View Full Version : fun day of riding with a few probs along the way (very long)

12-10-2005, 08:45 PM
went riding today (sorry no pics forgot camera). me and two friends. my 85 250sx, 85 200s, and a 86 200s.
started at 12:00 today. loaded all 3 in the back of my buddys f150. went to the gas station to fillem all up. went to leave and his battery went dead. alternater wire came off. fixed it, got a jump, and headed to my parents house to ride the mountains.
got there unloaded and went to leave. the 85 200s wouldnt start so we had to pull it with the 250sx. went to start the 250sx and kicked my guts out for 5 mins until i realized the key wasnt on, turned on and fired right up. so we drug it down the road and got it running. came back and now the 86 200s wouldnt start. drug it and got it running.
headed to the woods. got a little ways in and the 85 200s started spewing gas from the carb someware. so we headed back home. took the tank off to find the gas hose was loose. fixed it and went to start it and the pull cord broke. torn that down and put another rope in and we were off again.
we were in the mountain a good ways and the guy on the 85 200s some how slide down into a ditch and flipped up side down ( he was alright). got flip back over and decide to take a break. went to start it and the knot in the pull handle came out and the rope went flying back in the case. luckly we had a pair of vise grips in the rear capartment. fixed it again and went on our way.
we went to a sand quarry(sp?) and was having fun on the snowy hills for about 2hrs and decide to stop for a break. went to firem up again and this time the pull cord knot came out on the other end. fixed it and rode a little more then headed back to my parents house to warm up and get a bite to eat.
it was starting to get dark so we decide to go for one more quick ride. the guy on the 85 200s bogging it out going up a snowy hill and stalled it. this time he broke the pull cord in the middle. so we tryed to pull start it which wasnt happening in the snow. so i got the idea of puting it in 5th and have one of us pick up the rear and the other two spin the tires as fast as we could. and it worked. we decide to call it a night after that and headed to my parents home.
got the trikes all loaded back up and went to leave and battery was dead again. got my moms car to jump start it and my buddy poped the hood in the truck and some how locked the truck. so we jimmyed open the window and got it unlocked. got the truck started and finaly got home.
overall we had a blast. sliding sideway, do awsome donuts, roasting snow, trying to climb snowy hills, and drag race at a few flat spots at the sand quarry (it was the slowest drag race ive ever been it, trying to accelerate in 6in of snow). the 250sx with the new knobbies on the back kicked some major butt. had to pull both 200's out of the deap snow a few times. i only got stuck once because i hit a deep patch of snow and the tire sunk down pretty far.
oh yeah sorry for the long post.

12-10-2005, 08:53 PM
lol wow never heard of so many problems, half from a pull rope lol. musta been fun anyways.

12-10-2005, 09:02 PM
yeah that was the only major prob. was his darn pull rope. fixed it four times. and three of those times was with the new rope.

cracked junior
12-10-2005, 09:46 PM
ive had more problems with that on rides. started out just fine. about 15 4wheelers, 9 3wheelers, 4 dirt bikes all in one bunch on memorial weekend. in the first 5 minutes, the 3 wheelers were pulling out 4x4 4 wheelers that got stuck. then crashes likes crazy, 2 3 wheelers got destroyed due to crashes, bent axles and bent frames. plastics ruined. ended up pushing one 3 wheeler back to the trucks with my 4 wheeler. a yamaha 3 wheeler the gas tank started leaking. after the 7 hour ride, we loaded up. several trailer tires got slashed. then one of the guys said this day cant get any worse. we started leaving, and i backed up into a friends truck. sheriff came for that one. we finaly lefted the trails, one guy blew a radiotor hose on his truck.

12-11-2005, 09:36 PM
Remind me not to ride with you guys ! LOL !

No really though, in my day we use old pickups from the 50s and 60s. We all rode dirt bikes from the 70s.

Can you say Bultaco ? Montessa ? CZ ?

We never had too many problems. Unless of course you want to know about the time my dads forks flew apart.

12-11-2005, 10:52 PM
Sounds like fun.That was a trip to remember.I have a coulpe of them.This gives me a idea for a new post.LOL