View Full Version : Freestyle 3-Wheelers.......

12-05-2005, 01:44 PM
alright i been thinkin bout this for awhile..and you see freestyle mx and freestyle quads well im thinkin of puttin together a crazy a** freestyle team of ATC riders...and make some videos...i will build the jumps i just need some crazy a** riders who will jump and do tricks with me...so if anyone is down to try it...and if anyone has got a good camera and knows how to edit rele good that would be great to....post on here what you think...cause im thinkin crazy thoughts like.... i dont think anyone has done a backflip ona ATC yet so who know one of us could be the first....

12-05-2005, 05:25 PM
Man, I don't know about backflips. maybe with the right jump. At my local ride areas people go nuts just watching me jump the road tabletops. Good luck!

12-05-2005, 06:14 PM
not many replies..hmmm..maybe noone wants to get crazy

12-05-2005, 06:16 PM
I agree on the back flip thing...maybe on a super modded 70 or 90 into a foam pit?? But I cant see anyone crazy enough to try that...but I'd pay good money to! The thing with trike is you need to land almost perfect everytime as opposed to a bike (or quad for that fact) where (IMO) its easier to save a poor landing.

I do have to admit that it would be really neat to see some people do this stuff. What movie is is where that guy takes a beat-to-heck 350X and jumps some decent stuff w/ it??

12-05-2005, 06:22 PM
that movie was heovos 5..and i can do some stuff ona 4-wheeler and i been ridin trikes just as long so i figure i can pull some stuff off...i just want some people ta get into it with me..but iff i gotta do it by my lonesome i guess i will...back flip ill have to learn...and yea i agree ill need a foam pit...hmmm dont know how to get one of them...theres one down the road from me but its indoors and for bicycles...but i guess thats where i will practice

12-05-2005, 06:48 PM
close to impossible to backflip on a trike, the weight distribution front to rear is too poor. trying to get the front end to have enough momentum to do a flip would be extremely difficult, the rider would have to do a whole hell of a lot more work on trying to get the front end to come around on a trike, compared with a quad or bike. and going into a landing ehhhhh?

12-05-2005, 07:03 PM
Ill stunt for you if you drag your ass down to PA. :)

12-05-2005, 07:16 PM
the guys at the track I ride on get enough of a kick of me jumping the tabletops and hanging off the bike on some of the turns........if I jumped the doubles and did stunts, I could imagine the reaction. Sometimes I take my feet off the pegs, thats my limit.

monster 84r
12-05-2005, 07:42 PM
id go for it.

except i dont know how to jump at all....
maybe ive been to scared to try jumps taller than 3 feet, but idn if an older trike like mine would survive.

12-05-2005, 07:48 PM
I would buy your video.I would love to have an all trike video.That would be cool.

12-05-2005, 08:55 PM
Ill stunt for you if you drag your ass down to PA. :)
if you got some good and big jumps ill take a trip to PA but we need some one to video....or you can come down to ohio theres a couple race tracks my buddies built down the road from me....

12-05-2005, 08:57 PM
yea i know a backflip a be nearly impossible but i believe it could be done with some good and long practice but either way we dont need the backflip to make a kick a** video just jumpin....and jumpind and doin tricks...who can ride the longest wheelie...stuff like thats all ya need....we just need to get a big group together who will wanna jump and all that good stuff...

12-05-2005, 08:58 PM
Ill stunt for you if you drag your ass down to PA. :)

On your 200s???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

12-05-2005, 08:59 PM
deathman...you should come down here one weekend and do some jumpin with me...come spring time im gettin some dirt hauled in and im takin my john deere and makin some jumps...

12-05-2005, 09:02 PM
i figure a video of trikes doin big air...tricks...and all that...we could prolly sell alot of them...and maybe send a vid to dirt wheels...then maybe h-bomb films will pick us up...hahaha...but that would be sweet

12-05-2005, 09:06 PM
whos down to make a vig and get wild and crazy maybe even get hurt...lol...lets hope that dont happen...

12-05-2005, 09:08 PM
I'll go, I'm pretty good at jumping. I'm better at jumping on my quad though, however my quad has top of the line elka suspension, my 250r trike I have a rear elka shock and I want to do something with the forks to make them not compress as fast, and slower rebound.


12-05-2005, 09:10 PM
yea i know the tri-z im getting im gonna make it up to where i can jump big on it cause my 350x is to heavy

12-05-2005, 09:11 PM
that would be pretty good if dirtwheels, or h-bomb films ended up with a copy of it. I could imgaine the guys I ride with......"hey, I know that guy on the 250r over there, he rides with us all the time, he's a crazy sob."

12-05-2005, 09:12 PM
thats a pretty nice tabletop...how long about 50 feet...looks like you come off clean on it...ide like to jump that sucker...youany good at hittin doubles or step ups

12-05-2005, 09:13 PM
what 250r are ya talkin about...

12-05-2005, 09:13 PM
i never jumped my 200s to much i think you guys all probobly know why but, if i had suspension i would jump, or at least try, i mostly am into doing wheelies,

12-05-2005, 09:15 PM
yea if h-bomb or dirtwheels picked it up thatd be great...maybe if we did make a video and sold it and got on t.v. or somthin it would intrigue honda to make trikes again....lol...cause they would see that there still popular...and known how to be handled

12-05-2005, 09:16 PM
yea well if your good at doing wheelies thats still somthin...whats a video without wheelies...lol....and i used to jump my 200s but it was rough...not as rough as my 70..haha...

12-05-2005, 09:18 PM
hey deathman we will have to set a date on when you would wanna hook up down here you can just crash at my place...but we still need a camera man...but we prolly should practice what we'll do first...and what would we call out freestyle team or what not...hmmm decisions decisions

12-05-2005, 10:18 PM
yeah if i got a road long enough and with few curves i could wheelie my 200s for ever, 5th gear wheelies, all the way, but i no long have the 200s i have my 185 i just need to get it back running, i have some old video of me doing wheelies, and my friends on there quads, ill see if i can pull my wheelies out of it i have wanted to post them for a long time.

12-05-2005, 10:34 PM
I'm scared of doubles(don't know why), I do step-ups also, there is a huge step-up where I ride I can clear it on my quad, I think I could do it on my trike, but never tried, the problem is, with the quad, if I don't make it, I can get back on the gas and it won't go into a standup wheelie, with the trike it will go into a standup wheelie and flip me over. I don't even do double on my quad, I did some small ones last time I rode it at e-town(after my trike broke), i chickened out on the other ones(I know I can do them, but something stops me).

12-05-2005, 10:36 PM

thats where my quick movie clip is just wheeleis there no jumps, its probobly 2-3 years old, nothing too good,

12-05-2005, 11:18 PM
That would be badarse to get a group together. We might have to get together in Spring and go riding.

12-05-2005, 11:29 PM
**** get a bunch of us together and we can have a wheeliefest. Line up like 8 at a time and just go ripping down a field.

12-05-2005, 11:31 PM
yeah man the main reason i want to get my 185 working is to wheelie, maybe ill pick up an older 200x and get good on that. who knows we will have to see

12-06-2005, 12:31 AM
I vote Max the best wheelie rider i have seen. Ever. Him and his brother and friends have movies called Pyro Boys. Good stuff. Standing up on the seat and jumping down and stuff all while keeping the wheelie going then shifting with their hands. Very good stuff.

12-06-2005, 12:55 AM
What is the best video on the market with the most trikes in it?????I thought I have seen them all but I probably havn't.

12-06-2005, 12:57 AM
yeah i can do some stuff, like that but on my 200s i had no rear brakes so if i went too far i was scraping the bar, scraping the bar going fats leads to bad stuff lol, hopfully i will get my 185 running and start practicing that actually has rear breaks.

12-06-2005, 01:38 AM
OK Dusty, I think I can do a couple tricks off some big desert tabletops. I can do no footed can cans on my bicycle so I'll try them next time I'm at dove springs. I can do some old school one handers so maybe I can mix it up and pull off some suicide no handers. I will practice this winter and if or when I get it dialed I'll mail you a tape which you can use. If I can pull them off the jump I'm thinking of it will be pretty sick I think. You guys are on your own with the backflips. I really will practice these so keep the faith and wait for my tape, maybe springtime or so. I'll pm you...Dove

12-06-2005, 09:23 AM
hec yea thanks for all the replies...dove ill be waitin on that tape...sounds sweet....2X not sure what movies have the most trikes....bu i know we'll have one sooner or later....yea i would deff, what to get together and do some crazy stuff...and that wheelie thing sounds sweet...i can do crazy wheelies 6th gear pinned on my 350x sittin down i can ride forever its got such great balance....deathman....i was scared of doubles to but then i just picture it like this....its like a tabletop with out the middle....then i just jump it...ive actually never hit a double on my 3-wheeler but i jump em on my quad...ill e-mail ya a pic of me doin some doubles or anyone that wants to see it...i was only 15 in it im 20 now but its off a 25 foot double i built...im trowin some no handers...i was gettin like 9 feet or more in the air...or well it seemed like it...

12-06-2005, 09:34 AM
i think i uploaded the pics

12-06-2005, 09:35 AM
ok now i dont gotta e-mail em...thats me when i had my polaris trailblazer but i traded it for my 350x

12-06-2005, 09:39 AM
peewee...thats a good video ide like to see all of it...thats what we need to do with ours with the music in the background....thats pretty sweet you on the bars and poppin up...im gonna try to get that one down and maybe a few more....

12-06-2005, 10:31 AM
That would be badarse to get a group together. We might have to get together in Spring and go riding.
....well where are you located...ide like to see some pics of that trike you have....when would everyone wanna get together...we should prolly start plannin now just so we know...

12-06-2005, 10:33 AM
sounds like a lot of fun,the back flip sounds crazy but if someone has the nads,a front flip might be doable.you'd have to have a lip at the top of the ramp to the left and the right so the rear tires launch you a** over tea kettle(better strap your feet to the pegs).even top pros would loose their minds over that and h-bomb would be all over it....anyone ever seen that 3 wheeler stunt with the half round roll cage? the guy gets up to speed and locks the front brakes and rolls over and over...pretty cool stuff

12-06-2005, 10:54 AM
A front flip? I have yet to see an fmx dirtbike rider do a front flip. I would say impossible. But the way you describe your ramp, sounds like it would be funny as all get out to watch!

12-06-2005, 11:18 AM
man a front flip would deff. get some attetion but i dont know maybe it would be doable or atleat funny as hec to see...yea ive seen that video that guys good....

12-06-2005, 11:29 AM
the ramp would have to be quite tall and nearly vertical to give you room to flip over without traveling too far forward and lots of suspention for the impact...maybe use a pond as a landing pad...lol

12-06-2005, 11:35 AM
hec yea thats what you would need is a pond

12-06-2005, 12:49 PM
i think i uploaded the pics
Nice action shots!!!:w00t:

12-06-2005, 01:14 PM
thanks ill go bigger now..lol...

12-06-2005, 04:37 PM
Dusty my friend has a trailblazer he jumps it quite a bit just the other day he cased a landing only on an 18 foot gap, broke the chain no other damage, was the first time he under jumped, ever, most we have pushed it too so far is a 21 foot gap and he over jumps the landing, we have no room is the problom but they are decent quads just heavy/

12-06-2005, 05:16 PM
yea when i had my o-ring chain on mine i jump about 30 feet and flat landed and the chain broke and nothin els....but i also broke my rear shock and swingarm hittin to big of jumps...and the motor mounts and the fram...so you better tell him to be carefull if hes hittin big jumps cause them parts are exspensive...there good quads but there not built great thats why i traded plus i want to go back to my roots...3 wheels...

12-06-2005, 05:19 PM
well if the swing arm was aluminium it would of been screwed up, it came out pretty good.

12-09-2005, 08:51 PM
I'm 46, so jumping ain't much my thing anymore. I really enjoyed it when I was young. Bent a few rims and frames on two wheelers.

BUT ! I would love to see some sort of jumps and flips on three wheelers and quads.

Some of you closer to my age might remember people like Joey Chitwood who toured around with a stunt show. You never know where this sort of thing can lead to.

I have enjoyed the pics posted on here. I would like to see a video.

I guess start out small and enjoy the limits of the current trikes and quads.
If it gets serious, then it's time to engineer custom trikes and quads for this type of activity.

12-09-2005, 09:06 PM
On your 200s???? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, ill hit some 100ft doubles on my 200s..


No, on my 85 250r :p :p

12-10-2005, 12:24 PM
I Rember A Post A Few Years Ago When The First Quad Backflip Happened About Someoen Tryign To Get A Doner Biek Together To Do The First Trike Backflip. I Would Try Ti But I Am Not Gonna Try It On Any Of My Trikes. Loli Accidentialy Did A Backflip On A Hillclimb On A Cr500 And It Was Pretty Fdamn Scarry. Btu I Didnt Quite Land It Right. Lol


05-22-2006, 03:51 PM
depends on what kinda stunts or if *Edited* want bloopers ill do bloopers lol

05-22-2006, 04:20 PM
I vote Max the best wheelie rider i have seen. Ever. Him and his brother and friends have movies called Pyro Boys. Good stuff. Standing up on the seat and jumping down and stuff all while keeping the wheelie going then shifting with their hands. Very good stuff.

Dude I just saw this. Thanks. If you want some footage dusty. Be at trikefest and find the OTC. We are all some crazy ass wild professional riders (most of us). Id guess with just us you can make a top seller. But if your serious, just find me, ill get you some clips of what you are looking for. O yeah, check out Devils Backbone, it aint much, but im sure there will be some great footage there.

05-22-2006, 04:47 PM
cant believe someone brought this baby outta the shelf....lol...its been awhile.....i wonder what the progress is on some freestyle videos...my Z will be out soon and im gonna get me some footage....