View Full Version : How much you would guys pay for this R? Updated!!!

01-30-2006, 05:12 PM
The guy wants 1700 for it, its the same guy with that r on ebay....

he offered my 800 bucks for my quadsport, so that means 900 outta my pocket. I really hate the quadsport, and i really want an r, so i think its a fair deal to him and myself. What do you guys think? Its an 85 r with an 86 crate motor. Everything works, new clutch, just not too nice cosmetically, but i dotn care, i want to ride it. I need to loose the twist throttle asap if i get it.

What do you guys think? Worth the 1700? I think its a little much, but they are rare around here and i dont want a show queen, just one to ride the piss out of.



heres the quadsport 250s


thansk guys

01-30-2006, 05:23 PM
from the looks right off the bat i would say no not 1700 i got mine for 1400 and it was about the same cosmeticaly as that is in but the tank was way worse. the + side is the case saver is there and that to me is worth about 100$ right there cuz there arnt to many R side cases with the intact they are mostly broken so with that i would 1500 and it has the stock pipe so to me that tells me that the piss has not been run out of it. somethings to look for when looking at an R is the case saver, the swingarm beerings make sure they are not seized, check the bottom of the swingarm for stress cracks from the seized berrings, check the radiator to see if there is water and then just the regualr stuff but from what i see and what it looks like i would offer him 12-1400 cuz it could use some work. hope that helps

01-30-2006, 05:25 PM
900.00 tops

01-30-2006, 05:27 PM
Yeah. I definately wouldnt go $1700 on that. Personally I'd go $1000 at max. Just see if he'll take the quadsport plus a few extra hundred, whatever you think is fair. But $1700 is way way too much.

01-30-2006, 05:34 PM
is what i would probably spend. id have to look it over closer and ride it.

Yamaha Tri-Moto
01-30-2006, 06:44 PM
ya seems steep to me. they go for that price canadian up here.

01-30-2006, 06:56 PM
man thats a 800-1000 max,if it runs like a raped ape.any kinda of motor problems and thats a 700 dollar bike.pretty beat.a very good start for a restore though.

01-30-2006, 07:09 PM
I don't know alot about these yet, but learning. I'm in Sacramento CA and I bought 2 r's. One was 1100 and ran like excellent. Fast as can be. And the other I paid 1500. They both were very clean. Looking at these pictures, I would say 800 tops for me. Good luck and don't jump into the first thing you see, unless its feels right. There are alot out there and you can find deals. Patients will win, Good luck!

01-30-2006, 07:10 PM
I would say it is in the $1000 - $1200 area.

01-30-2006, 08:09 PM
1k max, trade quad sport and 300 bucks.. he will still get the better end... i see things that tell me its been runt he piss out of... the chain tells no lie, look at the front sprocket... yep count them 2 teeth gone.... chain looks like nasty slack, motot looks like its a clean machine but inside could be alot different, if the bottom end has slack right there is a 650 buck job.... i would have him do a compression check if its anywhere under 155 or at 155 tell him NO THANKS.... if its above do like stated quadsport plus 300 bucks

01-30-2006, 08:45 PM
notice the cracked case where the 'case saver' bolts on, on the top bolt... plus whoever said the thing about the front sprocket is right, it has had its fair share of riding..

idk bout 1700 man, I wouldnt pay more than a grand... and I'd make sure to run it, ride it, go thru all the gears.. and maybe a compression test. Take it from all us guys here, don't jump into the first thing you come across, wait it out and get something good, it sure as hell beats buying something that is overpriced or has mechanical problems, take it from me.. I learned the hard way, LOL...

Jordan Hinze

01-30-2006, 09:31 PM
$1700.00 is definately way to much. Counting the value of your Q-sport, plus a new seat cover and whatever other parts it will need, your going to have a ton of money into it by the time you get it to being a "nice bike".

01-30-2006, 11:27 PM
1700 is too much, but they hardly ever pop up around here. This is one of the first ones i have seen. I knew it would need a chain and sprockets. How much do you think the quadspot is worth?

I really want to get an r as soon as possible due to the fact that i have the money, and if i dont use it to buy an r, some other bs will pop up and ill need to use it on that.

He said everything mechanically is in great condition, but i see where you guys are comin from. I thought it was a bit pricey...But due to the rarity its a little understandable. I have until thursday to make my mind up, and ill take a ride up to NH and offer him the quadsport plus 500-600 tops...i really gotta think about it.

Thanks for all of your help guys, and keep them responses comin.


01-31-2006, 12:03 PM
I would say like 1k max. But if I was you I would post a wanted ad for a R for someone that can drive. Get them to drive half way, you go halfway and its all hunky dory, Like its been stated. She seems to of had a real hard life. But if you REALLY want it, 1k max. Just trying to help... tell us what you do. Im curious!

01-31-2006, 01:50 PM
800 would be the max

01-31-2006, 02:10 PM
that thing looks like it was rode hard and put away wet if you know what i mean, i'd really check it over like everyone else said and not go over about 1000 max.


01-31-2006, 02:12 PM
ive seen way nicer at that price. I agree 900 tops depending on how bad you want it.

01-31-2006, 02:27 PM
you live in rhode island? they are always in the want ad. and the prices vary. i bought one a few years back that looked just like that for $350. it needed an spark plug cap and rear axle bearings, didn't look to pretty but it ran good and everything worked.

you shouldn't pay more than $900 for it. keep looking for a better deal, you'll find a better one.

01-31-2006, 03:51 PM
just for reference here is another 250R 1985 for 1700 and it looks alot better then that one but still not worth 1700 to me mayb about 1550

01-31-2006, 07:52 PM
i found one for 1500/obo on that want ad site...im gonan persue that one first..i just called the guy with the r in this post, and he isnt willing to come down to 1200, which is the most i would pay for it. I said thank you for his time talking to me and i really appreciated it and the best of luck to him on that r he has on ebay. I'll probably offer the guy 1200 and work up to 1400ish

I really hope that other one isnt gone yet, id love to go pick that up like now haha, heres a pic...do those forks look bent to you?

01-31-2006, 08:53 PM
they look bent to me

01-31-2006, 09:02 PM
Yea, bent, have to agree.

01-31-2006, 10:01 PM
i have a spare set of r forks in my garage in great shape...are they interchangable? I dont know what year they are, but i think the bottom tripple is black...possible model code ha4? anyone?

02-01-2006, 11:42 AM
he said he would take 1200 for that second r...i cant wait, going to pick it up tomorrow...so happy

02-01-2006, 11:53 AM
well now you going to have the best of both worlds like i do with the 350X and the 250R its great and you will love the power of the 250R, good luck

as for the forks i beleive they are for the 83-84 250R

02-01-2006, 02:36 PM
he said he would take 1200 for that second r...i cant wait, going to pick it up tomorrow...so happy

what did i tell ya, it pays to look around a bit and not go after the first thing you see.

02-01-2006, 02:47 PM
you the man!!!! thanks for all of your help guys and ill be sure to get some pics asap...the only thing it needs is the forks (he says they arent bent, and i have a set of ha2 forks in my garage which i think will fit, and the rear shock needs a recharge, which is 15 bucks at my local shop.)

I think thats a deal for 1200 and he may take the quadsport for a near straight up swap, so then ill have left over cash for a trailer...

Thanks again,

02-01-2006, 05:25 PM
I have an 1985 R I,d be willing to make a partial trade with for the quad, depending on where you are located I'm in Michigan

02-01-2006, 05:50 PM
i appreciate the offer, but im located in RI, and thats a hell of a ride.

Thanks Thou,