View Full Version : Wipe the tears.. OHTSUs are becoming rare

02-03-2006, 09:11 PM
We have all been spoiled buying the Ohtsus for the ATCs. So spoiled I sold a few of my extra new ones a while back. When the need came up for a front tire I called service honda and they said they were gone!!! In a frenzy I contacted other vendors...Gone!!! Well we heard a while back Ohtsu stopped production of ATV tires....took a while to catch up but they are running out...Luckily I found this NOS one on ebay this week mounted as a spare on a used rim..I had to pay 122.00 for something i sold for 65.00 bucks 6 months ago... I also heard the honda warehouse just ran out of the ATC 200x 350x and 250r rears:eek: :eek: :eek: off to ebay we go

02-04-2006, 02:37 PM
Orangecounty, Not meaning to hijack your thread, but while calling all over the place for your 250r parts, did you ever find or ever look for the blue fenders for the atc70?

02-04-2006, 06:48 PM
Why not just get Dunlops; they're exactly the same. The machines came from the factory with one or the other.

02-04-2006, 07:40 PM

Man what a find huh?

02-04-2006, 08:12 PM
Tried it 2 weeks ago ...sold out.... Backordered forever with no supply ....come on give me more credit than that

02-04-2006, 08:35 PM
HAHA-I'm sorry, didn't mean it that way-I tryed to and they said the same to me as well, I thought it was funny they didnt update there site you know?Here I see them on there and think aI found them finally, then, nothing! Again my apologies, didnt mean to offend you.

02-04-2006, 10:53 PM
HAHA-I'm sorry, didn't mean it that way-I tryed to and they said the same to me as well, I thought it was funny they didnt update there site you know?Here I see them on there and think aI found them finally, then, nothing! Again my apologies, didnt mean to offend you.

No offense taken...glad people are using their resources instead of accepting what is typed.

Type in dunlop KT 732 the discontinued 86 Z tire... about 30 vendors pop up saying they carry it....but they all have to order from the distributor...and that means your Sh*#t out of luck.