View Full Version : should I keep 200X?

01-27-2006, 06:39 PM
Well, fellas, I'm in a bit of a quagmire, here. I spent a lot of time restoring an '85 200X that I bought a while back. I didn't go into the engine b/c it had good compression, and I finally got her cranked today and it smokes a little. Also, I realized that my 300 lb. a#% is a little too big for the bike. It squats pretty bad with me. But I went through a lot of painting, sanding, priming, etc. and lots of other parts to get where I am including a stainless nut and bolt kit. Reckon what I should do?? I like the whole trike thing, but the 200X is just too small (plenty of power though). Any ideas?


01-27-2006, 07:03 PM
uhh maybe try and trade it for a lesser 350x or sell it and buy a 350x.....

01-27-2006, 08:15 PM
Umm not to be mean cause I'm right behind you at 240lbs but have someone else ride it and you jog behind it....lol....j/k then again your probably 6'8 so 300lbs isnt bad unlike me.....lol......you worked hard on it dont give it up.

01-27-2006, 08:33 PM
Umm not to be mean cause I'm right behind you at 240lbs but have someone else ride it and you jog behind it....lol....j/k then again your probably 6'8 so 300lbs isnt bad unlike me.....lol......you worked hard on it dont give it up.

Well to be honest... i did the same EXACT thing. I restored an 85 200x and threw a ton of money into it. I'm a pretty big guy myself (a duece and a Half at least!) :( (give or take?) and when i sat on it it just felt too small.

The sad part about it is you'll never get all your money back if you sell it. IMO you'd be better off keeping it or trying to trade it for somethin a little bit bigger.

Got any :pics: :naughty:

01-27-2006, 08:40 PM
Well, actually I am only 6ft. even... I'm a bit of a chunk I suppose. I would absolutely love to have a 350X, but who wouldn't...and they don't exactly give those away nowadays. I would be more than happy to consider trading the 200X for a 350X that needed work.

I suppose I should have figured having to go into the top end at some point or another. If I can't find someone wanting to trade or if I can't find some other interesting deal, I may just keep the 200X and go the next size overbore. I can't imagine that being too bad a job. I'll post a picture of my bike just for kicks.


01-27-2006, 09:48 PM
Well, here's the deal...after I crank the 200X, it will puff blueish smoke when I gun it. Then it doesn't idle at all, but takes the gas like a champ when I gun it. But I noticed that my head pipe wasn't sealing too well as the smoke would escape there too. Didn't think much about it until I noticed the little oil specks dotted all over the back of my front fender. I am now pretty certain that the old trike needs a top-end kit. So the question is...how hard is that? What do I do exactly? Do I take the jug to the machine shop to find out how much of an overbore will clean it up, and how do I know the piston I buy will properly fit the new machine work? Am I on the right track?? Thanks in advance.


xd 200x
01-28-2006, 01:34 AM
best Idea for you is to go with the 350x suspension I would think.

01-28-2006, 01:37 AM
try www.powroll.com they got some Sweet hop up parts for the 200x....Sounds like your Exaust valve/guide/ possibly rings are worn out...top end job time.

01-28-2006, 01:38 AM
Dont sell it man the motor is smoking because it hasnt been ran in awhile...take it out and have some fun on it one day and it should take care of the smoking problem and you will be hooked on the power of the "X"

01-28-2006, 09:58 AM
You guys need to get off your butts, quit eating and riding and do some exercise, jog, walk and lose some weight.
That is the problem with americans. They are too obese and think nothing of it.

01-28-2006, 10:23 AM
You guys need to get off your butts, quit eating and riding and do some exercise, jog, walk and lose some weight.
That is the problem with americans. They are too obese and think nothing of it.

your an idiot. :rolleyes: :lol: Tell me... How was that post helpful to this guy?

anyways... this might be a good solution for ya.


01-28-2006, 10:42 AM
i say keep it. and what is this pick on fat people day :banned:

01-28-2006, 09:06 PM
I agree with Chris but I wouldnt have been so nice about it. He must be the one perfect person in this world.

01-29-2006, 11:04 AM
I just tell it like it is wiggaz. No bull.

01-29-2006, 11:17 AM
wiggaz? http://www.perspectives.com/forums/themes/default/sport-smiley-002.gif

Riding makes you burn calories, so I say ride on.

Oh and keep the 200x. You'll regret it if you do get rid of it