View Full Version : UPDATE: why wont it start!

11-30-2005, 12:12 PM
:confused: I found out my spark today it is blueish is that good? Also i pulled the spark plug and i noticed the botoom of it was smelling like gas or oil is this normal? And i have compression on the pull start so its not the clip is it? I am starting to think its the carb but i dont no what could possibly b wrong!:crazy: :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

11-30-2005, 12:14 PM
still doesnt start i tried the starting fluid and gas in the engine idea.... no go... I know one day thanks to you fell great trikers this babe will run like a top when it starts on the 1st pull !

11-30-2005, 12:17 PM
about this crank key thing do i have to take off the screws on the puller?? 2 of mine are stripped!!! i think thats my problem but i havent got a clue what to do!

11-30-2005, 05:44 PM
You can take your left side case off fairly easily.
You have to take the recoil off first and then There is a bolt in the center, take that off, then unbolt all the bolts holding the left side cover on.

Try pulling on the flywheel with your hands and see if it will come off, if it does. That isn't right, and the woodruff key was probaly sheered. I'm not sure, but I think if you can't pull it off, there still might be a possibility of the key being sheared.

Keep all your bolts in order...

Don't try to use a phillips head screwdriver on them, you'll never get them off.
Use an impact driver, I bought one for $10 and use it all the time, never has failed me.

I am still leaning towards it being a carb problem though.....

11-30-2005, 08:56 PM
On the case - in the area of the flywheel is a rubber plug. pop it off and slowly rotate the flywheel until a small "T" appears in the window. Take your spark plug out. Get a coat hanger- straighten out an 8- 10 inch section. Put the hanger into the spark plug hole and "Feel" around for the piston top. slowly-by hand - rotate the flywheel while you feel the piston- when the piston comes to the top of its travel-Make a chalk mark on your coat hanger. Next -look in the window and line up the "T" with the index mark in the timing window-----Put your coat hanger back in the hole..... is the chalk mark in the same place?

11-30-2005, 09:35 PM
I found out my spark today it is blueish is that good?

Also i pulled the spark plug and i noticed the botoom of it was smelling like gas or oil is this normal? (

Even im at a loss to explain a blue spark plug! Got a picture?

Smelling like gas will happen if its either way rich or ignition not working. Even if its running normally, the spark plug can smell a little like gas after the engine spins down after hitting the kill switch if its a carburetor engine.

Take the spark plug out and crank the engine over 10 times with throttle wide open to clear the cylinder. Put a new spark plug in gapped at 0.040." Give it a 1/2 second shot of starting fluid in the carb with throttle wide open. Release the throttle, then open it just a little (a tiny little bit) and try to start it. If it doesnt fire, look for failed ignition.

11-30-2005, 09:46 PM
Im not trying to be a "KNow It ALL" --but logically- all of his problems can be explained---
It was flooding with the old float..-PHYSICS 101--Liquid cannot be compressed-
if he cranked it with a "LOADED" cylinder--- The key would shear off.
The pull starter is easier to pull---Rotor slipping on crank shaft
Fouled spark plug----Retarded ignition timing due to ---Sheared key
Backfires -retarded ignition----
It all makes sense---

12-01-2005, 02:34 PM
no the spark plug wasnt blue i said when i put a screw driver in the plug that goes on the spark plug and tested it on the frame it gives blue spark.

12-01-2005, 05:21 PM
what color was the plug then? The color of the screw driver spark doesnt help.

12-01-2005, 08:34 PM
Take a spark plug------ connect the wire onto it and touch the PLUG to the frame----
The actual resistance in the plug may change the results. Typically------ (NOT ABSOLUTELY) If you have a decent sized spark the "ORANGE or Blue" debate is un necessary- For a "No Start" -Any spark at all will usually be enough to get you in the "BALLPARK"-

12-01-2005, 08:39 PM
You guys told me to put starting fuild and gas in the engine hole where the carb would be if it was on and it spit of FLAMES!!!! WTF i put it out in about 5 secondds though very very scary....

12-01-2005, 08:42 PM
Flames?!?!? :eek: I think you put too much in. Try just a quick sqirt next time with no gas.

12-01-2005, 08:49 PM
im afriad to start it up when i give it a full pull it start a flame

12-01-2005, 08:50 PM
You guys told me to put starting fuild and gas in the engine hole where the carb would be if it was on and it spit of FLAMES!!!! WTF i put it out in about 5 secondds though very very scary....

you dont put starter fluid there....Take your plug out and pour a few drops of gasoline down your SPARK PLUG HOLE. put your plug back in, put the cap on and pull.
I just re read your other post...you said it was real easy to pull? when you put you finger over the spark plug hole, does it blow it off? if not, it probaly is your woodruff key.
I'm learning stuff too here, Ive never had a key shear on me before...

12-01-2005, 08:53 PM
o ok lol sorry some1 told me something else

12-01-2005, 08:55 PM
so how do i stop the flames? im afriad of this and guys the compression is there so i dont think its the key thingy

12-01-2005, 08:57 PM
what did * put in it and where did * put it.

12-01-2005, 08:58 PM
starting fluid and a bit of gas in the carb hole when i took the carb off but i just put carb back on it i pull it again will it get on fire agian?

12-01-2005, 09:03 PM
isnt starting fluid for the sparkplug??? try to get the starting fluid out with gas maybe thatll work

12-01-2005, 09:11 PM
put ** carb back on , if ** carb is on there no flames will come out, basicly put it to how its supessed to be, what they trying to tell you is, have your trike all normal, take a socket and rachet and take out ** spark plug, put some gas in a 2 liter cap full, now put your spark plug back in and have the kill switch on. start pulling the pullstart a few times and see if she starts for a few secounds. If you say you had it running fine until you change the float, why dont * put it back to how it was and see if it runs then. Also check your vavles, and timing.

12-01-2005, 09:14 PM
run gas thru it about 5 times and it should get the starterfluid out

12-02-2005, 11:40 AM
run gas threw it?? what are * talking about and where do i do this?

12-02-2005, 11:46 AM
What I would do if the cylinder is full of starter fluid is take the plug out and crank it over a whole bunch of times, get it all blown out of there.
Then put only a few drops of gas down the plug hole, put your plug back in.
Make sure your carb is on.
Pull start it, It SHOULD fire, you said you were getting compression and spark, right?

12-02-2005, 01:08 PM
so it wont catch on fire if the plug isnt in??

12-02-2005, 01:10 PM
No, it wont, as long as there is no ignition source(spark plug), or very high compression (which there isnt), it wont.

12-02-2005, 01:11 PM
if theres nothing to ignite it, no, it wont catch on fire...common sense anyone?

12-02-2005, 02:24 PM
lol im sorry i am new at this and thank you for the common sense check it was need lol............

Also thank you every1 that tryed to help out this afternoon in about 3 hours im going to work on it with my dad

12-02-2005, 02:26 PM
but with this doesnt that mean the spark is good so its not a wire problem right!!!!!!!!? if so that made my dad 1 less thing wires ahh!

12-02-2005, 02:38 PM
Ya cant run it without a carb, itll do all kinds of strange things. If it caught fire, there was WAY too much liquid put in, just a tiny bit will do.

"but with this doesnt that mean the spark is good so its not a wire problem, right!!!!"

No, it doesnt mean the spark is good. It only takes one spark to ignite starting fluid, but for the engine to start easily and run right, the spark has to be the same every time, and good and strong every time. Once isnt enough.

12-02-2005, 02:45 PM
no im saying i pull it many time and spark is there so its not electrical and its not ignition!! so wtf is my porb? can trikes not start in cold weather???

12-02-2005, 02:48 PM
Nope they will start right up in cold weather if they are running correctly. After nearly a week of not using my Z i can go out in the 32 F and on kick and she will run!

There are 3 things you need to make it run really.

Compression- When you pull it over can you feel at one point in the pull it get harder to pull then easier?

Spark-Is it blue or intermittent and yellow?

Fuel- When you take your plug out, is it wet or dry? if wet you may be flooded if dry put a FEW drops of fuel in the plug hole

Have you got all 3? if not she wont run!

12-02-2005, 02:51 PM
no duh i have spark and compression im pretty sure its carb related i cant stand carbs im so new lol

12-02-2005, 02:53 PM
Then take your plug out turn it over make sure that you got a nice blue spark and put a FEW i mean not many drops of fuel in the plug hole plug back in and turn it over.

12-02-2005, 02:55 PM
i got blue spark :P thats good right? if so yessssssssssss!

12-02-2005, 02:57 PM
Ok then, go and try it and get back to us! you gotta be patient about it and not rush or you will bugger something else up;)

12-02-2005, 10:04 PM
sloth i love your trike nicec man nice!

12-02-2005, 10:36 PM
one of the worse things you can do to an engine is use starting fluid (ether) especially shooting it right into the cylinder! its almost instant detenation, meaning you will wear your piston out (meaning put a big arse hole in the top of it) sooner then you will if you were running it normal.

About your problem, it may be best to go to your Yamaha Dealer and buy a manual, or get one off ebay, completly take your carb apart, let it soak in carb cleaner for a day, use compressed air and blow out all the orfices (spelling?) The manual also has specs on what to set your jets at, and what jets to use, and what your float should be at, etc...

If the woodruff key was sheared off, he would have lost compression and alot of his spark.

Do this and report back with your findings.


12-02-2005, 10:42 PM
The key doesnt just disappear----it allows the rotor to move on the crankshaft---changing ignition timing

Think of a V8 ----Put your distributor in backwards--Does it have spark--yeah--does it have compression--yeah---Does it start--Hell no!

12-02-2005, 10:50 PM
lol except its not a V-8, I havnt read the whole post, but is ** plug gapped,do you have the correct plug? does it thread all the way down in, or fall short? And have you checked your vavles? I have had many problems with spark and machines not running.

12-02-2005, 10:58 PM
True-its not---
But its as close as you can get---Thats where ignition timing is made -he did some carb work cuz it was flooding---My guess is he loaded the cylinder and cranked it--

Everything hes done so far should have him in the "Ballpark" --

xd 200x
12-03-2005, 12:42 AM
I didnt read this whole thread but Is your choke on?

12-03-2005, 04:40 PM
if he sheared the woodruff key, he would have los compression, your V8 comparrison is hardly fair, your talking bout puttin a damn distributor on, not a woodruff key.

If the key is sheared, he would have los compression and spark, no question about it.

Since he has both, its a carb problem, or his valves are too tight.


12-03-2005, 06:48 PM
. before this happened when i would pull it it would sometime be hard to start like i would pull it and it wouldnt come out all the way now it seems to be easier to pull???????? T! AHHHHH -JOE
would tight valves do this. He posted this about his trike in another thread.

12-03-2005, 08:59 PM
Beg to differ there guys---Spark comes from magnets on the rotor, that pass a magnetic pick up- which is stationery. It will still have spark- just not at the proper timing for Mother natures explosion process. As for compression--Absolutely will have it---The rotor is Bolted to the crankshaft---it isnt part of it. There may be a small drop in force when the rotor slips---but no where near enough to Kill compression altogether.--Maybe the V8 scenario is a bit drastic-- But if you think about it- The rotor and pickup coil(pulser coil)- do EXACTLY the same thing as an automotive distributor----It times and delivers an electrical pulse that is transformed to Static electricity.

12-03-2005, 11:28 PM
ok guys update time it doesnt catch on fire anymore and its got good spark believe me i tested it and felt it lol. I think its flooding.... The plug is wet? also the outside of the carb spits gas out "i dont have the airbox on" It snowed today and buddys of mine have new atvs n great tri z's and i was so mad they were having a ball in the snow and doing donuts!! i so badly wanna start this tomarrow and have the best time ever~!!!!

12-03-2005, 11:56 PM
my bet is that you messed something in the carb up, most likely the float that you replaced...

12-04-2005, 01:38 AM
maybe you should take it to a certified mechanic, all were doing is shooting in the dark, I have a hard time reading some of your posts about your problems, mainly because you use poor grammar and spelling, run-on sentances, etc...

I honestly think you should just load it up and take it to a mechanic, just tell him to do an estimate on it. When I do estimates at work, it takes me 15-25 minutes, so its about 30 bucks for an estimate (60 bucks an hour) It takes me, or the other mechanic about an hour and a half to fully clean the carb, that is letting them soak, complete disassemble, thorough cleaning, replacing any worn parts, and putting back together, and tunning.

With that said, if I was doing this at my shop, I would be charging you about 120.00 for the estimate, carb cleaning and tunning on the machine, plus an overall check of vavles, intake rubber, bearings, brakes, etc...
