View Full Version : PROJECT---NOS 1981 250r Update!

12-30-2005, 11:27 AM
Well Here is a parting shot of most of the NOS parts I have for my 1981 ATC 250r project....Some are getting shipped out to Mike from Vintage Motorsports today (mostly the motor components to build as close to an NOS motor as possible). The next time all of these parts are all together they will be on the restoration. Looking for a few more items but this is an unbelievable start for a 25 year old machine. Those fenders are FACTORY NEW old stock....Not Maier and I cant even put into words how rare they are...Once I had them I knew it was OK to go all out on this machine

I have spent months, countless hours on the phone, and met some of the coolest people on the face of the earth pulling these parts together. Thanks to all:beer Couldnt have done it without your help!!!!

Mike at vintage is refinishing the parts that I did not find NOS. Frame, tank, forks, etc.. He will later perform zinc plating, refinish the rims, and exhaust.

This first year ATC had to be very special as a tribute to the legendary 250r nameplate (where it all began!!!) I wanted the best so I sought out the best and someone who I trust to do it...Mike at Vintagemotorsports

12-30-2005, 11:29 AM
The machine was decent to start with...It will look so new when done I bought a factory Honda sell tag from 1981 for it:D

12-30-2005, 11:38 AM
Spectacular... at least I'm not the only crazy NOS freak here!! Keep us posted... Mine is officially a roller now, so I need to update pics also.... James

12-30-2005, 11:41 AM
Wow! You 've been busy, I'm excited to see this bike when it is finsihed. Its going to be a priceless 250r. :TrikesOwn

Billy Golightly
12-30-2005, 01:36 PM
Wow...just wow. This is the type of stuff that takes our hobbie and sport to a whole new level. Congrats.

12-30-2005, 01:44 PM
The machine was decent to start with...It will look so new when done I bought a factory Honda sell tag from 1981 for it:D

Yeah.... I saw that with 3 hrs to go and it had no bids on Christmas eve. It was going to be my Christmas present to you, but you had a snipe out on it! hahahahaa


12-30-2005, 01:46 PM
Spectacular... at least I'm not the only crazy NOS freak here!! Keep us posted... Mine is officially a roller now, so I need to update pics also.... James

What years' your 185? I found a NOS Honda owner's manual at a old HONDA dealer in MI on my way home from Swineharts. It's for a 1983 model though...


12-30-2005, 02:04 PM
:eek: Did you find these parts at the end of a rainbow? :lol:

I was wondering... did you at least rip around the yard on that R before you started restoring it? that is gonna be the icing on the cake for your collection. very nice indeed. :beer

12-30-2005, 02:22 PM
Wow..its going to be a great project!!

If I ever need to sell my R...its going to you man!! I know you will take good care of it!!

12-30-2005, 03:55 PM
you are my hero. i only wish my r's would look so good.the best i can do for now is to keep them complete and running good. should be one nice 250 when your done. keep us updated on the progress. now i'm going out and kick mine in the tail pipe.:lol:

12-30-2005, 05:54 PM
I am speechless! That is B E A utiful work man, truly awesome!:w00t:

Can I say-:TrikesOwn

12-30-2005, 06:31 PM
I hope I do not come across as a prick. I do not mean to, but I have to ask. Why did you not use an R that was a besket case to begin with and not a complete running and rideable R? It almost seems like a wast to tear down one R that is already in damn fine shape when there are so many others out there that are in far worse need of rescue. If you are replacing som much to begin with, why not just get a beat up, non running, incomplete trike and work with that? I am just wondering.

12-30-2005, 06:48 PM
I hope I do not come across as a prick. I do not mean to, but I have to ask. Why did you not use an R that was a besket case to begin with and not a complete running and rideable R? It almost seems like a wast to tear down one R that is already in damn fine shape when there are so many others out there that are in far worse need of rescue. If you are replacing som much to begin with, why not just get a beat up, non running, incomplete trike and work with that? I am just wondering.

The answer to that is quite easy :D When I decided to do this project I definelty wanted to go with an 1981 because of the first year sentimental value....Dont see to many of those ...You see way more 82's. So I found this decent one and jumped on it...1400 bucks

I never planned on finding so many NOS parts so I figured a should find a decent platform to start with that was stock and complete. Just look at trying to replace stock things on a basket case tecate or finding NOS tri Z parts.

Lets remember alot of undamaged parts on this will be reused....this exhaust has no dents, the frame is straight without bolts broken off in it, the rims have no dents and will be refinished etc, etc. if I had to find all those parts the cost would have started running up to the same even if I found one for 400 bucks

I never thought I would find a complete set of NOS plastics so I would have never pursued so many other parts if I was putting maiers on it....The Project ""snowballed"" so to speak...Now i'm in it and never wanted to go backwards and find a junker 250r..... rather spend my time and money on other projects and rare finds:naughty: .

12-30-2005, 07:01 PM
:eek: Did you find these parts at the end of a rainbow? :lol:

I was wondering... did you at least rip around the yard on that R before you started restoring it? that is gonna be the icing on the cake for your collection. very nice indeed. :beer

Yes, I did rip the vibrating piece of history around my property...I had a :D from ear to ear.

My cake has two flavors of icing on it:naughty: ...this is the first ...Keep your eye out for me to post the second flavor soon:beer

And thanks to all for the enthusiasm and kind words regarding this project...it will not disappoint

westcoast TRI-Z
12-30-2005, 07:05 PM
OC, your work never ceases to amaze me. You are the definition of dedication and patience.:TrikesOwn

12-30-2005, 08:14 PM
Hey Bill,
I will keep my eyes out for your stuff next week , your parts will be in good hands and I Know you will like the final outcome of my work. I attached some pics of an 82 i did a while back for a customer so they can see what to expect. just to answer the guys post about starting with a basket case , the bike Bill is starting with is what you shoot for for a restoration project a bike that has never been touched and has all the original parts in the original place. you wont beleive how things like clips and brackets and hardware adds up on a full out resto , things like bolts etc are still avalible today but they are not the same style and they dont have the same markings as back in 81 so by us replating all the old parts like new you will have a much better end product, I am very picky about detail and i think thats whats mnakes the difference in a restoration. Everybody have a great new years I am off to the cabin in maine be back on monday, take care
Vintage motorsports

12-30-2005, 08:19 PM
Why is it the guys with the nicest trikes seem to have the worst digital cameras? :lol:

12-30-2005, 08:19 PM
Hey Bill,
I will keep my eyes out for your stuff next week , your parts will be in good hands and I Know you will like the final outcome of my work. I attached some pics of an 82 i did a while back for a customer so they can see what to expect. just to answer the guys post about starting with a basket case , the bike Bill is starting with is what you shoot for for a restoration project a bike that has never been touched and has all the original parts in the original place. you wont beleive how things like clips and brackets and hardware adds up on a full out resto , things like bolts etc are still avalible today but they are not the same style and they dont have the same markings as back in 81 so by us replating all the old parts like new you will have a much better end product, I am very picky about detail and i think thats whats mnakes the difference in a restoration. Everybody have a great new years I am off to the cabin in maine be back on monday, take care
Vintage motorsports

Now thats what I'm talking about:D Ive seen those pics before and they get my blood pumping...4 boxes are already on there way to ya Mike.....more to follow. You enjoy the holiday also.

12-30-2005, 09:34 PM
Wow, that is going to be one killer R! Way to go!

Man... I wish I had alot of $$$$ :lol:


12-30-2005, 11:29 PM
sometimes i scratch my head thinking wtf do people spend so much money on nos parts but those 3 pics of that 82 are all the answer i need that is such a hot bike its hard to put into words... i only wish i had the amount of dedication patience and cash to do that type of restore on one of my trikes. but it would kill me to not be able to take it out and show it off afterwards.

12-30-2005, 11:49 PM
Why is it the guys with the nicest trikes seem to have the worst digital cameras? :lol:

They spend all thier time and money on trikes instead. I know, I am one. :TrikesOwn