View Full Version : workin on a z.wierd problem can any one help?

12-11-2005, 11:57 AM
i am workin on a tri-z 85. when this thing is runnin and the clutch cable is hooked up.it feels great with the bike turned off. when you start it up,the clucth arm that the cable hooks to walks up out of the case.especially if you try to pull the clutch in. you aslo hear a faint squealing noise in the clutch arm,like the pushrod is grinding on the clucth arm. i read thru the tri-z threads and did not see this similar problem and it is a new one on me.it has a good ball and pushrod and adjuster screw and clutch arm.is it not adjusted right at the basket?why is the clutch arm walking up out of the case? it is set in all the way but as soon as you hook up the cable it walks up out? any ideas? i adjusted the clucth just like a banshee, they are very similar in setups.

12-11-2005, 02:00 PM
Not positive on this but you are talking about the clutch arm right? It comes up the top of the clutch cover? Not sure on the Z but on most there is a set bolt down there where the arm goes into the case. Post a pic of that spot and we'll see if it is the same or not.

12-11-2005, 05:41 PM
yes the clutch arm.but it is different than a four stroke.the arm is on the left side of the engine.anyway i took it apart and for some reason i can not get the arm to line up on the case with the alignment notch.if i do get that lined up i have no cable pull.it is loose.now like i said the pushrod and ball bearing are all good. can some one tell me on the clucth arm of the tri-z,does it have any bends in it or is it completely straight?

12-11-2005, 05:52 PM
2 mins ill go and get a picture of mine ;) sit tight

12-11-2005, 06:06 PM
Im a little annoyed now............ when taking the pictures i spotted a whole lot more cleaning to do LOL:lol:

This is what mine looks like and the clutch functions normally so i would say this is right lol.

http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/117/dsc071120fr.th.jpg (http://img503.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc071120fr.jpg)
http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/5729/dsc071133hx.th.jpg (http://img503.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc071133hx.jpg)
http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/4029/dsc071146rw.th.jpg (http://img503.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc071146rw.jpg)

Semo Tri Z
12-11-2005, 06:21 PM
Sounds to me like there is too much slack in your clutch adjustment. Same thing happen to me. Remove your clutch cover, and screw the clutch adjust in until it touchs the push rod then go another half to 3/4 turns. Thats what fixed mine. Hope that helps ya.

12-12-2005, 11:11 AM
you might want to pm derrick adams or tim sr on advice. they are both very experienced with the z.

12-12-2005, 04:27 PM
Ok, hope this helps. You mean that upon clutch pull that the arm is comming up out of the case. The arm could be worn on the bottom. The clutch arm on the tri-z has a little notch on the bottom that holds it in the case. After so much time and wear that can wear out and cause it to start pulling up. When they pull up you don't get full clutch pull. The banshee has the same clutch arm I'm pretty sure, but they fixed it on that case. They tapped the case and put a holding clamp on it. You could do the same thing. It happened to mine and I bought a new clutch arm and it was fine. Also for the grinding, if this is when you initally let the clutch out and start moving I would have to say it is because your basket is messed up. That also happened to mine and when I took my clutch apart there was grooves in the basket as wide as the grand canyon. I filed it down and it solved that. Now it is smooth and doesn't grind anymore. To start, take your clutch back apart and inspect the basket. While doing this take out the pushrod and ball, take the spring off the clutch arm and pull it out. Take a look at it. You can see where it wears out. If its worn, replace it. Don't be a cheap ass and get a used one, cause the chances are you will have the same problem. You want your clutch to work and not have to worry, so a new one is best. I would also buy the little hold down that they put on the banshee from yamaha and tap your case and install that. That will keep the new one from trying to pull up and wearing out. Hope this helps, good luck.


12-12-2005, 05:49 PM
heres a closer look at the arm and...oopps, thats a shift fork rod, wrong rod!
its hard to troubleshoot over the computer, im sure if it was in front of me i can correct the problem

12-12-2005, 07:12 PM
nice setup of the pic Nate.. get all the bling behind ya!! :)

12-12-2005, 08:13 PM
:Bounce i want some bling:Bounce

12-12-2005, 08:25 PM
:Bounce i want some bling:Bounce

So do I! man that sprocket cover is nice and the flywheel cover. Where did you get them from?

12-12-2005, 09:43 PM
man thanks a ton everybody. i think with your advice and pics,and talkin to tim sr.we got her figured out.i brought this thing home in boxes and i believe the clucth arm i recieved was wrong. it had an offset to it that made the clucth cable to long. in order to get the cable to pull i had to go beyond the alignment mark on the case. i have a new one on the way:w00t: .my basket was grooved and i filed those down from the get go.so i should hopefully have this resolved later this week.i will enclose a pic so you can compare it to the other guys pics.i see their clutch arms are straight all the way across to the cable pivot.mine is tilted in some what and that made the cable too long.let me know what you think guys.and thanks for all the help and great pics.and thanks tim sr. for takin the time. and thanks slothminx for the killer pics.that is what i needed to see. and 03 shee i love the case saver.where can i get one:naughty:

12-12-2005, 10:01 PM
here is some more stuff for your eyes to enjoy :lol: ...
what, you mean your tri-z's dont have all this stuff on them?? :wondering ..
its all factory!!:D

12-12-2005, 10:09 PM
here is some more stuff for your eyes to enjoy :lol: ...
what, you mean your tri-z's dont have all this stuff on them?? :wondering ..
its all factory!!:D

:eek: :eek: :drool: man thats some cool stuff!. although my favorites are still the flywheel cover and chain guard.

Maybe i have some special aftermarket plastic chain guard and flywheel cover......... man mine must be really rare! the chain guard even hhas a yamaline crack in it:eek: ill straight up trade for your alum bits! its well worth it:lol:

12-12-2005, 10:14 PM
Where did you get the fork caps,rear wheel center caps and the ignition cover??
I like them..BLING BLING!!