View Full Version : Big Problem

12-07-2005, 08:43 PM
Well ive had a string of problems and it is a long story and I need help so here it goes. And i own a 125m
Well my trike felt boggish so i took off the carb to find out what was wrong with it, and there was frozen gas in the gas filter. FIXED THAT.
Put carb back on and then gas started leaking out of the airbox so I took off the carb again and took off the float housing/ chamber repositioned the float and needle and seet then put carb back on. FIXED THAT
Once I put the carb back on I then tried to start it, the dang thing wouldnt start without choke on. Once that happened I plugged off the gas lines and left it for 3 days because I the got a cold. I then took out the gas filter today to make sure it wasnt frozen (it wasnt frozen) so I then put it back together and tried to start it and it wouldnt start at all! Then gas started leaking from the nut/bolt that closes/seals the gas filter off. Does anybody have any ideas why it wont start or why it is leaking from the bolt/nut/.
I hate to make it so long but i wanted every detail in just in case that makes a difference sorry, any info will help and thank you very much!

12-07-2005, 08:48 PM
OK - first things first, gas won't freeze (at least not with the tempratures here on earth). It seems like you may have a stuck float to me. Try taking the carb back off and apart again. Be sure the float is free moving up and down.

12-07-2005, 08:57 PM
Allright, ill try that tommorow because it is -25c out side and cant bring it inside. I dunno why the fruit the gas froze but i put in some gas line anti freeze. If anyone else has any other comments answers please post something, it is so hard to take the carb off again in this weather. THANKS

cracked junior
12-07-2005, 09:23 PM
it probably wasnt gas that froze, more like water that got in there. then adding the gasline antifreeze, keeps any water in the system from freezes.

12-07-2005, 09:46 PM
OK, this is gonna sound wacko, but it works for me.

One. Gas will freeze if it has a lot of water in it. Gas will also turn to varnish and later turn hard as a rock. I have also seen green algea growing in old gas.

Two. Take the carb apart and clean it. BUT ! Before you do that, put the thing in your dishwasher and give it a full cycle. I have done this to many a carb and didn't have to put a kit or anything in them. You will have to make sure all the water is out of the carb of course.

Three. If it still runs crappy or won't start, maybe it's time to put a rebuild kit in it.

I bought a rebuild kit for my Big Red 250SE last week. However, before I rebuild it, it gets the dishwasher treatment. Matter of fact, it is in there right now.

*Hope my wife don't find out. She hates it when I do that.

12-07-2005, 09:51 PM
"OK, this is gonna sound wacko"

Yes it sure does !!! lol..... i'd kill you if i found a carb in my dish washer...

12-07-2005, 09:53 PM
Try setting your floats properly, do a search on them here, they are not set correctly if you re-set them im guess cause gas is not getting into the cylinder, you are using a New spark plug right? if not im going to smack you. :lol:

12-07-2005, 09:59 PM
Hey "BigRedHead", you weren't supposed to agree with me !!

For real though, I always make sure they have no gas or chemicals in them. This one was bone try with dirt dobber nests on it.

The new plug is a VERY good idea.

12-07-2005, 10:51 PM
The fuel had water in it or it wouldnt freeze, the freezing might have damaged the float needle or cracked the casting in the carb?

Thay aint nuthin wrong with carb in the dishwasher, good hot water breaks corroded stuff loose. Ive put carbs back in with water in the passages, just that they wont run till the gas takes over.

12-07-2005, 11:11 PM
Just got the carb out of the dishwasher.

Everything is functioning now. The slide and the butterfly. It's still full of crud though.

Glad I bought that kit. Also glad I have that can of carb cleaner with the little basket in it.

Hope my float is OK.

This is how it goes with carb repair.

12-07-2005, 11:43 PM
Sorry guys, cant put it in the dishwasher, I cant even bring anything in the house that smells like gas even my dang jacket little own throw it in the dishwasher. If i do that my mom would slap me upside the head more times than I can count. (im 13 that is why I live with my mom, im not some 45 year old lonely guys living with his mommy)Can I get a hot pale of water and soap and soak it really good and shake it out and do that a couple times, that is like a dishwasher? And yes, im not stpidu...I mean stipdu...crap I mean stupid, I got a new plug!

12-08-2005, 01:40 AM
I don't see why you couldn't soak it. Just get the water soapy and as hot as you can from the tap and soak it.

You might have to do this two or three times.

Put it back on and see what ya got.

If it starts and you can get it to idle, try running some Berryman's Chemtool through it. You put it in your gas tank.

I never thought much of these medicine show fuel and oil additives, but this one can really clean a carb up inside.

If all of this doesn't work, it's carb kit time.

By the way, when adjusting the carb, don't over tighten the mixture screws. You can ruin the seats and it will never run right. Don't over tighten the bowl or carb body screws that hold it together. It can warp the carb body.

Just a few tips.

12-08-2005, 10:55 AM
Alright, thanks Vance. I will be out there in a couple minutes try that. I am also going to take off the bowl/ float housing so make sure that if there was any water it isnt going to freeze and crack the float. By the way, what is in a usual carb kits? because I have a bran new float and needle and seet if it helps any.
THanks guys

12-08-2005, 11:27 AM
What you talkin about Willas?There isn't 45 year old mommy's boys on this web site living with there mommy's.COughNotCough:p

12-08-2005, 11:36 AM
Hey----I resemble that remark-----:lol:

12-08-2005, 11:42 AM
What you talkin about Willas?There isn't 45 year old momys boys on this web site living with there mommy's.COughNotCough

Ok, yeah there had to be water in it for it to freeze. My seat on my 80 is screwed up. So I only give it alittle bit of gas off the side of the petcock. Maybe your seat is screwed. Mine will FLOOD. I mean poor gas out of the carb because it fills up. Try that and see if it works. ;)

12-08-2005, 12:00 PM
No, it couldnt be the seet. Got a Bran new seet and then I took the carb to honda and they cleaned were the needle and seet goes. But thanks anyways.

12-08-2005, 12:56 PM
Alright guys, I tried everything that you guys said to tyr and I had no luck at all! It still wouldnt start. So I am going to post an add on a local website and just see if anyone has a whole carb to fit that trike. What kinds of carbs will fit on that trike (85 honda atc 125m) e.g. will a trx 125 carb fit on it and if so what year of trx, thanks very much.

12-09-2005, 10:20 AM
Does anybody know like I said in the last post, I havent got a responce yet and I want to get the ad sent today so it will be on Saturday
Thank you very much

12-09-2005, 12:03 PM
You wastin your money man..

You have a carb and all the parts.. just make it work.

it's either your float height of the seat that's not blocking the gas.. take your time and think it thru.

12-09-2005, 06:41 PM
Newbie here, but have a suggestion anyway.

The gas froze which indicates a presence of water.
Now it won't start.

Have you tried fresh gas yet? This would have been the first thing I would have tried. Maybe you have, but if you haven't, empty what's currently in you tank and put a gallon or so of new gas in. It'll take a while for the bad gas to work it's way out. You can help it by purging the line to the carb and by draining the carb bowl itself.

Something else (quicker diagnosis) you could try would be to simply shut the gas off and squirt a little new gas into the aircleaner housing. Close the housing fast and try to start it. It will run off the fumes. You could use starting fluid as well, but that stuff is bad on an engine. Also, don't forget that it may take several attempts in a row to get it started as the bad gas/water works it way out.

Good luck.

12-09-2005, 07:00 PM
Ok thanks CFM for the help, but I tried that. Even when I blow in throught the petcock and cover the other hole, no air is going in to the carb.

12-09-2005, 11:49 PM
remove the spark plug and put a few drops in the hole.. DON'T FILL IT.. just a few drops is fine.. if you have a spray bottle.. even better.

put the plug back in and try it.

12-10-2005, 03:15 PM
K, got her fixxed, had to adjust the air screw. I dont know why but that is what the problem was and it is running now so thanks guys and remember if that happens to you check the air screw.