View Full Version : 85 250es spinning noise in top of motor?

BIG Steve
12-24-2005, 10:35 AM
Whin i kick start ( cause the electric 1 is shot) it and it dosn't fire i hear what sounds like something spinning in the top of the motor. like a barring or something spinning down. It sounds like it is spinning free with on restriction. Also when it is started if i listen closely i can still hear it spinning. The bike runs fine, lots of power and no skips.
Any 1 know what this could be?

12-24-2005, 12:10 PM
From what you describe, I can almost certainly conclude that your one-way bearing is bad. Does it also "wind down" when you shut down the engine?

12-24-2005, 12:13 PM
Yes, but it not in the top of the motor. To confirm this does your Kick starter slip sometimes? What I mean by this is that you kick it but it don't turn the motor over. I am willing to bet it does.

To find the problem search for "one-way clutch" or "250es Clutch" or "250sx Clutch". The one-way clutches are known to go bad and they can cause the electric starter to get trashed.

BIG Steve
12-24-2005, 04:17 PM
From what you describe, I can almost certainly conclude that your one-way bearing is bad. Does it also "wind down" when you shut down the engine?

yup i forgot to mention that.

To confirm this does your Kick starter slip sometimes? What I mean by this is that you kick it but it don't turn the motor over....

You mean like there is no compresion?
How big a priority is this? what other problems will it cause?

12-24-2005, 07:12 PM
Fix it while you can. It will be alot cheaper in the long run. As if you leave it you run the risk of smashing up your started reduction gears. It is a relatively small job if you are handy with tools and have a manual.


12-24-2005, 07:55 PM
yup i forgot to mention that.

You mean like there is no compresion?
How big a priority is this? what other problems will it cause?

When you kick it over: At first is feels like it is going to spin the motor over good, then all of a sudden it's like there is no compression at all. This is Classic symptoms of a bad one-way bearing being bad.

How big a priority is it? To me this is a HIGH priority! Fixing it will cost from $60 to $120 or so depending on NEW parts ( I would reccomend going with NEW ).

If you choose to wait it can cost you dearly. Not only will it keep getting worse making it harder to start. It can also allow the motor to kick backwards if it stalls or when you shut it off. When this happens your starter reduction gears and start can get trashed. At this point your not only going to have the original cost ( above ) to fix it, you will also have to find replacement starter gears and a starter, these can easily run well over $200 used ).

So bottom line is this: Do you want to spend aprox $60-$120 now, or would you rather spend $300+ later?