View Full Version : Trike Dreams?

01-30-2006, 07:00 PM
Now surely I'm not the only one. But this is the first one for me :crazy:

Last night I dreampt that I was going along a hard top road by my house. Well the part of the road i was on slopes up and aparently when I hit the top of the hill there was a jump I didnt see :rolleyes:. So anyway there I am, SX in slow motion, as it starts tipping to my right. So I lean to the left but to no avail. Then as it starts to speed up the trike levels out and I hit, bounce and hit once again. Then I sit there amazed I didnt wreak it. And then I move on to a Sky Lopez dream BUT that is for another day and time.

Am I the only one that has dreamed about trikes?

01-30-2006, 07:15 PM
I am suprized I didn't think of this tread,After all I am the king of post.:crazy:

01-30-2006, 07:24 PM
I've had a few trike dreams. I rarely remember my dreams at all so I've probably had a ton and just don't remember. I'll tell you about the most vivid one. I was about 12 or maybe 13 at the oldest. I had my new 1985 200x back then. The dream happened right after the 1985 350x was introduced.

In my dream, I woke up one day, went to the dealer with my father, got a brand new 350x, brought it home, rode it, put it away and went to bed. It was so real that the next day I thought it all really happened. I got up, got dressed and grabbed my helmet and headed for the garage knowing there was a new 350x in there but it was just my 200x. I was so convinced it was real I got mad because I though my brother had taken my 350x without asking. Took about 10 minutes after that to realize it was a dream.

01-30-2006, 07:39 PM
I've always wanted to own a 350X, so of course I was excited (an still am) when I bought mine off eBay to restore. Well last night I was sleepin, and I started dreaming about having the 350 out in the garage getting it torn down and working on it. :) My first ever trike dream.
It just goes to show how much I love working on trikes.. lol.

01-30-2006, 08:49 PM
Well I had a odd one the other day. I think it came from the thread with the 350x with the bent axle from hill climbing. I was on my Z and doing donuts, these werent your ordinary donuts mind you. I was doing 60mph somehow lol And I had a speedo so I could tell(wish I have one in real life!) Anyways im doing donuts and out of no where I hit mud and spin out, my ass end nails a tree doing 60, I snap my axle and my grab bar. Then I wake up. whew, lucky it was only a dream!:lol:

01-30-2006, 08:55 PM
I have one every now and then, it always comes down to an insane hillclimb, like almost straight up like= ___/

kinda freaky when it happens, but kinda cool...

250sxwheeliepop, now as for Sky Lopez dreams those are all too common, hahha ... that chick could definitely get it, lol

01-30-2006, 09:01 PM
This is wierd timing. I had a dream last night that I was riding my old R around in a field. First time I ever dreamed about trikes. My dog was chasing me around and I was letting him catch up and then I would take off. Which is strange because I don't have a dog or an R anymore for that matter. :cry:

01-30-2006, 09:12 PM
well my g/f is in school and in one of her classes they say you dream more then once through the nite...and you can only remeber some.....but me i always have trike dreams...lol...ive even had a dream about edogs 225...member when i PM you the one time edog....so i have many trike dreams...

01-30-2006, 09:31 PM
I'm going to post my mailing addy send me some of the drugs you guys are on...lol..i love my trikes I have even though I just got into them about 2 years ago I've never dreamed about them......that I can remember..

01-30-2006, 09:53 PM
well my g/f is in school and in one of her classes they say you dream more then once through the nite...and you can only remeber some.....but me i always have trike dreams...lol...ive even had a dream about edogs 225...member when i PM you the one time edog....so i have many trike dreams...
You are now stuck with that awsome dream of that 225.I'm sorry to read that.Now I have to share my dream.:cry:

Here is the Pm

hey edog i was day dreamin about your sky blue DX and i was thinkin some 8 in rims and 18 inch turf tamers would look bad on that thing and a skinny front tire...i dont know just somthin i was thinkin

01-30-2006, 10:54 PM
I dreamed of a 200 the other day. It was GREAT!

01-30-2006, 11:05 PM
Seems alot of people dreamed for the first time about trikes last night.

01-30-2006, 11:40 PM
Seems alot of people dreamed for the first time about trikes last night.

I will only dream of ms. lopez :naughty: tonight.

I've only had nitemares about frozen bolts, stripped sprocket shafts, and cruded up carburators.. :lol:


01-31-2006, 02:22 AM
I will only dream of ms. lopez :naughty: tonight.

I've only had nitemares about frozen bolts, stripped sprocket shafts, and cruded up carburators.. :lol:

im living that nightmare of rusted bolts right now...with my 350x exhaust bolts....but i have had lots of dreams of owning a collection of 250rs 350xs 200xs 200ss bigreds tecates and tri-zs but then wake up and be very unhappy

01-31-2006, 10:42 AM
i had a dream a while back. it was awesome. what happened was that we recently purchased a new house and the previous owners didnt even pack up. they just left all their stuff. i went to go look at my new pole barn and i swung the door open and almost fainted. the whole barn was packed with old 3 wheelers. i was in heaven. boy, was i mad when i woke up. :mad:

01-31-2006, 11:29 AM
Why funny you should mention that. I, just last night had a dream. I was somewhere in the hills and there was a house with a 250R out front. I went up to the door, and the people had it for sale. It was some guy and his wife. She told him just let it go cheap. So they let me take it for a ride, and take it home. That's when I woke up. Never knew what I paid for it lol:naughty:

01-31-2006, 11:37 AM
i had a dream when we had a post on how big are shops were. i dreamt that i had a airplane hanger for my shop it was heated there were every trike from every year in it nos!! it was sweet also there was a 52 chev pick up rusted 2 hell?? i don't know why that was their though.

01-31-2006, 11:47 AM
Well, a while back I dreamed that I walked into a old Honda dealer and on the shelves were loads of rare NOS parts and accessories... I was so happy, lol. I was mad when I woke up though hahaha.
