View Full Version : 200s carb prob.

12-08-2005, 09:11 PM
ok first off i searched but couldnt find any good answers to help me out 100%.

first off my buddys 85 200s will not start with the pull start at all, choking or not. i pulled the plug a little wet. clean it still wont start. if we pull with another atc it if fires up after pulling it for a little bit. once running it runs good and strong (even faster then my other buddys 86 200s that has no probs)for about 20-30 mins then starts stalling and seems like its geting hotter than any of the other atcs. when it stalls it sometimes fires right back up with the choke on or fires back up after letting it sit for a min or two with the choke on. when running sometimes it idles normal, sometimes high,sometimes low, sometime not at all. all random. after runnig it till it stalls the plug is light black but still has good spark.
i cleaned the carb, new plug, fresh gas. has good spark and it does burn a little oil.
from what i read it sounds like a air leak. but im not sure. i will be checking it out tomarow and will do a air leak check. but when we get it running and if i doesnt idle how would you check for a air leak? spraying it with carb cleaner while giving it gas isnt gonna do a hole lot.
do you think puting the needle with the clip up one notch would help?
we are going for a ride this weekend and i dont want to spend half the time pulling the 200s around the woods with my 250sx. so thanx for any help.

12-08-2005, 09:34 PM
Starting problems is either fouled spark plug from a previous run, or ignition problems. Lots of folk chase carb problems to eternity and never fix it, because it aint carb.

Stalls out after half hour, probably fouled spark plug. But that doesnt tell us why it fouled.

The random thing, plus odd starting is either fuel level problems or ignition or both. A float leaking will do that and do it seemingly at random. if you can connect a hose to the bowl and watch the fuel level, thats dandy.

Light black spark plug is no good, thats fouled. Must keep a clean, non black spark plug in it anytime diagnosis is done.

yes its probably overheating, thats common for too rich or weak spark.

12-10-2005, 12:49 AM
ok i think i fixed it. today i ripped the carb apart again. clean it and moved the needle moon shaped clip up one notch. but it still wouldnt start with the pull start, so we drug it down the road and as soon as the tires griped from sliding in the snow it fired right up. still ran like crap for about 10 mins not idleing and studdering under light throttle. shut it off waited a few mins. then yanked the pull cord and it fired right up and idled fine. ran it all night in the snow with no overheating, no stalling, or anything. when we stoped for a break it would fire right up with about half throttle. we're gonna run it again tomarrow. so hopefuly its fixed.

12-10-2005, 01:02 PM
Grab a few extra plugs----next time it gives you a prob---swap in a NEW plug ---if it starts --its too rich - or Something ignition is starting to fail. "Bump" starting is pretty much the equivalent to an Electric start- Your rope doesnt spin the motor fast enough to build up the electric current needed to "Overcome" other problems.

12-10-2005, 07:58 PM
yeah. once it warms up it starts with no problem. just the first cold start is when we end up dragging down the road.