View Full Version : 250R Swingarms

Mr. Sandman
12-15-2005, 05:20 PM
Who can tell me what all is involved in running an 86-87 or 88-89 Fourtrax swingarm on an '85 ATC250R? Will I need an axle, carrier, motor mounts, brake caliper set up as well or will my 85 parts work? Thanks in advance but no guesses please, only answers from those who've done it and or know what they're talking about.

EDIT: Does anyone know if a swingarm from a 400EX or a 450R will work on an ATC250R? I'm tossing some ideas around about aluminum swingarms as well and if I can do it and have it lengthened by 4" or 5", it may be a project for next year.

12-15-2005, 06:36 PM
PM aussie duner, i believe he did this swap ;)

Red Rider
12-15-2005, 07:10 PM
If I remember correctly, Aussieduner has an 88/89 TRX swingarm on his ATC, which is entirely different from the 86/87 models. The 86/87 TRX swingarms will interchange with the 86 ATC swingarm with no hassles, but since you want to put in on an 85 ATC, I think you need to rephrase your initial question to say, "What all is involved in putting an 86/87 TRX swingarm on an 85 ATC?"

Mr. Sandman
12-15-2005, 07:18 PM
I understand where you're coming from Red Rider, so I made the correction as you suggested. I assumed those reading would realize I'm talking about modding an 85 ATC250R since Honda didn't make an 85 Fourtrax 250R, but you knew that didn't you? As always, thanks for your input!

I've seen Aussieduner's post about his swingarm mods and that would be a trick set up, if I can get it lengthened by +4"-5". I guess I feel the need to start some trickery of my own to keep up with my crazy billet aluminum fabricating brother!

Red Rider
12-15-2005, 07:26 PM
I assumed those reading would realize I'm talking about modding an 85 ATC250R since Honda didn't make an 85 Fourtrax 250R, but you knew that didn't you?That's not what I meant. What I'm trying to say is, putting an 86/87 TRX swingarm on an 85 ATC is slightly different than what's involved with putting an 88/89 TRX swingarm on an 85 ATC. Oh yeah, & it's gonna take more than a +4" aluminum swingarm to keep up with all the crazy stuff that I have planned. Stay tuned everybody!

12-15-2005, 07:30 PM
yeah i thought you wanted to put the aluminum swinger on there,the 88-89 style.which if your gonna do i can help you with that,it's simple,and looks trick.i did that last year to my 86r.the -1 swinger is a crazy ride though.let me know if i can help

Mr. Sandman
12-15-2005, 07:33 PM
Red Rider, Did you not read all of my first post? Only answers from those who've done it and or know what they're talking about.

Now, back to the subject at hand...yes...I know the 86-87's are different than the 88-89's, but since all model years are available one way or another I'm thinking of different alternatives, including 400EX's and 450R's, can you feel the love, can you?

12-15-2005, 07:34 PM
heres a couple pics.,is this what you want to do.an aluminum 88-89 trx swinger on a 85-86 r?

Mr. Sandman
12-15-2005, 07:35 PM
Thanks 3leggeddog, I'll be in touch when I'm ready, any word on a 400EX or 450R swap?

12-15-2005, 07:37 PM
you got me there.i am not sure.i am sure a 400ex would fit in the frame,as they take the same swingarm bolt,but shock geomtry wise i dunno.

Mr. Sandman
12-15-2005, 07:59 PM
it's gonna take more than a +4" aluminum swingarm to keep up with all the crazy stuff that I have planned. Stay tuned everybody!
OH PLEASE, spare me. Bring it on brother (and make one for me too)!

12-15-2005, 09:30 PM
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TWO GUYS STILL CRACK ME UP!!!!!! i remember the days of desert union when nobody knew you were brothers!!! wonder what ever happened to paul???? keep it up :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Red Rider
12-15-2005, 10:32 PM
Red Rider, Did you not read all of my first post? Only answers from those who've done it and or know what they're talking about...can you feel the love, can you?You're right. I haven't done that before, but as far as you know, I do know what I'm talking about. I am feeling something, but it's not love. I think I might have a bad case of "hot butt mud" coming on. :eek:

12-16-2005, 12:25 AM
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TWO GUYS STILL CRACK ME UP!!!!!! i remember the days of desert union when nobody knew you were brothers!!! wonder what ever happened to paul???? keep it up :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You mean Paul who ran that 250R site..Desert Union?.. Or something?..
As far as the swinger im getting a Modquad one?.. Little spendy..But sure do look cool;)

Mr. Sandman
12-16-2005, 11:42 AM
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TWO GUYS STILL CRACK ME UP!!!!!! i remember the days of desert union when nobody knew you were brothers!!! wonder what ever happened to paul???? keep it up :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep, the good old days of Desert Union were something else. All 250R's all the time! There were some seriously pissed :mad: off people there that didn't catch on to BS that was going on, but Red and I didn't start it, it was all Mucho Mas's fault, hhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee dint knnnowwwwww waht kinded uf havocs heeeeeeeeeee wus cuasing, it was just his language barrier and stickey keyboard. I heard he was deported so I don't think he'll ever show up here! :lol: As for Paul, who knows? Wasn't he one of Mymint87's buds?

Back to the subject at hand...Kasey, what swinger set up do you have on your 500? Is it a custom aftermarket unit or a reworked/lengthened R swingarm?

12-16-2005, 11:52 AM
EDIT: Does anyone know if a swingarm from a 400EX or a 450R will work on an ATC250R? I'm tossing some ideas around about aluminum swingarms as well and if I can do it and have it lengthened by 4" or 5", it may be a project for next year.
The 400ex and 450r swingarms are all cast aluminum. I won't say it's impossible but you couldn't get me to ride on stretched cast aluminum swinger. The 88-89R swinger tho just has cast ends, the middle would be a lot easier to stretch but you'd be pushing your cast linkage mount back too.

Just as 3legged said the 400ex swinger will bolt into the frame but I couldn't tell you about if the R linkage would mount to it. I know the 400ex shock and linkage didn't want to fit on the R frame.

Mr. Sandman
12-16-2005, 11:58 AM
That's good info on the 400 and 450 OS86, thanks. The 88-89 swingarm does look like it would be tough to stretch becasue the place to cut it right in front of the carrier is pretty solid looking with no exposed tube. Are you saying that it's cast at that point?

12-16-2005, 12:05 PM
That's good info on the 400 and 450 OS86, thanks. The 88-89 swingarm does look like it would be tough to stretch becasue the place to cut it right in front of the carrier is pretty solid looking with no exposed tube. Are you saying that it's cast at that point?
You know you might be able to chop the 88-89 right behind the housing but I don't know what you'll find when you open it. I'd guess it's mostly hollow there and the bonus is that the outside members are not cast and they run all the way to the housing. To be perfectly honest tho, I don't know jack about extentions but what I know about metals says that if you're gonna do it, that would be the one to try on.

Mr. Sandman
12-16-2005, 12:29 PM
That's exactly what I was thinking and one I've been watching. I'd cut it where your green arrow is and go from there. But, since it's already 1" shorter than my swingarm, I'd need to add 5" minimum to get to where I want to be. I'm sure it could be beefed up enough to be strong, but it could be dicey.

12-17-2005, 01:54 AM
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TWO GUYS STILL CRACK ME UP!!!!!! i remember the days of desert union when nobody knew you were brothers!!! wonder what ever happened to paul???? keep it up :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep, the good old days of Desert Union were something else. All 250R's all the time! There were some seriously pissed :mad: off people there that didn't catch on to BS that was going on, but Red and I didn't start it, it was all Mucho Mas's fault, hhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee dint knnnowwwwww waht kinded uf havocs heeeeeeeeeee wus cuasing, it was just his language barrier and stickey keyboard. I heard he was deported so I don't think he'll ever show up here! :lol: As for Paul, who knows? Wasn't he one of Mymint87's buds?

LOL. I'm with you boys. Desert Union was a great site. Shame it isn't still up. At the height of the Sandman Vs Redrider post, I'd logon every day just to see the lastest installment. It just got better and better. It was hilarious to watch everyone begin to react to your guys' posts, not knowing that you were brothers.

Long live the good old days :beer


12-17-2005, 07:13 PM
Back to the subject at hand...Kasey, what swinger set up do you have on your 500? Is it a custom aftermarket unit or a reworked/lengthened R swingarm?

i extended a stock 85 arm to 6+ i really like the way it handles ... still jumps great.. i also think the swingarm is stronger than some of the aftermarket ones i have seen too.