View Full Version : atc guys argueing

02-25-2003, 08:04 PM
couple of fellow atcers arguing about 400ex hp vs. 350x hp on another website. wanted to get your expertise on this issue as i am also wondering.http://death6.homestead.com/files/vio1.gif

02-25-2003, 08:51 PM
Bone stock 1985 350X (mine) is 24 bmhp (brake mean horse power)
Bone stock 2002 400EX (Jordans) is 29 bmhp

These numbers are straight from the service manuals.

02-25-2003, 09:16 PM
hey joel, can you explain to me in a nut shell so to speak,,, what is b.m.h..p compared to just plain ole horse power ?

(it ain't the horsepower that counts,,, it's the tourqe !)


02-25-2003, 09:43 PM
THey are actually the same thing. When horsepower is measured on a dyno it can be either directly measured or calculated from measured torque. Usually, it will be measured for the low torque engines; like a 2-stroke. However, the high torque engines like 4-strokes have HP numbers calculated from the torque and RPM, and the result from the average brake power required for resistance to torque, or brake mean effective horsepower, is BMHP.

02-25-2003, 10:01 PM
okay ! i had seen the bmhp before about my 350x and thought it was weird that they didn't just give it in english. but now know it is another way of basically rating the same thing. thanks joel.


Ivan T
02-26-2003, 10:11 AM
I believe you but,

24 bhp seems a bit weak for a 350X
The TRX350 of 1986 had 25.5 bhp and the 281cc engine in the TRX300 Big Red 1988 has 21.3bhp

Doesnt seem like they had made any effort to tune the engine for the X spec bike.

02-26-2003, 12:24 PM
My buddies have the same set (350x 400ex) They've raced a hundred times and they cant seem to come up with a clear-cut winner. Whoever gets the holeshot wins.

02-26-2003, 01:49 PM
Drag racing has little to do with horsepower unless all other factors are the same. Kind of like the "which weighs more, ton of feathers or a ton of lead" question. Which motor has more horsepower, a 350 on a 300lb trike chassis, or a 350 on a 600lb utility chassis?