!!!!!! Ive recked every car and truck i owned lucky to be alive and didnt kill some one!! Ive learned my lesson the hard way! thats for shure! it takes something like that to open someones eyes. I just hope the people that view this take a good long look. AA is for quiters.

02-14-2006, 12:39 AM
man thank god i gave up drinking!!!!!! Ive recked every car and truck i owned lucky to be alive and didnt kill some one!! Ive learned my lesson the hard way! thats for shure! it takes something like that to open someones eyes. I just hope the people that view this take a good long look. AA is for quiters.

Most people need to learn the hard way, people with thick heads anyway. Know I haven't wrecked due to drinkin but it only takes once. Got drinking and driving given up 4 months.

Hope your pal pulls through, rooting for he 350X too. lol


02-14-2006, 01:22 AM
Well he is a good friend and actually I have a few friends with all about the same mentality (stupid).I even got a dui about 6 years ago myself and I dont even drink but a handfull of times a year and in the last 6 years maybe a handful of times.But I myself also have learned my lesson to never try and stop someone from driving drunk to me it just dont matter anymore if they kill themselves or someone else.The whole reasoning in me believing that way is cause I tried to stop a friend from driving once drunk and ended up getting 15,000 dollars worth of surgury done to my face and yes me and him are no longer friends anymore

02-14-2006, 05:03 PM
i belive i still got you beat! lol try banshee 6th gear intop a tractor trailer head on


02-14-2006, 06:25 PM
Man that sucks, his ear! were the doctors able to save the ear and re-attach?
if not i feel for your friend. It's too bad when good machines go bad(because of the owner) But you did get a sweet project out of the deal!

02-14-2006, 07:10 PM
Here is my freinds Banshee when the throttle stuck open

02-14-2006, 08:10 PM
yeah it peeled his ear right off and damn near his face. He is scarred for life now, and they did reattached his ear but he looks like an elf now.Damn that banshee wreck looks very bad.Was that guy Ok,did he bail off in time.I have had throttle stick wide open on me before, on a dirtbike, but never on a 3or 4 wheeler and I am so glad that there was never nothing close bye me when it happened

02-15-2006, 01:05 AM
Throttle stuck open is what the kill switch is for (?)

Rex Karz
02-15-2006, 04:08 AM
Something someone said earlier about "friends" really struck a nerve with Me. I've had "friends" in the past that if I were to never have met, I would be a millionaire by now. For all You Guys reading this that are under 25 or so, take my advice and save yourself from a lot of misery. You know those people in your life I am talking about. Have the self confidence and self value to LOSE those LOSERS in your life. Sorry to hijack a thread like that, but believe me, you'll *BLINK* and find out you wasted 20 years of your life being loyal to someone who would throw you under a bus for a bong hit..........

02-15-2006, 08:49 AM
Holy cow! Those pics are hell bent! I am glad you guys post those though.
It gives a reality check!
If throttle was stuck wide open, why not use kill switch or pull in clutch and jam on brakes or was there no time to react?

02-15-2006, 01:23 PM
wow....that poor x:cry: :cry: :cry:

02-15-2006, 01:35 PM
Yeah, he was alright but he didnt bail off in time. He had a helment on and his head met the trailer if I remember right. That was a few years ago and ITs been a while since we talked about it. I am going to ask him about the kill switch thing though....

02-15-2006, 04:35 PM
That X looks bad.
To bad something like that had to happen. Doing anything drunk that involves machinery is not a good idea:wondering

02-15-2006, 05:18 PM
Something someone said earlier about "friends" really struck a nerve with Me. I've had "friends" in the past that if I were to never have met, I would be a millionaire by now. For all You Guys reading this that are under 25 or so, take my advice and save yourself from a lot of misery. You know those people in your life I am talking about. Have the self confidence and self value to LOSE those LOSERS in your life. Sorry to hijack a thread like that, but believe me, you'll *BLINK* and find out you wasted 20 years of your life being loyal to someone who would throw you under a bus for a bong hit..........

AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, say it again brother. That is exaclty what I was talking about. I wish like hell I had wised up earlier in life.