View Full Version : 83 200x is this a good deal?

01-22-2006, 10:56 AM
this 200x is about 2-3 hours away from me but i'm going up thier next month. he wants 800 canadian for it. that is 694.38 *Edited*.S. i was tld that it was rebuilt last year and three years ago the rear end was rebuilt but is starting to get loose again. he also said the gas tank leaks a bit and head gasket and it leaks oil around the drain plug. he said that the tires are about five years old but have little wear. i don't really have the money for it plus to fix it up and i was a little hestitan about paying 800 for it.

edit: it has the owner ship for it still

01-22-2006, 11:05 AM
I dont think it is worth that much,buy the looks of it it needs some, no wait alot of TLC and probably a fair bit of money put into it, I would wait and look around for a better one. You get the Bargain Hunter over there in Ontario, they have alot of trikes in them, about 3-5 trikes a week.

01-22-2006, 04:38 PM
Yah, I would check the Tri-ad. I find like 20 trikes a time in there. Comes out every other monday. Try it, theres alot in there!

01-22-2006, 06:02 PM
yea, gas tank leaks because it's rusted. i wouldn't pay $700 for it.

01-22-2006, 06:27 PM
no its not worth that.

01-22-2006, 09:54 PM
thanks for the respones guys i guess i won't get it.