View Full Version : R radiator fluid leak! Need HELP ASAP!!!

250r'en +TCB
01-25-2006, 08:37 PM
Ok heres the deal, I checked my radiotor fluid level before I rode today (thank god!) and I saw it was low, so I started to pour some in and realized it was EMPTY!!!:crazy: :mad: So after I filled it up I looked for leaks. Sure enough one appeared immediatly. Right under the waterpump. Not on the seal were the pump cover meets the crankcase though..... About 1in behind the waterpump, on the bottom of a crankcase, coming out of....... A HOLE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!:wondering What is this little hole and why is my radiator fluid leaking out of it all of the sudden??????? It is an obvious machined hole by the way. I don't have high speed internet at my access right now so I can't go to service honda and look at the service manual....:rolleyes:
Somebody PLEASE clarify what is happening and WHY it is happening!!! And most importantly, how can I FIX it?????
thanks, Devin:beer

250r'en +TCB
01-25-2006, 09:19 PM
Anybody have ANY sort of knowlage??? I'm sorry to be a nag but I'm kinda panicing here!!!! I just hope this isn't a REALLY expensive proublem!!!

01-25-2006, 09:22 PM
Here ya go, I think your missing this-

01-25-2006, 09:25 PM
that hole is there so when your crank seals go bad it will leak out of there instead of going into your transmission. oil and antifreeze mixed is not good:lol: it's a perventive measure.

i hate to say this but you need water pump seals for it that go into the clutch cover side case.

250r'en +TCB
01-25-2006, 09:38 PM
Kintore thats not what I'm talking about, the drain bolt isn't it man.......
Jason thanks for that, do you have any clue how much they cost, an oem one???

01-25-2006, 09:42 PM
yeah i know exactly what *Edited**Edited* talking about it happened 2 me on my cr125. go 2 sevice honda and get a water pump water seal and a oil seal. replace both of them and it should work. its a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* 2 get the water pump seal out but keep hitting it with a hammer. the seals are like 2 bucks

Garage Boy 34
01-25-2006, 09:52 PM
yeah, I would drain your trans fluid first to see it it is milky white and if not try the following. It could be a bad radiator cap, smallest leak in the head gasket,damaged radiator or a simple loose hose. If your cooling system does not maintain pressure it will leak out that hole. best way to confirm a leak anywhere in the system is to buy or barrow a leakdown tester for your radiator. It connects where your radiator cap is and you pump it to the specified amt of air, the gauge should hold that psi and if not start spraying soapy water where ever a leak can be.

01-25-2006, 09:55 PM
it was like $60 the last time i got all the stuff for my 86 trx250r. there are 2 seals + a bearing + a ceramic spacer that goes in there.

you have to pull the clutch cover off and them take the water pump cover off. then you need a impact gun to get the 10mm nut off the water pump impeller to remove the rod that makes it turn to get the seals out of the cover.

be careful it's easy to mess up ther expensive seal putting it back together.

Red Rider
01-26-2006, 01:55 AM
250r'en, it sounds like your mechanical seal has gone bad. That drain hole is doing it's purpose. As jason85 already said, you'll need to remove the clutch side cover to access the mechanical seal. Before you remove the clutch cover though, remove the water pump cover, and then the acorn nut & impeller. Since you didn't say there was any oil leaking out of that same drain hole, your oil seal is probably okay, but since you're already in there, a new oil seal is only about $2-3 bucks, cheap preventative maintenance. To get to the mechanical seal, first you'll need to remve the waterpump shaft bearing, and then the oil seal. To remove the mechanical seal, place the waterpump portion of the clutch cover on a smooth, flat, piece of wood (to prevent damage to the mating surface), and then use a socket that is just slightly smaller than the outside diameter of the seal. Put an extension in the socket if necessary to provide enough room to hammer on the socket to get the seal out. In addition to the mechanical seal, you'll also need 2 waterpump gaskets, and the oil seal as suggested. The mechanical seal will be the expensive one. Instead of getting Honda's mechanical seal, Yamaha's part # 11H-12438-10 is the same thing and about half the price. Good luck & let us know how it all comes out.

250r'en +TCB
01-26-2006, 07:12 AM
Thanks guys, my damn step father had me nervous saying it was the head gasket, which I found hard to believe......... Anyway thanks a lot for telling me how to fix the proublem! the gaskets (you need 2) are only $2.38

01-26-2006, 12:42 PM
yes 1 seal is for oil and 1 is like metal around and a rubber thing inside it they r cheap well it was for my 84cr125 but if *Edited**Edited* ghetto enough plug that hole up with a screw it should be fine LOL