View Full Version : what's your thoughts on a tri-z?

02-03-2006, 10:43 PM
Hey guys i'm looking for a liquid R but cant find one decently priced so i'm looking into a tri-z. What is your opinion on them? good for racing? bad for racing? good engines? junk engines? (it's an 85 engine). are parts hard to get? all in all what do you think about them? i'm a honda guy so this is rare to be asking about a yamaha. thanks


02-03-2006, 10:49 PM
hmm,i am not found of them for racin.i seen derrick put a hurtin on his.but for an all around machine they are great.fun to ride,comfortable,and pretty good power.it's the trike that got me into trikes.

Bryan Raffa
02-04-2006, 12:13 AM
I love both of mine good all around machine! Ive been a yamaha man since my dad raced them in the 70s . Wouldnt have it any other way I ridden just about ridden every thing out there new and old. thats why I love my job.I think you need input from a honda man he will probley tell you different. As far as Im concernd money=speed any one can be fast!

02-04-2006, 12:35 AM
i love my 86. but there isn't a good pipe make for them anymore. here is a pic of mine

02-04-2006, 12:59 AM
i love my 86. but there isn't a good pipe make for them anymore. here is a pic of mine

Did you buy that from Chainsaw?

dizasterzrfun69: Z's are good trikes. I'd choose an R anyday if I had to choose but... I don't have to choose. :naughty:

02-04-2006, 01:08 AM
yea if i get it i am going to clean it up some and maybe trade it or sell it for an r someday. or maybe just keep it AND get an R. it sounds like i'm going to be getting it but i'm not 100% sure. i should know tomorrow.


02-04-2006, 01:29 AM
i love my 86. but there isn't a good pipe make for them anymore. here is a pic of mine

DG isn't too bad of a pipe. ;)

Derrick Adams
02-04-2006, 10:06 AM
The Tri-Z is more than adequate for most. I've won many races on mine. The downfalls to the Z for me is suspension and a non-counter balanced engine.

I have an 85. In 86 they did upgrade the suspension some. I also weigh 240lb so I tend to bottom everything I ride. In my opinion the Z does turn much better than the 250R, so the lack of suspension makes up for it's self on the race track. Racing is 75% rider and 25% bike anyhow.

Parts are still plentiful for the Z and most blaster and banshee parts interchange so there will be parts for along time.

02-04-2006, 10:33 AM
kinda quirky over engineered machines. but i love mine.the 250r just seemed to not handle as well to me as the tri-z. i think the over all handle of the z is easier to ride vs the 250 r.the r had a way more superior engine set-up though. but i like things that are rare.you just dont see alot of z's runnin around.even here on 3ww 80% of the guys run hondas.some of the parts are discontinued,some of the internal gears(kickstart relay gear inparticular) head lite housings and radiator plastic and air box plastic.but you can still get these parts,if you want to pay enough money for them.but like derrick said,a lot of banshee suspension and brake parts will transfer over to the z.mine has quite a few banshee items on it.for a skilled triker,the r just is a better trike.but the z was not far behind.

Billy Golightly
02-04-2006, 11:26 AM
I like mine. Like Derrick and others have mentioned the suspension in stock trim is a little inferior to the 250R and Tecate. You can bandaid it with heavier oil in the forks, progressive springs, and preload spacers. I did all of that and still was not happy with the outcome so I did away with the whole frontend and made my own. Much better IMO. The Z is a great trike but it does have some quirks that need to be found and adjusted from owner to owner. Engine parts performance wise are a little hard to come by, but Ronnie (YAMAHONDAMAN) has the answer to that.

02-04-2006, 11:57 AM
i've been happy with my 85. parts are there if you are wiiling to search for some of them.

Derrick Adams
02-04-2006, 05:56 PM
I like mine. Like Derrick and others have mentioned the suspension in stock trim is a little inferior to the 250R and Tecate. You can bandaid it with heavier oil in the forks, progressive springs, and preload spacers. I did all of that and still was not happy with the outcome so I did away with the whole frontend and made my own. Much better IMO. The Z is a great trike but it does have some quirks that need to be found and adjusted from owner to owner. Engine parts performance wise are a little hard to come by, but Ronnie (YAMAHONDAMAN) has the answer to that.

Better be cleaning that thing up. Might be on TV or in a Mag this year!

Billys Z says "Please paint me. I deserve it!"

02-04-2006, 10:47 PM
I love mine, and am a lot more comfortable on it, but I have to admit that for racing ( Im assuming you mean MX) the R has a superior chassis/suspension design. I like the way the Z handles trails better, but that may be as much personal preference as anything. The R has a better cooling system, and parts are easier to find on the shelf, though Ive not had much trouble finding Z parts when ordering through dealerships. Most Z parts are also used on other Yamaha's. The uncounterbalanced motor vibration is very noticeable on the Z after riding an R, but the Z motor is a pretty much a tried and tested YZ motor, so your not going to be disappointed. I prefer the 5 speed Z tranny on the track, but would rather have the R 6 speed (or 86 Z) tranny for trail riding.