View Full Version : Need Crash Course in mixing fuel

11-19-2005, 08:51 PM
i need a crash course in mixing fuel for a completely stock 81 250R. Everything is stock. Wait no never mind there is a silencer but thats it. But what would a good fuel mixture for it be. What fuel/oil should i use, and how would * do it. EX: Do * fill the tank 3quarters of the way up and the rest with oil? Thank you. :D

11-19-2005, 08:58 PM
well you need to buy a ratio rite mixing cup,that will male it alot easier.but for now,i run my bike 50:1.you use your own descreation.at 50:1 you mix 13 ounces of oil to 5 gallons of gas.you can do the math from there.

11-19-2005, 08:58 PM
I use a 20 litre jug, 20 litres of gas, Then pour in 600ml of oil.

And I dont know what that is in gallons. Easiest way, go to a bike shop and buy a pre mix can. :) Enjoy the R!

11-19-2005, 09:10 PM
Find the right amount of premix per the amount of gas, pour the premix in a container and add equal amount of gasoline, stir it well, then pour it in tank and add the rest of the gas. If you just pour the 2 stroke oil in the tank, it might sink to the bottom of the tank and get a carb full of it.

11-19-2005, 09:20 PM
if you dont want to spend $7 or $8 on a ratio rite, a baby bottle with ounces marked on the side works just as well.

11-19-2005, 09:20 PM
Find the right amount of premix per the amount of gas, pour the premix in a container and add equal amount of gasoline, stir it well, then pour it in tank and add the rest of the gas. If you just pour the 2 stroke oil in the tank, it might sink to the bottom of the tank and get a carb full of it.

That doesn't make a whole lotta sence to me for some reason. Wouldnt * just do the whole premix thing in liek a 5 gallon jug then fil the tank up with whatever is in the jug? OR do * have to do the premix thing then fill it up with gas. OR fill it up halfway with gas then halfway with premix mixed gas. Or am i real off in what * said an * just do the premix thing then pour it in the tank? :wondering :confused:

85 250sx
11-19-2005, 09:29 PM
just go buy a ratio right it makes it realy easy and it has alot of different ratios on it in case you deside to change things around

i always poor all the oil im mixing into the gas jug, then i just shake the crap out of it and poor it into my gas tank.

11-19-2005, 09:40 PM
A great all around mixture is 32:1 you get a pint of oil (i use HP2; honda synthetic) and ix it with 4 gallons of gas, granite you need to check your jetting when using different oil ratios.

The two mixes I have used are

32:1 1 pint oil and 4 gallons of gas
40:1 1 pint oil and 5 gallons of gas

I have used Klotz R50 and lost a top end because of it, Blazerone22 also lost a top end and the same time due to Klotz R50, some people swear by it and have great success. I myself swear by HP2. As a rule of thumb make sure you get a fully synthetic racing oil, it has been proven that it lubericates better than convential oil. You get what you pay for and buyin good oil may not always be cheap, but you got to keep in mind that it is cheaper to buy good oil rather than bottom shelf discount and lose a top end because of it.

Another thing to keep in mind is how old your gas is, I have always ran premium 92octane and always will. But as gas gets older it will break down and can cause detonation which will fry a top end also. If you bike has set for a long preiod of time drain all the gas out of it, and drain the carbs float bowl as well as a precaution, you can use that gas in any 4 stroke lawnmower or other garden equipment as long with gasoline tractors. It will smoke, but it will not harm the motor.

11-20-2005, 12:02 AM
1 gallon = 128oz

Figure out what you want your mix ratio at. No matter what ratio you chose it will be relative to your fuel. If your mixing at 32:1 then you need 32oz of fuel to every 1oz of oil. If you're mixing 50:1 then you need 50oz of fuel to every 1oz of oil.

Wanna know how many oz of oil you'd need in 1 gallon of fuel for 50:1? Easy, there are 128 oz in a gallon, divide 128 by 50 and you get 2.56. That means for 50:1 you'll need 2.56oz of oil for that gallon of fuel (2.5 is close enough).

Wanna know how many oz of oil you'd need in 1 gallon of fuel for 32:1? Easy, there are 128 oz in a gallon, divide 128 by 32 and you get 4. That means for 32:1 you'll need 4oz of oil for that gallon of fuel.

Don't mix it in the gas tank, do it in a gas can.

My choice on oil............. Klotz super techniplate (not a fan of R50)

11-20-2005, 11:03 AM
A BABY BOTTLE?????? How cool is that?-never thought of that, ----Kudo's--
Just make sure you rinse it out thoroughly before you give it back to the kid!!!-LOL

Hubcaps in the dishwasher
Gear oil in the Microwave
Powdercoat in the wifes brand new Magic Chef Oven

11-20-2005, 11:19 AM
That doesn't make a whole lotta sence to me for some reason. Wouldnt * just do the whole premix thing in liek a 5 gallon jug then fil the tank up with whatever is in the jug? OR do * have to do the premix thing then fill it up with gas. OR fill it up halfway with gas then halfway with premix mixed gas. Or am i real off in what * said an * just do the premix thing then pour it in the tank? :wondering :confused:

Yep, thats how I used to do it, until I found two things, 1.), shaking a 5 gallon can takes a lot more work, 5 gallons is about 40 pounds but mixing a quart with a stick takes no effort 2.) shaking gasoline makes the gas lose the "high fractions" and they evaporate extremely fast. Once theyre gone, the fuel is hard to ignite in the cylinder. Not that shaking and bouncing on the trail doesnt do the same thing, but id rather not shake up the entire batch of fuel and have the goodies go off as vapor. Yes its a little thing, but little things make horsepower.

For example, put an ounce of gasoline in a container, then pour it into another container, then back in the first, its surprising how fast it evaporates to nothing.

Mixing it in the ATVs gas tank is difficult because either the tank has to come off to shake it, or have to shake the whole vehicle, neither of them are easy to do.

i find that even mixing it carefully (stirred, not shaken)) I have to toss out the fuel in a week or the engine loses a little power. I drain the tank and put the premix in the truck tank and make new premix for the 2 stroke.

11-20-2005, 11:20 AM
Gear oil in the Microwave

If you have trouble getting those tall bottles in the mickeywave, stand the mickeywave up on end. Works great and wont hurt the 'wave.

Billy Golightly
11-20-2005, 11:25 AM
Hubcaps in the dishwasher
Gear oil in the Microwave
Powdercoat in the wifes brand new Magic Chef Oven

This sounds like a great start to a gearhead's rap song :lol:

11-20-2005, 11:33 AM
I put da oil in da microwave man,
it heats up the (insert your favorite string of expletives) oil can,
den ah go out and poor it in my ride,
an it makes it do a wicked slide

da da da shhh, ba ba ba boo

11-20-2005, 11:36 AM
Hey --Cmon now---Ever try to pump 90 wt out of a bottle in January?--LOL

11-20-2005, 11:40 AM
Im surprised no one told FIRE to mix his gas in the BLENDER--LOL--Enuf Goofin -The guy has a serious question--But this is funny!!!!!!!!!!

11-20-2005, 11:45 AM
i find that even mixing it carefully (stirred, not shaken)) I have to toss out the fuel in a week or the engine loses a little power. I drain the tank and put the premix in the truck tank and make new premix for the 2 stroke.

i would like to see dyno runs on week old gas vs. new gas that has been setting in a storage tank for weeks ,,,, and there not pressurized either so i call BS on this theory........ and the trucks that rattle down the road to deliver that fuel kinda shake it up too,,,, :crazy: :crazy:

11-20-2005, 01:09 PM
on that old of bike i would run Klotz supertechnique it has castor in which is great for an old engine because it lubes it right up. as for mixing 32:1 is a great mixture 50:1 is just to lean for me. with 32:1 is 4oz per gallon or 1cup for 2gallons. put the oil in a can first then fill the jug or can up with gas and then shake it. Hope that helps

11-20-2005, 04:12 PM
A BABY BOTTLE?????? How cool is that?-never thought of that, ----Kudo's--
Just make sure you rinse it out thoroughly before you give it back to the kid!!!-LOL

Hubcaps in the dishwasher
Gear oil in the Microwave
Powdercoat in the wifes brand new Magic Chef Oven
i second that motion. a $.99 baby bottle works as long as there is oz reading on it.

11-20-2005, 05:41 PM
for $3.99 i got this little bottle made by maxima no guessing anymore,,,,,

11-20-2005, 06:25 PM
i agree w/ 1984kxttecate HP2 is the shisnit !! i also use Motul 800 in my blaster but never had trouble w/ hp2

11-20-2005, 06:27 PM
& yeah buy a ratiorite cup it tells ya ounces to gallons rite on it & mix it in a gascan then pour it in the trike

11-21-2005, 08:57 PM
I run Klotz in my kawi triple, i tried usin Ipone semi synthetic strawberry, but i found i lost top end, and even though it makes your exhaust smell like strawberries, it wasnt worth the price.

Klotz all the way, i use the full synthetic


11-21-2005, 09:07 PM
so as for 32:1, as breastman said, its a cup of the lube oil for every two gallons meaning half a cup every gallon and 2.5 cups for ever 5 gallons and so on.

11-21-2005, 09:14 PM
actually its 4 oz to 1 gallon for 32:1. I havent been paying enough attention lately and it seems ive been mixing mine 8 oz to a gallon, and i wondered why it smoked.lol. walmart sells 2 cycle oil with a measuring cup on it, you just squeeze the comntainer till it fills up to the oz you want and then pour it in your gas. You use that oil in your weedeater then save the container and measure your good oil with that. Or that baby bottle idea was pretty good too.

11-22-2005, 12:50 AM
do yourself a favor and just get the ratio cup or the bottle kasey has. ive got the same bottle paid like 3 bucks for it also. i think its worth it vs playing the guessing game and losing power or blowing the motor.