View Full Version : Pa People Help

12-29-2005, 10:33 AM
Hey you people I see a trike I want but cant go up to PA to get it. Im in Tallahassee, FL. Is anyone going to TF06 that's in PA? Do you live near Kintnersville or go by to go to TF? Will go get it and hold it, and take it to TF06 so somone can bring it back for me? thanx

12-29-2005, 06:49 PM
Well I live about 75 miles from there, if you cover my gas I could pick it up for you and hold it, but I am not going to trikefest, so someone would have to pick it up and take it there, but I figure I would throw it out just in case someone that can take it there doesnt have a place to hold it till then, I am from coatesville.

12-29-2005, 07:22 PM
Im in NY and there are a bunch of us from NY and PA. Hit the Trikfest Thread up. Im sure someone will have space for a Trike tto hook upanother 3ww bro.
I dont know how to get there but I hope to hook up with some NY'rs and PA guys. Then the Ohio guys on the way there, if thats the way we go. I hope to have 2 Trikes in my Truck but there will be alot of guys with trailers and Box Trucks.
I wouldnt mind going in on a *Edited*-Haul Truck with a few people, we can fit a bunch of ATV's in there and use it to sleep in and as a shop. Allso haul a few Kegs of Beer in there:w00t: Any Takers?
I dont drink hardly so kegs are probably not an option.:beer Maybe 1 Keg:beer

12-29-2005, 08:03 PM
Then the Ohio guys on the way there, if thats the way we go.

Haha, hopefully you come through Ohio. :welcome:

12-29-2005, 08:23 PM
i live in kitnersville