View Full Version : Why part a perfectly good ATV?

03-03-2003, 11:58 PM
I don't understand why some people can go out and buy an almost mint, perfectly good ATV and then part it out. Why would someone do that? Someone who actually needs a trike could put it to good use. I understand that replacement parts are always needed, but why ruin a perfectly good trike when ther are people who still don't have one?

03-04-2003, 03:17 PM
most people that part out good trikes dont think of it like that. And most of the time its someone that doesnt know much about them. Some guy gets one off an old farmer and thinks noone wants trikes..so he tears it apart and sells the parts. Plus most of the time you can make more money by parting it out.

03-04-2003, 05:09 PM
Many Sport trikes catch more cash parted then they would whole. utilites are jsut pointless to ever part from a good running machine. By parting out one rare machine (like me with my 87 200X), you are helping dozens of people to get their beater running or get their beautiful machine mint.