View Full Version : GBC Paddle Master Tires, anyone use them?

Billy Golightly
12-17-2005, 10:55 PM
Anyone ever used them? I'm thinking about putting some 20x11x8's on my 500R. I've got the big Dick Cepeks but the problem is I keep shreading the tubes inside them, and the beads are screwed up on the tires so it wont hold air without a tube :(

I was thinkin about Geckos...but the end of the read on them is kind of rounded and it doesnt seem to me like they'll dig as good in hard packed stuff as what the paddle masters would. Its gonna mainly be on hardpacked dirt and grass anyways. Loose sand will be pretty rare. I like the paddlemaster because they look tough, not something that the 500R will be able to shread easily.

12-18-2005, 04:39 AM
There junk, they wont hook up at all on anything, and take a forklift to get in a truck there so heavy. (for paddle standards) You have a tough problem, need a STRONG performance paddle that you can run on dirt. My recomendation is the Turbo Paddle, There made by Kings paddle. They hook up simular to Haulers(not quite as good) but are heavyer and stronger, You can run them on the dirt and not have problems with the paddles flatning out.

Billy Golightly
12-18-2005, 10:53 AM

These? They look kind of flimsy...hard to tell by their picture though.

Derrick Adams
12-18-2005, 11:05 AM
Just in case you didn't know it. When your running tubes in tires like that, you need to put baby powder in the tire before you install the tube. Otherwise the tube sticks to the tire and can tear the valve stem.

12-18-2005, 12:48 PM
I agree, you are in a tough spot for what your wanting to do. Those turbos might be the way to go. Back in the day, I had some junk ole worn out Dune Sliders that I would run for my normal tire. They were almost like a drag slick, but had the little Vs still there. Those suckers would work great on hard packed stuff, and like asphalt.

Have you seen the new Sand Gear tires? Thats another option. They look kinda like a Gecko, but more straight area. They are made by Achieva.. look into those maybe to.

12-18-2005, 02:32 PM
Yes thats them, Its just a sugjestion. Ive used them on dirt and they worked good, they have a STRONG paddle.

12-18-2005, 10:33 PM
I've run Geckos on everything from sand, dirt,grass,snow mud and asphalt and can say they are a very tough tire. Riding on hard dirt and grass they will still throw a good roost when you get on it. The paddles are very stiff and dig into anything. If you want to try a set just pay shipping and I'll send you mine. They are 21-11-8 on Douglas bvlack label rims.